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!!1972 film
* The big group English lesson between Brian, Natalia, Friz and Sally in the film. Brian wants Sally to leave, but Natalia insists that she stay so they can have a natural conversation. She of course brings up the topic of sex, which Natalia doesn't understand the English for. Sally eventually finds the German word.
--> '''Brian:''' That ''would'' be the one German word you pronounce perfectly.
** They talk about how one can catch syphilis. Natalia mentions cups just as Brian hands her a cup of coffee.
* Natalia telling Sally about Fritz 'pouncing' on her. She essentially tells Sally she's going to her for advice because she knows about men, due to her "many screwings." She also takes special time to describe Fritz as having "no respect for my father's library sofa."
** At the end of their conversation, Natalia is a sobbing mess. Sally, however...
-->'''Sally''': My God, it’s enough to drive a girl into a convent. (Beat) Do they have Jewish nuns?
-->(Natalia, still crying, shakes her head "no")