A list of characters from the Website/ChannelAwesome anniversary special ''WebVideo/ToBoldlyFlee''.


[[folder: USS Exit Strategy Crew]]

! WebVideo/TheNostalgiaCritic
-> Played by: Creator/DougWalker

* AbusiveParents: His mother tends to call him while drunk and insult him.
* AscendToAHigherPlaneOfExistence: [[spoiler:Merges with the PlotHole to keep it under control, and given that the Plot Hole proceeds to swallow up the universe and merge with it, this effectively ''makes'' him the universe.]]
* ATeamFiring: In part 4, when he dons the Judge Dredd armor. Though he can occasionally hit the broad side of a barn.
* TheAtoner: He desperately wants to make up for what he's done to Ma-Ti, bemoans having a negative impact on everyone to Film Brain, and he rants to the crew about how for once in his life he can actually fix a mistake if they help him.
* BecomingTheMask: In the ''Film/ScoobyDoo'' commentary, Doug talks about how Critic only started doing good things because he wanted to be loved, but finally cements himself as a StepfordSmiler in this movie.
* BetterToDieThanBeKilled: He was planning some kind of suicide from part two, and the Judge Dredd battle shows some quality self-destructive, but he refuses to die by Turrell's hand. Can't blame the guy.
* {{BFG}}: Uses both a [[Film/JudgeDredd Lawgiver]] and the OMGWTF-9000 in Part 4.
* TheCaptain: And unlike previous specials (excepting the last twenty minutes of WebVideo/SuburbanKnights), he deserves the 'heroic leader' title.
* CharacterDevelopment: He's never felt this bad, for this long, about the death of somebody before, and his mission in space is the first time he's truly trying to help his friends.
** Part 8 is the pinnacle of addressing this: [[spoiler:when he meets the Writer, he tells the Critic that while he may have originally began as a simple internet character, he has grown beyond his previously simple characterization, evolved into his own person, and as a result, the Writer genuinely doesn't know what the Critic is going to do with the choice he's about to be faced with.]]
* ClothesMakeTheSuperman: In the usual Critic costume, he's his lovably pathetic self. As Dredd!Critic, he does fantastically well in a fight due to a good gun and some powered gloves.
* CrucifiedHeroShot: When melding with the PlotHole. Lampshaded by the WebVideo/{{Bum Review|s}}.
-->'''Chester''': This looks like a job for Jesus symbolism!
* DeathSeeker: [[spoiler: All but outright stated in his conversation with [[WebVideo/BadMovieBeatdown Film Brain]]. "Return was never an option."]]
** Word Of Doug says that his suicide plan started forming when Insano told them what was inside the PlotHole.
* DespairEventHorizon: He was teetering on the edge since before the beginning, but learning that Snob went over to the dark side seems to have been the last straw.
* [[spoiler: DiedHappilyEverAfter: Becoming the universe]] is pretty good for a PsychopathicManchild who thought he was worthless for most of his life.
* ExhaustedEyebags: Although it's hard to tell if they're just make-up or the result of Doug forcing himself to work on no sleep.
* GodJob: [[spoiler: More or less, since he essentially becomes ''reality itself'' when he merges with the Plot Hole]].
* GoodCounterpart: For Snob, in a different way from Oancitizen. Both got manipulated because their insecurities were so gaping, and both were offered an easy way out. But while Snob turned to TheDarkSide, Critic chose to stay in his universe and made amends the hard way.
** There's also parallels explicitly made between him and Ma-Ti. They both need closure and need to move on, and both need to be appreciated, but Ma-Ti got consumed with hate and Critic pulled through.
* GoOutWithASmile: As anyone would be, he's scared when the [[spoiler: PlotHole starts consuming him]], but realizing this is what he wanted he lets it take over with a peaceful expression on his face.
* HeelRealization: Except he goes ''way'' too far with it and ends up hating himself for stuff he had no control over.
* HeroicBSOD: Spends a good deal of the movie even more depressed than he usually is, and is his (main) motivation for going into space.
* HeroicSacrifice: [[spoiler: He merges with the plot hole to save the Awesome-verse.]]
* HiddenDepths: He might not recognize Jupiter but he can casually recite facts about it just to show up Marzgurl.
* HiddenHeartOfGold:
** He says [[spoiler: he'll be in his ultra-protected bunker [[DirtyCoward while everyone fights]], but it is revealed he lied to distract everyone while he goes to face certain doom at the Plot Hole]].
** The entire special is dedicated to breaking this trait of his down and letting everyone else see the damage behind the snarky, scheming BadBoss image he uses to protect himself.
* IAmWhatIAm: After years of insecurity, finally manages to get there in his final line of the film.
* IChooseToStay: [[spoiler: Chooses to remain in the Awesome-verse to save it rather than enter the real world, probably realizing that if he ''did'' leave, he'd be as selfish as he ever was.]]
* InUniverseCatharsis: It in no way heals him, he's actually suicidally cocky and the depression gets worse after Snob is taken, but being Judge Dredd enables him to be loud and angry and shooty, not just sad and powerless.
* ItsAllMyFault: It was hinted at in his videos since ''WebVideo/SuburbanKnights'', but Part 2 confirms that he blames himself for Ma-Ti's death.
* JerkWithAHeartOfGold: Despite his character development, he has no issue with helping the Nostalgia Chick harass Obscurus Lupa for idle amusement.
* LetsGetDangerous: He only beams the other crew members to his house when he and the Chick have been nearly killed twice.
* ManChild: While an actual adult in this one, still acknowledged when [[spoiler: Doug]] offers him a drink that is essentially just candy flavored to try and calm him down.
* ManlyTears: For good reason, he spends most of the movie looking like he's either about to cry or he's been crying offscreen, but we never actually see any tears. This is in sharp contrast to his show, where he could break down at the drop of a hat.
** Depressing RealitySubtext: because he thought he was putting his producers through hell, Doug admitted on the commentary that the about-to-cry tone wasn't faked.
* MyBiologicalClockIsTicking: Carrying on from reviews where he had being a father on the brain, he refers to Ma-Ti as being like "his freeloading Indian child". And he essentially gets what he wants in the end, [[spoiler: looking after a universe]].
* NeverBareheaded: As usual. The Critic even keep his cap to sleep.
* OOCIsSeriousBusiness: Rather than [[WebVideo/{{Kickassia}} outright lying]] or [[WebVideo/SuburbanKnights threatening to fire everyone]], he asks for everyone's help with a simple [[TheAtoner "Please. I'm- I'm begging you here."]] His humility seems to be the only reason anyone even begins to consider helping, even though the stake of their jobs also figures into it.
** The TGWTG crew don't notice it until after Ma-Ti demands him, but the audience can see that there's a big difference from the Critic in part one who hid behind Chick, and the [[DeathSeeker slightly too brave]] Critic starting from part four, who volunteers for away missions first, spends longer than he needs to fighting off mooks who want him dead, stands up to Mechakara and... goes straight into the PlotHole at the end of part seven.
** Subtle, but a lot of the time Doug (in Critic, Donnie or as himself, and even in the brawl or with women) will shake hands in a girly [[http://25.media.tumblr.com/tumblr_me8683Bheg1r4g53lo1_400.png way]]. Critic shaking hands properly with Nerd in the finale shows off how important this is and how much they've both grown up.
* PapaWolf: He asks how Luke is even when deep in sad, and he has a great "terrified father" expression when he realizes Film Brain is hooked up to the machine. The Film Brain of ''WebVideo/{{Kickassia}}'' would have had a glee-induced heart attack.
* PowerFist: Has a pair of these in the Part 4.
* PsychicDreamsForEveryone: Has been receiving mysterious dreams from the Plot Hole and/or the Mysterious Space Man.
* RedemptionEqualsDeath: His suicidal brain makes him think the trope is in effect, and both Doug and Rob summed it up at Shadocon as essentially "Critic hit his last stage of evolving and then died".
* SanitySlippage: By Part 7, he's so wrapped up in guilt that he even blames himself for the internet laws.
* ShoutingShooter: While dressed a Judge Dread.
* StepfordSmiler: One of the points of his StoryArc in this movie is how he walks a fine line between genuinely selfless and being an atoner with a death wish. In the end he saves the world with a HeroicSuicide.
* StupidSexyFlanders: Before the Last Angry Geek does a nerd meld with him, he excuses the naked pictures of Creator/OrlandoBloom in there because he thought he was a girl. Though Last Angry Geek is okay with that, apparently they all did.
* TomatoInTheMirror: [[spoiler: ''He's'' a character.]]
* TookALevelInBadass: Takes on the entire Europa moon base security force single-handed to rescue the away team. [[ImperialStormtrooperMarksmanshipAcademy 'Tis a pity that he's such a bad shot]].
** As well as in the climax [[spoiler: where he decides to charge in the Plot Hole despite all warnings that is his death, and not only that, he faces Turrell's spaceship head on, instead of running away like before.]]
*** [[spoiler: Also sacrificing himself to become the new Awesome-universe]]
* TranquilFury: He doesn't have a rage or a screamfest RageAgainstTheAuthor against [[spoiler: Doug]], he's just quietly angry and tense for the most part, showing off his CharacterDevelopment.
* WalkingSpoiler: [[spoiler: Essentially becomes this in the post-WebVideo/ToBoldlyFlee canon]]
* WhenHeSmiles: He's not a happy bunny this movie, so when he smiles on seeing reality (he [[GoOutWithASmile Goes Out With A Smile]] too, which is heartwarming in a different way), all the stress and sad and anger melts away from his face just to leave pure innocence and wonder, and the effect is beautiful.

