This is a list of characters that appear in the OHRRPGCE demonstration game, ''VideoGame/WanderingHamster''.
[[folder:Bob the Hamster]]
!!Bob The Hamster

* BoundAndGagged: During the Jormungandling fight.
* {{Combos}}: Slappy, a multi-hit combo attack.
* CuteBruiser: Mainly due to his choice in weapons.
* ElementalPowers: He's sort of a jack of all trades in regards to this.
* FunnyAnimal
* HealingShiv: His Heal Hit ability.
* ImprobableWeaponUser
* MagicKnight
* ManaBurn: Spell Break.
* NonElemental: Any of his Magic Smite attacks that aren't dealing [[ElementalPowers elemental damage]].
* TheHero
* HunterOfMonsters: He is described as a freelance monster hunter.
* VancianMagic: His Magic Smite spells count as this. As with many Vancian Magic users, he has to learn his spells from reading books instead of levelling up.

* AuthorAvatar: He is based on James Paige, the creator of this game.
* CombatMedic: When he's not using his bubbles to inflict damage.
* ImprobableWeaponUser: He throws a can of spam at his enemies.
* KlingonPromotion: [[spoiler: After he and Bob exorcise Lord Broaste's spirit from his castle]].
* MakingASplash: Mainly in the form of bubbles.
* NerdGlasses
* StatusBuff: Soap Shield, which buffs up one's defense.
* StuffBlowingUp: When he gets a can of smokey spam. Though it doesn't make it any more practical.
* SquishyWizard
* TheSmartGuy
* WhatKindOfLamePowerIsHeartAnyway: Averted. James makes it clear how surprisingly effective his "bubbles" can be.
[[folder:Lord Hasim]]
!!Lord Hasim

* CastFromHitPoints: His Oppugn ability, [[spoiler: though it's mainly just a battle gimmick available during the second fight with Lord Broaste]].
* GuestStarPartyMember: During the second fight against Lord Broaste.
* KnightInShiningArmor
* NerdGlasses: A rather odd example, especially for a king.
* OpaqueLenses
* RightfulKingReturns
* WarriorPrince
[[folder:Lord Broaste]]
!!Lord Broaste

* BackFromTheDead: Does this at least twice.
* EvilOverlord
* HopelessBossFight: See the main page for more details.
* PlayingWithFire: In his spirit form.
* WarriorPrince
* WeaksauceWeakness: His own teddy bear.

* DesperationAttack: The Revenge ability works like this.
* FunnyAnimal
* HalfDressedCartoonAnimal
* HealingHands: His Refresh ability.
* ImprobableWeaponUser: Of all things, he uses a bone to whack his enemies to death.
* MrImagination: He's a supposed male fashion model with "imaginary fans" (the fashion model part isn't part of his imagination, oddly enough). Of course, he lives in a cottage simply to avoid them.
* OptionalPartyMember: At least, in the beginning.
* TeamPet
[[folder:Skeppio and Rathmara]]
!!Skeppio and Rathmara

* ActionGirl: Rathmara plays it straight
* BlowYouAway: Skeppio controls air-based healing magic.
* CombatMedic: Skeppio's more qualified for this than James since he's more of a traditional combatant instead of a SquishyWizard.
* EnemyScan: One of Rathmara's spells reveals the remaining HitPoint value of the enemy target
* MagicKnight: Well, technically speaking they're {{Ninja}}, but they do use magic in addition to having decent combat skills.
* PlayingWithFire: Rathmara's attack spells.
* {{Poisoned Weapon|s}}: The Bane Claw weapon.
* ShockAndAwe: Skeppio's Ochirukaze spell.
%%* SiblingTeam
* StatusBuff: They both share the Surge ability, which boosts their attack power.
%%* WolverineClaws
[[folder:Gisli the Viking]]
!!Gisli the Viking

* DefeatMeansFriendship: When Bob encounters him the first time, he engages him in battle.
* HeroesPreferSwords: By far the only playable character that plays this straight.
%%* {{Horny Viking|s}}
%%* MightyGlacier
%%* TheBerserker