This is the characters page for the Fanfic/XaterexMultiverseStoryline.


[[folder:Main Characters]]


The main protagonist. Shardak is the son of Arcturas, and [[spoiler: a half-Toa, half-Elemental thought to be the legendary Spirit Toa of the Final Prophecy destined to complete the rising of Lord Vahrikaan or destroy him, and]] is hunted by both the Ix and the resistance because of this [[spoiler: though it turns out he's not actually the Spirit Toa]]. Shardak is impulsive, and rather naive and idealistic at the beginning of the series. He tends toward frequently acting without thinking.

* BattleCouple: Is this with [[spoiler:Valkyria]] by the end of the series.
* BecauseDestinySaysSo: Played around with, especially in the final novel. [[spoiler:Shardak initially believes he has to die to fulfill the Final Prophecy, but Arcturas believes that it's only self-fulfilling if both Shardak and Vahrikaan want it to be.
* BelligerentSexualTension: With Valkyria, especially in ''Shattering''.
* BrokenAce
* [[spoiler:BrokeYourArmPunchingOutCthulhu]]: [[spoiler:Shardak manages to survive the end of the series, but becomes basically a ShellShockedVeteran who is sick and disillusioned against all types of war.]]
* TheCallKnowsWhereYouLive: The first chapter of Into the Darkness has his father, Arcturas, killed by the Ix.
* CharacterDevelopment
* TheChosenOne: Shardak is believed to be the Resistance to be this. [[spoiler: It turns out that this is subverted, as the real chosen one turns out to be Fairon.]]
* DeusAngstMachina: Often.
* DidYouJustFlipOffCthulhu: [[spoiler: When Shardak destroys the Shadovar Codrex near the end of Eternal Darkness, and is mentally tortured by Vahrikaan as a result]].
* [[spoiler:DidYouJustPunchOutCthulhu]]: [[spoiler:Was instrumental in Vahrikaan's defeat, even though he didn't personally kill him.]]
* DoomMagnet
* [[spoiler: EarnYourHappyEnding]]
* HumbleHero
* HeroWithBadPublicity: Especially in ''The Final Prophecy.''
* HeroicSacrifice: [[spoiler:Plans to do this in Eternal Darkness, but it doesn't quite pan out.]]
* InvincibleIncompetent: Too often, thanks to the Blade of Arcturas
* ItsNotYouItsMyEnemies: Why he [[spoiler: leaves Valkyria behind in Drakos at the end of Part Two of Eternal Darkness.]]
* ItSucksToBeTheChosenOne
* IWantMyBelovedToBeHappy
* JerkWithAHeartOfGold: Sometimes.
* NaiveNewcomer: Often, as a justification for long infodumps.
* ThePowerOfLove: Shardak [[spoiler: wins Valkyria over to his side by sharing showing her love, which is an alien emotion to her. But it still takes a while.]]
* RageAgainstTheMentor: Against Atarus at the end of ''The Darkest Light'', and again in ''Eternal Darkness''.
* ReluctantWarrior: He honestly doesn't want to kill anyone. Nevertheless, he ends up bringing down many of the villains of the series personally.
* ScrewTheRulesImDoingWhatsRight: Often.
* [[spoiler: ShellShockedVeteran]]: [[spoiler: By the end of Eternal Darkness]].
* TooDumbToLive: Sometimes, especially when it comes to Valkyria. [[spoiler: While he eventually wins her over with ThePowerOfLove, he needs to learn that occasionally listening to your mentors is a good idea. This ends in tragedy at the end of the fourth book.]]
* TaughtByExperience: Almost all of his combat and aura skills.
* TookALevelInBadass: [[spoiler: By the time of duel against Vahrikaan in the Citadel of Shadovar.]]

!! Fairon

Originally an inhabitant of Arcaea and member of the Toa Order [[spoiler: and the real Spirit Toa]], Fairon was captured by the Ix and sentenced to the Eternal Game. [[spoiler: He survives, and becomes a leading figure in the Xaterex Resistance. Is killed in the final battle in a MutualKill with Lord Vahrikaan.]]


* DarkAndTroubledPast: His backstory on Arcaea.
* [[spoiler: TheChosenOne]]: [[spoiler: The real Spirit Toa of the Final Prophecy.]]
* FourStarBadass: As a general of the Resistance.
* [[spoiler: Heroic Sacrifice]]
* [[spoiler:MutualKill]]: [[spoiler: With Vahrikaan.]]
* ShellShockedVeteran

!! Valkyria

A female Ix warrior and assassin, sent on a mission to kill Toa Shardak with a strike team- only to save his life (and be saved by him) on many occasions. [[spoiler:They eventually fall in love, though not before trying to kill each other multiple times.]]


