''Lex Talionis'' is a [[DarkFic dark]] [[SlashFic slash fanfiction]] written by [[http://www.fanfiction.net/u/1429443/Foodstamp Foodstamp]], set TwentyMinutesIntoTheFuture for the characters of Matt Stone and Trey Parker’s [[LongRunners long-running]] animated show, ''WesternAnimation/SouthPark''. Story can be found [[https://web.archive.org/web/20120503132917/http://fanfiction.net:80/s/4140186/1/Lex_Talionis here]].

Years after losing contact with their childhood friends, Detectives Stanley Marsh and Kenny [=McCormick=] pick up a domestic abuse case that exposes their own dark history. And Foodstamp takes you into four chapters of MindScrew, where the villains are sympathetic and the victims aren't innocent. Add in a [[MurderTheHypotenuse gruesome murder]], [[VictoriousChildhoodFriend long-lost lovers]] [[PoliceAreUseless and a mystery that surpasses even the law]] and you’ve got the perfect revenge story of love and loss.

It's very seldom that fanfiction can be as eloquent, brilliantly written and smart as Foodstamp's works, and ''Lex Talionis'' is by far one of her best. Check out Foodstamp’s main page on Fanfiction.net for more stories written by her.

Note that this fanfiction is not yet completed, and still has an epilogue to go. As of [[http://imaginaaation.livejournal.com/12285.html December 2009]], Foodstamp has left the fandom. It will probably never be finished.

!!This fanfiction provides examples of:

* AbductionIsLove: At least, as far as [[spoiler:Cartman]] is concerned. A lot less consensual than other examples, though.
* AccidentalMurder: [[spoiler: Stan wasn’t originally going to kill Eric.]] Later subverted since [[spoiler: the killing]] was intentional.
* AssholeVictim: [[spoiler:Eric Cartman]] deserved to die.
* BeAsUnhelpfulAsPossible: [[spoiler:Kyle]]’s interrogation; he refuses to admit that he isn’t the murderer, even when his lawyer says otherwise.
* BetaCouple: [[spoiler:Cartman/Butters]], despite the other characters not being aware of it.
* BigBad: Similar to his role in the series, Cartman, [[spoiler:even after his early death]].
* BittersweetEnding: [[spoiler: Stan’s arrested, Kyle’s released, and Kenny disappears, never to return.]]
* BoysLove: Pairings being Stan/Kyle, [[spoiler: onesided Cartman/Kyle (and one-sided Cartman/Pip, Cartman/Tweek, Cartman/Thomas), Cartman/Butters, Craig/Tweek/Thomas, Damien/Pip and Christophe/Gregory]].
* BreakTheCutie: [[spoiler: Kyle, Tweek and Pip]] (although [[spoiler: Kyle]] is definitely the most severe case).
* BrokenBird: Dear God, [[spoiler: ''Kyle'']].
* ColdBloodedTorture: While [[spoiler: Kyle]] mostly received the worst of Eric’s abuse over the years, others apply, too.
* CorruptCorporateExecutive: Montgomery
* CycleOfRevenge
* DarkFic
* DeadFic: When Foodstamp left the ''South Park'' fandom in 2009, the fanfic only had an epilogue left.
* DetectiveMole: Kenny thinks [[spoiler:Gregory]] is one of these. [[spoiler:He’s not.]]
* DomesticAbuse:
** Reported by Christophe, the only way [[spoiler:Kyle]] was saved.
** [[spoiler:Cartman]], at least as far as their fake “fiancé” personas go.
* DramaBomb: [[spoiler:Cartman’s murder and Kenny finally acknowledging Mr. Norman as Kyle.]]
* DramaBombFinale: [[spoiler:Stan confessing to Cartman’s murder and getting arrested for it.]]
* FalseConfession: [[spoiler: Kyle’s constant claim that HE killed Eric despite the fact that he knows it was Stan.]]
* FelonyMurder: [[spoiler:Cartman]]’s murder. Since he was an undercover cop, the punishment is even fiercer.
* TheGoldenRule: A main idea of the story: Lex Talionis, the law of Retaliation.
* HateSink: Eric Cartman is much more vile here than he was canon. With his IrrationalHatred for Kyle Broflovski developing into a twisted lustful obsession, he kidnaps Kyle to make him his "[[SexSlave fiancé]]" before imprisoning and [[RapeIsASpecialKindOfEvil raping]] Kyle for ten years. He would also rape Tweek to keep him quiet about the incident and is implied to be a SerialRapist have also raped Butters, Tomas, and Christophe. Cartman's atrocities would be discovered by Stan Marsh who murders him for his depravities while [[AssholeVictim his death is mourn by none]].
* HeroicBSOD: [[spoiler:Stan]], upon realizing what Cartman had been doing to [[spoiler:Kyle]] for the past decade, snaps.
** Actually, it's seeing a knife on the bed they’ve shared for that amount of time is what ''really'' got to him.
** Kenny has one too, after Harris tells him his theory of [[spoiler: Gregory killing Cartman to avenge Christophe]].
* HighSchoolSweethearts: Stan and Kyle, the “Soul mates” variety.
* HugeGuyTinyGirl: Although never seen together directly through the story’s duration, Cartman is described as towering over all the other characters while Kyle is shorter than average height.
* IHaveYouNowMyPretty: [[spoiler: Cartman to Kyle.]]
* ILoveYouBecauseICantControlYou
* IWillWaitForYou: [[spoiler:Stan for Kyle]], although the latter gave up hope after a few years. [[spoiler:They get their happy ending ([[BitterSweetEnding kind of]]).]]
* JerkWithAHeartOfGold: Gregory.
* JusticeByOtherLegalMeans
* JustifiedCriminal
* LoveMakesYouCrazy: To be frank, Cartman was already crazy; even as a kid he had terrible mental health. But [[spoiler:realizing the person he loves(?) is in a relationship with someone he really doesn't like and that he’ll probably never get what he want on top of having poor mental health]] is probably what got him over the edge.
** LoveMakesYouEvil: While this can be argued, Cartman does do some awful things to [[spoiler: Kyle]] over the course of ten years.
* LoveTriangle: Well, it’s an odd variation. (A↔B← C)
* MiscarriageOfJustice: Another theme explored in the story.
* MistakenForMurderer: [[spoiler:Kyle didn’t murder Cartman; Stan did, and the evidence clearly points to this.]]
* MurderTheHypotenuse
* PrivateDetective
* PsychologicalHorror
* RapeAsDrama: [[spoiler: Kyle and Tweek. Pip, however, was thankfully saved from this fate.]]
* ScarsAreForever:
--> '''Kenny:''' ''“[[spoiler: Kyle]] was facing death row with the same wounds he'd had on the floor of [[spoiler: Yes Foods Grocery]], wounds that weren't going to heal.”''
** Though mind that those are psychological scars.
* ScrewTheRulesIHaveConnections: Cartman gets away with terrible, terrible things because [[spoiler:he had such an influence on [[CorruptCorporateExecutive Montgomery]]]].
* SlashFic
* SleepCute: Kyle while Kenny’s checking on him while asleep.
* SlidingScaleOfLawEnforcement
* StalkerWithACrush: [[spoiler:Cartman for Kyle, at least in the early stages before he kidnaps him.]]
** When Craig and Tweek are reporting [[spoiler:Cartman's sexual assult on Tweek and his imprisoning Kyle, Montgomery makes Kyle seem like this to Cartman]].
* SuspiciouslyIdleOfficers
* SympatheticMurderer: [[spoiler:Stan.]]
* TheBadGuyWins: Even after his death, Eric has still kept his hold over his victims.
* TurnInYourBadge: Although not outright told to do so, Kenny does this to himself after he realizes that he can’t take [[spoiler:Kyle]]’s case anymore and he tries to run away. [[spoiler:He does eventually leave forever.]]
* UnluckyChildhoodFriend: Cartman, no matter what he did/does, loses Kyle to Stan.
* UnwantedRescue: Subverted; [[spoiler:Kyle]] ''does'' want to be rescued, but he has just given up hope.
* VictoriousChildhoodFriend: Stan won Kyle’s affection.
* VillainousCrush: Although it’s to be seen whether Cartman was actually in love with [[spoiler:Kyle]] or not.
* WeUsedToBeFriends: Kenny laments over his previous vows of friendship with Cartman.
* {{Yandere}}: Cartman will do anything to keep [[spoiler:Kyle]] with him [[spoiler:including raping someone trying to help him, blackmailing another person trying to help him, basically threatening a priest with rape if he calls the police, and messing with the entirety of Denver’s police force]]. All for [[spoiler:Kyle]], [[YouAreWorthHell of course]].