* In issue #1 of the 70s revival, Doctor Strange sits brooding on his throne, the weight of the world on his shoulders per usual, when his girlfriend Clea enters. [[https://berkeleyplacecomics.files.wordpress.com/2013/04/img_3153.jpg In a portentous voice]], she updates him on her studies and informs him she's mastered one of the most fearsome and forbidden magical spells the world has ever known. Then she pulls a rabbit out of a top hat.
* Strange needs to trade something to Demons called the Librarians to rescue New York from the Darkforce dimension. [[https://i.kinja-img.com/gawker-media/image/upload/s--jpdhj0Vl--/c_scale,f_auto,fl_progressive,q_80,w_800/y8gwkmabfsihy1pb91tt.png They want his Brownstone]]. Not for the eldritch knowledge and power contained within. They just want the "prime Greenwich Village real estate" and would "probably cut it up into condos". It's like the comic was briefly possessed by the spirit of ''WebComic/ThreePanelSoul''.

[[folder: Doctor Strange Vol. 4 ]]

* Zelma Stanton comes to Dr. Strange with a "weird" problem. Stephen tells her that he's seen all matter of weird things and he can handle whatever she throws at him. She takes off her hat...to reveal [[BodyHorror A mouth at the top of her scalp]].
-->''Strange'': I've never seen that before.
* In the middle of Zelma organizing his library, magic starts to die. Leading to the wonderful image of her holding an umbrella over her head while being bombarded by Books!