* The film shows the people trying to get Pilate to free people with R's in their name, so they can laugh at his speech impediment. In the Bible, who do they ask Pilate to free instead of Jesus? Barabbas.
* The "Blessed are the Cheesemakers" joke becomes even funnier when you found out that part of Jerusalem, at that time, was called [[http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Valley_of_the_Cheesemakers The Valley of the Cheesemakers]]. So the scene can be interpreted as an even ''more'' scathing parody of people who misinterpret the Bible; "Blessed are you in particular, and sod everyone else!"
* Brian gets abducted by aliens. There are conspiracy theorists who point out hypothetical [=UFOs=] in the backgrounds of paintings of Jesus, and there is also a belief that Jesus himself was an alien or alien/human hybrid.
** The scene being a BigLippedAlligatorMoment can be interpreted as a joke at the expense of said conspiracy theories, pointing out how absurd it would be for aliens to reveal themselves exactly one time during the iron age and then never interact with humanity ever again.
* In the "He's not the Messiah, he's a very naughty boy!" scene, Brian's mother says that she'll let the crowd see him for one minute. When she grabs him by the ear and pulls him back inside, it's been almost exactly one minute.
* The giant head that causes all the destruction in the opening credits sequence is a bust of Constantine the Great, the first Roman emperor to fully embrace Christianity.
* Michael Palin’s ‘ex-leper’ spends most of his time complaining about being healed by Jesus. In the Gospel of Luke, there is a story of Jesus healing 10 lepers, only one of whom (a Samaritan) returns to thank Jesus, leading Jesus to complain about their ingratitude.
* Matthias, when asked about his opinion on crucifixion, says it's better than being stabbed. He's clearly trying to do some BriarPatching so he will get stabbed.
* How did the authorities know that Matthias said "Jehova" to his wife? She ratted him out.
* Brian's attempt at preaching goes very badly indeed, with him fumbling his way through some half-assed versions of Jesus' parables and the onlookers mocking him, '''until''' he spies the Romans looking for him, and desperately comes out with some Biblical-sounding language which ends with him suggesting that a certain group of people who "convert their neighbour's ox" shall be "given"... something. The notion of some kind of reward piques the interest of his listeners, but when the Romans go on their way, Brian never finishes saying what they'll be given, because he was just making it up as he went along and doesn't need to pretend be a preacher anymore. But his listeners soon turn into followers, and demand to know what they might be "given", even while Brian tries to disavow the whole idea that he even meant what he was saying. Very quickly, Brian has acquired disciples that have even ''split into factions'', all because he hinted that if they did X, Y and Z, there might be some sort of reward in it for them. And that's how religions get started.
* Brian's surname, Cohen, is Hebrew for "priest". He ends up being mistaken for a religious leader.
* Biggus Dickus's wife's name is commonly given as "Incontinentia Buttocks." However, it's possible that she's a Gaul, in which case it would be "[[ComicBook/{{Asterix}} Buttix]]."
* Brian is, legitimately, both a Roman and a Jew. Roman citizenship derived from the father while membership of the Jewish community derives from the mother.
* The first evangelist, played by Creator/TerryGilliam, is shown covered in dried mud while preaching during the chase scene. While it serves to show him as possibly crazy, since all he is wearing is a loincloth, the mud/dirt could be serving as a primitive form of sunblock, since he'd be out in the sun all day.