--> ''This is a new start for us.''

''[[http://www.fimfiction.net/story/71537/miscellaneous Miscellaneous]]'' is a ''WesternAnimation/MyLittlePonyFriendshipIsMagic'' FanFic by [[http://www.fimfiction.net/user/Mobius%20of%20the%20Moon Mobius of the Moon]] and [[http://www.fimfiction.net/user/RLYoshi RLYoshi]] ([[Creator/RLYoshi yes, that RLYoshi]]). The story follows [[JerkWithAHeartOfGold Blood Quill]], a [[CloudCuckooLander somewhat crazy]] earth pony with mechanical wings, and [[ShrinkingViolet Pop Filter]], a shy yet snarky unicorn. The two are best friends - in the VitriolicBestBuds sense - and a rather obvious RedOniBlueOni pairing. They move from Fillydelphia to Ponyville, hoping for a new life...and HilarityEnsues from there.

The story went on hiatus in early 2013, nearly becoming a DeadFic. However, recently, it was announced that they would be continuing the story with a slight reboot, starting from the end of chapter 4 and with slight changes to earlier chapters.

!Miscellaneous has examples of:

* AuthorAvatar: Quill and Filter for Mobius and [=RLYoshi=] respectively.
* AxCrazy: Quill sometimes acts this way.
* BewareTheNiceOnes: Filter, big time. Whenever he gets mad or determined, ''nothing'' stops him.
* BigDamnHeroes: A minor example. When Quill is being harassed by Jack Ass, a fake royal guard trying to get some bits, Filter sees the commotion and heads over. It's unknown what would've happened if he didn't step in, but as it is, he managed to bribe Jack Ass into going away and save Quill from further trouble.
* BlindWithoutEm: Filter -- literally, as his glasses are enchanted to counter the damage caused to his eyes by the Days of Discord.
* ChasteHero: Filter doesn't realize Pinkie's crush on him, despite it being about as obvious as Spike's crush on Rarity.
* ClusterFBomb: When Quill and Filter realize that the house they've just bought has a caved-in roof, the former gives what is described as "the longest series of curses in pony history".
* CrashIntoHello: How the guys meet Rainbow Dash.
* {{Dandere}}: Filter.
* DareToBeBadass: Filter gives a speech of this sort to Quill to snap him out of a depression in chapter 2. See YouAreBetterThanYouThinkYouAre below.
* DeadpanSnarker: Both Quill and Filter.
* DefeatMeansFriendship: After knocking out a manticore in the Everfree Forest, Quill and Filter befriend her and take her home rather than killing her or leaving her in the forest.
* DisappearedDad: Filter's father vanished when he was a child. [[spoiler: Then one day, he came back just to kill Filter's mother and then himself.]]
* FelonyMisdemeanor: Filter overreacts a bit when recounting to Quill how Rarity forced him to wear a suit.
* [[SheCleansUpNicely He Cleans Up Nicely]]: When Rarity pushes Filter into wearing a suit, she ends up [[{{Squee}} squeeing]] over how good he looks.
* HeelFaceTurn: Ratchet the manticore, though she was never evil in the first place.
* InformedAbility: Quill is an author and Filter is a musician. We have yet to see either of them actually perform these talents. Justified, as the talents are based on the talents of the respective authors rather than having any specific impact on the story.
* InsaneTrollLogic: When Filter accuses Quill of never thinking, Quill comments that despite that he's still alive, opposed to beings Discord or Nightmare Moon, who did think and are now as good as dead, and that thinking is therefore the cause of death. Filter is left dumbfounded.
* TheInsomniac: Filter is implied to be a Type C.
* JerkWithAHeartOfGold: Quill is haughty and brash, but when he sees Filter getting upset, he comforts him.
* LargeHam: Quill.
* MonochromaticEyes: Somewhat with Quill, whose eyes are almost completely white and/or gray.
* MoodWhiplash: The first chapter starts with Quill and Filter joking around and arguing...then Quill makes a comment about a past event, and Filter recoils at the memory, leading to a slightly sad yet heartwarming moment. Then they're right back to arguing.
** Chapter 1 is pretty much all comedy. Chapters 2 and 3 feature Quill and Filter's rather sad and dark backstories. Plus, in chapters 2 and 3, the scenes alternate between the past and the present, so you go from hearing about Filter's mother being murdered to Quill complaining about grammar.
* NamesToRunAwayFromReallyFast: ''Blood'' Quill. Subverted in that he isn't evil.
* NoodleIncident: Quill being a killer is presented as one in the first chapter. Subverted in the second chapter when the event is explained.
** Whatever Filter did while corrupted by Discord. It ended in him covered in blood and completely blind, and he never saw his friend Et Cetera after that, but that's all he knows.
* OppositesAttract: In the non-romantic way; Quill is mildly sociopathic JerkWithAHeartOfGold, while Filter is a ShrinkingViolet who has moments of anger. They're almost exact opposites in personality.
* RedOniBlueOni: Quill and Filter respectively.
* RunningGag: Quill attempting to ship Filter and Pinkie.
* SensitiveGuyAndManlyMan: Filter is sensitive; Quill is manly.
* ShipTease: Rarity squealing over how good Filter looks in a suit during his (somewhat unwilling) visit to Carousel Boutique. This continues later at Quill and Filter's welcome party.
** There's also a lot between Filter and Pinkie. [[ShipperOnDeck Quill]] even points it out frequently.
* ShoutOut: The beginning of chapter 4 appears to be a reference to Film/TheHangover. Quill wakes up with no memory of what happened the night before, wonders where Filter is, and proceeds to find him on the roof of Sugarcube Corner.
* ShrinkingViolet: Filter, sometimes, though he seems to be more of a {{Dandere}}.
* SleazyPolitician: Mayor Mare is a downplayed example.
* [[StealthPun Stealth]] PunnyName: Pop Filter; a pop filter is a microphone attachment, so this seems to be a reference to Filter's musical ability. However, another name for a pop filter is a pop ''shield'', and a shield is part of Filter's cutie mark due to part of his special talent being protecting others.
* StraightManAndWiseGuy: Filter and Quill seem to play this out, with Filter as the straight man and Quill as the wiseguy.
* UnfortunateNames: Jack Ass, the crooked royal guard in chapter 2.
--> '''Jack Ass''': My parents weren't very kind...
* VitriolicBestBuds: Almost borders on WithFriendsLikeThese with how much they argue.
* WhatTheHellHero: Quill receives this a few times when ponies think his taunting of Filter is going too far.
* AWizardDidIt: Filter lost his eyesight completely from Discord's reign, yet his vision is fixed with just a pair of glasses that are "enchanted".
* WriteWhoYouKnow: According to WordOfGod, Quill and Filter are the "ponysonas" of Mobius and [=RLYoshi=] respectively, and have their personalities. Doubles as AuthorAvatar.
* YouAreBetterThanYouThinkYouAre: Filter, sick of Quill's self-pity, yells at him and basically tells him this. Not only does it snap Quill out of his depression, it somewhat ''angers'' him, causing him to stand up and yell right in Filter's face. Knowing [[ShrinkingViolet Filter]], you'd expect him to cower...but he doesn't.
--> '''Filter''': ''(smiles)'' That's what I wanted to hear.
--> ''It's cold out here...''