[[caption-width-right:350:Gabriel doing his thing.]]

''Last Man Standing'' is a graphic novel series by Daniel Lu'Visi. The series, set 600 years in the future of an AlternateUniverse, concerns a covert operations SuperSoldier named [[TheHero Gabriel]], who was formerly employed by a paramilitary organization named [[MegaCorp Armtech]].

Gabriel was originally the [[LastOfHisKind only Paladin]] of [[WorldWarWhatever WWXIII]] (which involved a conflict with UsefulNotes/{{Mars}}) to survive, and thus became the [[TitleDrop Last Man Standing]]. He returned home to [[AlternateUniverse Amerika]], loved and adored by the people and Armtech. He made the country into a virtual {{Utopia}} as he basically [[OneManArmy kicked all the criminal ass he could find]].

Admired and celebrated by most, Gabe's world takes a sudden turn when he finds himself framed by the terrorist group Pandemonium, for a series of atrocious crimes he had no part in. For these alleged crimes, Gabriel is sent to the treacherous [[TheAlcatraz Level-9 Prison Facility]] and incarcerated with the very scum he helped put away.

After nine years of torture and agony, the once famed hero kills his captors and escapes the 9 levels of hell he has been condemned to. From here on forward, Gabriel embarks on a journey into the heart of darkness; the New Amerika, a world filled with colorful and deadly characters who will either help or try to eliminate him -- neither of which attitude is always transparent. As the once invincible hero digs deep to unravel the true reason behind his framing, he also discovers a problem he never had to face before: He's dying; and quickly.

You can find out more at the author's sites, located [[http://danluvisiart.deviantart.com/?rnrd=2384 here]] and [[http://www.lms-killbook.com/ here]].

Not to be confused with the [[Film/LastManStanding1996 Bruce Willis film]], or the [[Series/LastManStanding2011 Tim Allen sitcom]]. Nor should it be confused with LastOfHisKind, where there literally is a last man standing.

!!''Last Man Standing'' provides examples of:

%%* ActionGirl: Pretty much every named female character. Bonnie, Emma, Noa... the list goes on.
* AfroAsskicker: [[ScaryBlackMan Abel]] has one. His pet monkey, Kane, [[http://adonihs.deviantart.com/gallery/7848546#/d2zg5hs sometimes]] sports one as well. And he beats things with a baseball bat while a boom box plays.
%%* AxCrazy: [[http://adonihs.deviantart.com/art/LMS-ABADDON-191740809 Looks like]] [[NamesToRunAwayFromReallyFast Abaddon]] sure isn't the talkative type.
* BeastMan: A few turn up as genetic experiments made by Armtech.
%%* BioAugmentation: [[MegaCorp Armtech]] dabbles in this.
%%* {{BFG}}: Gabriel sports one, as shown in the picture at the top of the page. It looks remarkably similar to a [[TabletopGame/Warhammer40000 Bolter]].
%%** Jawsome carries one as well.
* CelestialBody: [[{{God}} Hex]], as shown [[http://danluvisiart.deviantart.com/art/LMS-HEX-178886965 here]], ''is'' the entire universe in one entity.
%%* CorruptCorporateExecutive: Abram, the president of Armtech.
* CyberpunkForFlavor: There is a bit of [[BuffySpeak Cyber-punkism]] with the evil MegaCorp known as Armtech, but some of the fantastical elements make it not quite a clear cut case.
* {{Cyborg}}: A few of them are running around. The most notable one would be [[NinjaPirateRobotZombie Judge]], a [[OurZombiesAreDifferent zombie]] PsychoElectro GlassCannon who used to be a [[HuskyRusskie Russian Soldier]] before his death while working for [[MegaCorp Armtech]]. He got better, and now he's looking to lay down a RoaringRampageOfRevenge against the people who left him to die.
%%* DeadpanSnarker: Gabriel.
%%* DirtyCop: [[FairCop Noa]], ironically.
%% FairCop: Noa is one of these.
* FantasticDrug: TMU, a drug made from Paladin DNA (IE: The stuff [[SuperSoldier Gabriel]] is made of), which alongside giving similar power to the user, also makes them supermodel levels of hot.
* {{God}}: Hex, who by WordOfGod is the God of TheVerse.
* GunsAkimbo: If a character has Dual Wielder on their Perk Card, then they can do this.
* LaResistance: There are a few of these brewing against Armtech.
* TheLastTitle: The title.
* MadDoctor: [[NamesToRunAwayFromReallyFast Pain]] has a Ph.D in Psychopathy.
* {{Manchild}}: Heavily implied to be the case with Gabriel. His Killbook (RE: the book you are reading) is framed like a child's scrapbook (in fact, a shopping list at the beginning has a scrapbook meant for children at the end of the list), he has a habit of geeking out over things (to be fair, you would too if you saw a gun that could double as a blunt instrument), and all of the character dossiers have {{Action Figure File Card}}s as part of their file.
* MegaCorp: Armtech controls all of Amerika.
* NighInvulnerability: One of Gabriel's powers as a Paladin.
-->'''Gabriel:''' ''[[DeadpanSnarker Before you start getting excited]], [[ComicBook/{{Superman}} I can't fly. I don't have x-ray vision]] or [[ComicBook/{{Wolverine}} claws]] and [[ComicBook/SpiderMan I wasn't bitten by any insects]]. I can't [[HealingFactor regenerate]] and as much as I'd love to be, [[ComicBook/{{Batman}} I'm not a multi-billionaire with a fascination for winged mammals]]. What I can do is [[OneManArmy kick ass]] and [[MadeOfIron take a whole lot of ass kicking]].''
* OneManArmy: Gabriel's character bio uses these exact words to describe him.
%%* OurWerewolvesAreDifferent: [[ChickMagnet Ronin]], Gabriel's best friend from [[RaginCajun Louisiana]].
* OutlawCouple: Bonnie and Clyde, although they're not really bad guys -- and yes, those are their actual names.
* ParentalAbandonment: Eris' dad was DrivenToSuicide when he lost all his money, and her mother was killed by an [[MegaCorp Armtech]] officer that she dated to get over her husband's death.
%%* PermaStubble: Several badass guys sport one, including Gabriel.
* PhlebotinumRebel: You may notice that this happens a lot to [[MegaCorp Armtech]].
* PhysicalGod: [[http://adonihs.deviantart.com/gallery/7848546#/d2yi62d Hex]]. Yes, that's the entire universe in him.
* RobotDog: RO-bot K-9, or RO for short. He differs in that he's a bipedal, {{Cyborg}} dog built for WWXIII who [[TurnedAgainstTheirMasters went rogue]]. He then hooked up with a cat (apparently the creator's) that can act named GIZMO.
%%* RobotGirl: Bonnie is one.
%%* RobotMaid: Bonnie.
* SmokingIsCool: Gabe is almost never seen without a cig in his mouth. Hell, to make it more cool he even smokes them through his helmet.
* SoulBrotha: [[AfroAsskicker Abel]]. So much so that he operates on a level of badassness that not even Gabriel can comprehend. [[NameOfCain Kane]], his pet monkey that also sports an Afro, helps seal the deal.
* UnwittingPawn: Gabriel was this to Armatech for many years after the war. Sure he was a genuine hero, protecting the people of Amerika and whatnot... and unknowingly sending people to internment camps under the guise of them being resorts, among doing a bunch of other corporate dirty work.
* VoluntaryShapeshifting: Karma is a robotic spy with advanced synthetic texture-mapping tech for skin.
* WorldOfBadass: The comic is filled to the brim with badass characters. The only one who isn't is a RobotGirl, ironically.