* Jeremiah's reaction to getting flirtatious fanmail...from a large transvestite.
* The excerpt from a future [[FictionalDocument trashy erotic/romance novel]] at the beginning of chapter 23 that [[ShipTease Ship Teases]] Lelouch/Kallen through a [[StylisticSuck deliberately]] [[PurpleProse and]] [[SoBadItsGood hilariously]] [[NotIfTheyEnjoyedItRationalization cliched]] scenario:
--> "You can have my body, but you'll never possess my heart."
--> "We'll see about that."
* Suzaku's alternate FallingIntoTheCockpit.
* Lloyd [[strike:humming ''Anime/TheBigO'' theme tune, playing VideoGame/{{Minesweeper}} on a supercomputer, and dreaming of starring in a SuperRobot show]] in general.
* Episode 26.
-->''Lesson 3: When using a human shield, grab a fat guy''.
* Kallen's... poorly-planned... kidnapping/assassination attempt on Lulu. It hadn't occurred to her that [[spoiler:if you sneak up on someone in the shower, they will, in fact, be naked]]. Doubles as FridgeBrilliance when you realize that this is a quite visceral example of just how much the resistance groups in Japan needed Zero's genius to stand a chance.
-->'''Kallen:''' [[spoiler:Why are you naked?!]]\\
Lelouch fought his initial response that generally, [[spoiler:people got naked to take a shower]].
* One of the history info dumps ends up being a cram guide for an AP test.