* ActionGirl: [[spoiler: After her final HeelFaceTurn.]]
* [[spoiler:ActionGirlfriend]]: [[spoiler: post-HeelFaceTurn.]]
* BattleCouple: With [[spoiler: Shardak by the end of the series.]]
* BreakTheCutie: Gets this pretty bad, but not as bad as Shardak.
* DarkActionGirl: [[spoiler:At first]].
* DefrostingIceQueen
* [[spoiler:DisneyDeath]]: [[spoiler: In Eternal Darkness.]]
* EmotionlessGirl: At first. Played around with after that.
* HeelFaceRevolvingDoor: Starts out as an enemy of Shardak's, then an ally, then an enemy pretending to be an ally, then an enemy, then an ally pretending to be an enemy...[[spoiler: before her final HeelFaceTurn in Shattering.]]
* [[spoiler:HeelFaceTurn]]
* IceQueen: At first.
* MutualKill: [[spoiler: Subverted. She does kill Skorpix, and does (sort of) die of her wounds, but she doesn't stay dead. Shardak saves her by using the Ignika.]]
* SugarAndIcePersonality
* UndyingLoyalty: To a chosen few.


[[folder: The Resistance]]

The Resistance are the enemies of the Ix Empire, a ragtag army composed of Veythari, Glatorian, Matoran, Agori, and a few Toa. They step out of the shadows at the end of ''The Shadows Coil'', and begin actively opposing the Ix Empire in ''The Darkest Light''.

[[spoiler: The Resistance fragments after ''Shattering'', with about three-quarters following Saren Naghara and the others going into hiding and fighting their own war against the Order of Vahrikaan after Saren's betrayal. Saren is defeated during the Battle of Calos, and then his fleet is destroyed almost completely in a battle there again a month later. The Resistance is reunified after Saren's defeat, and becomes the governing body of Xaterex.]]

!! General tropes associated with the Resistance:

* LaResistance: Obviously.
* RebelLeader: The high council, Parikon, Arkhan, Freztrak, Saren, Ion, etc. [[spoiler: Almost all of them are dead at the end of ''Eternal Darkness''. Except Atarus.]]
* TheRevolutionWillNotBeCivilized: Ouch.

!! Blast/[[spoiler: Crystillix]]

Shardak's best friend, a Glatorian native of Intax. Accompanies Shardak on his journey to track down the Ix. [[spoiler: Eventually revealed to be a powerful enemy of the Ix who'd been sentenced to the Eternal Game, but managed to escape with the help of Millennium, who implanted the illusion that he'd been a native of Intax all of his life in the minds of every being in the city. He eventually frees himself from Millennium's control and becomes a warrior in the Xaterex resistance. Killed during the final battle of Shadovar while hosting Millennium's spirit.]]


* ActionSurvivor: Not so much at first, but as the series progresses he's outclassed by Shardak, Fairon, and Valkyria in terms of combat skills.
* [[spoiler: AmnesiacHero]]: [[spoiler: Has no memory of his past, or of the Eternal Game, until ''Eternal Darkness'', when Millennium heals his mind and returns his memories.]]
* DarkestHour: Facing [[spoiler: Nihilus in the throne room of Var'kala.]]
** And then again when he's [[spoiler: fighting and is killed by Vahrikaan.]]
* [[spoiler: DemonicPossession]]: [[spoiler: By Millennium, who possesses his body, helps him escape the Eternal Game, and then uses him to try to capture Shardak in ''The Shadows Coil.'']]
** And again in [[spoiler: Eternal Darkness by Millennium, but this time it's done voluntarily.]]
* [[spoiler: DroppedABridgeOnHim]]: [[spoiler: Dropped a wall on him, courtesy of Vahrikaan.]]
* {{Foil}}: Plays this to Shardak once in a while, especially in the earlier volumes.
* MeaningfulName: His name is ''Blast''. Guess what that signifies.
* OvershadowedByAwesome: Subverted. Blast gets quite a few crowning moments throughout the series.
* PluckyComicRelief: Sometimes.
* UndyingLoyalty: To Shardak.
* YouShallNotPass: To the [[spoiler: Sarkanian clones]] in ''Shattering.''


A mutated Toa of Fire and Shardak's first mentor. [[spoiler: Helps him escape the Ix and is killed in a duel with the Fury, an Ix commander who he'd sworn vengeance on.]]

* CynicalMentor
* {{Mentor}}: To Shardak.
* [[spoiler: MentorOccupationalHazard]]
* [[spoiler: YouShallNotPass]] : [[spoiler: His final duel with the Fury.]]


Silencer's brother, a secondary mentor to Shardak. [[spoiler: Is captured and killed by the Ix at the end of ''Into the Darkness''.]]


* {{Mentor}}: To Shardak.
* [[spoiler:MentorOccupationalHazard]]


A friend of Silencer and a member of the Resistance High Council. Ion takes over Shardak's training after [[spoiler: The deaths of Silencer and Melnox, but is killed in ''The Darkest Light'' by Skorpix.]]


* [[spoiler: LastWords]] : [[spoiler: "I was wrong...the Order will stop at nothing to have you. May Mata Nui be with you, Toa Shardak.]]
* {{Mentor}}: To Shardak, again. [[spoiler: This is the third mentor he's been through.]]
* [[spoiler: MentorOccupationalHazard.]]


The [[Rebel Leader]], and [[spoiler: Arcturas' brother]]. Becomes Shardak's mentor after the death of Ion, and [[spoiler: after the war, helps reform the government of Xaterex.

* BewareTheNiceOnes
* BigGood
* CynicalMentor: Sometimes.
* {{Mentor}}
* [[spoiler:MentorOccupationalHazard]]: [[spoiler:Averted. The only one of Shardak's mentors who doesn't end up dead.]]
* OlderAndWiser
* TheStoic


A Glatorian and member of the Resistance high council, friend of Shardak.



A Great Being, the last survivor of his species from Arcaea. The overall second-in-command of the Resistance, superseded only by Atarus. [[spoiler: Killed by Reyna in ''The Final Prophecy''.]]


* AGodIAmNot: Subverted. Parikon is aware of and doesn't try to hide his heritage.
* BigGood
* [[spoiler: DidYouJustFlipOffCthulhu]]: [[spoiler: Reyna taunts Parikon in ''The Final Prophecy.'' Parikon retaliates, saying she would be utterly annihilated. It doesn't quite work out that way, because then Reyna kills him instead.]]
* [[spoiler: DidYouJustPunchOutCthulhu]]: [[spoiler: Reyna does this to Parikon. He dies.]]
* PhysicalGod: Almost.[[spoiler: But that doesn't save him from Reyna.]]
* ProHumanTransHuman: Parikon is basically this. Despite his powers of creation and his sheer auric strength, he's still concerned about the Resistance's fate.
* RebelLeader: Second only to Atarus.


A Skakdi leader in the Resistance.

* [[spoiler: MutualKill]]: [[spoiler: With Reyna in ''The Final Prophecy''.]]
* ProudWarriorRaceGuy

!!Saren Naghara

A Glatorian commander in the resistance, seems to sympathize with Shardak the most. [[spoiler: In reality an Ix spy with his own plan for betraying both the Resistance and the Empire. Killed by Vahrikaan's Rotaxian avatar after being defeated in ''Eternal Darkness''.]]

* [[spoiler: FaceHeelTurn]]
* [[spoiler: HeelFaceTurn]]: [[spoiler: Pulls one at the end of the second half of ''Eternal Darkness'', and dies for crossing the Ix.]]
* GoodIsNotNice: [[spoiler: Sometimes, pre-FaceHeelTurn. But mostly averted.]]
* ManipulativeBastard: [[spoiler:Verges on MagnificentBastard at the end of ''Shattering'', but afterward is merely this.]]
* [[spoiler: TheMole]]: [[spoiler: Subverted. Saren is an Ix spy, but he always has plans for double-crossing them and is almost successful in ''The Final Prophecy''.]]
* [[spoiler: SmugSnake]]: [[spoiler: Is often defeated, but always thinks he can get out of every situation and end up on top.]]


The commander of the Resistance's small fleet of Arcaean starcraft. [[spoiler: Sides with Saren, but more through accident then choice. Betrays him when she learns of his betrayal, but is killed during the final battle in Shadovar.]]

* [[spoiler: DroppedABridgeOnHim]]: [[spoiler: Dropped a Planetoid on her ship.]]
* GoodIsNotNice: Sometimes.


[[folder: Ix Empire/[[spoiler:The Order of Vahrikaan]]]]

The Ix Empire are the largest enemy force in the series, comprised of the Ix and their servant races, such as the Kranr. A tyranncial and powerful imperial power. They were responsible for the death of Arcturas, and their leadership is shrouded in secrecy.

[[spoiler: In ''Shattering'', it is revealed that the Ix Empire is a front for the secret organization known as the Order of Vahrikaan, who plan to bring free their ancient master, the Dark Lord Vahrikaan, from his prison inside the Annulus. Both the Order and the Empire are ultimately defeated by the Resistance and the ''Sleikha Inferni'', and with the death of Vahrikaan the Order effectively ceased to exist.]]

* ZeroPercentApprovalRating: Only to the Veythari, [[spoiler: surviving Toa]], and the Resistance. The rest of the Empire's servants mainly tolerate the Empire's rule, and for the most part hope that the Resistance will be defeated.
* TheEmpire


[[folder: Others]]