! WebVideo/TheNostalgiaChick/[[Series/StarTrekVoyager Seven-of-Eleven]]
-> Played by: Creator/LindsayEllis

* AllGirlsWantBadBoys: Reflecting on what happened with Todd, the Nostalgia Chick decides it's time she stopped chasing "jerks who reject [her]". That lasts only five seconds after Angry Joe calls the Chick a bitch after she rejects his advances, prompting her to make her own advances on him.
* AlwaysSaveTheGirl: Genderflipped venison. As soon as Critic's about to die by Mechakara's hand, she pops up and saves him, a CallBack to rescuing his ass in the brawl. The original scene went a step further, with Mechakara ordering her to kill him to test her loyalty and her being freed from brainwashing because she just couldn't do it.
* BeCarefulWhatYouWishFor: While she's always wanted to change Todd to make him love her and bend him to her will, she probably didn't want [[spoiler: his loyalty to her side caused by both of them being BrainwashedAndCrazy.]]
* BladeBelowTheShoulder: [[spoiler: Seven-of-Eleven has a retractable blade and drill install in her hand.]]
* BrainwashedAndCrazy: [[spoiler: Due to a lobotomy courtesy of Mechakara.]]
* CharacterDevelopment: Like Critic, her storyline is about letting her become a better person; showing more understanding to said critic's problems and saving him when Mechakara is about to end his life, getting over Todd (and her bad boy issues), regaining her friendship with both Spoony and Lupa, and being the first person to volunteer to be the distraction for a dangerous mission.
* CursedWithAwesome: [[spoiler: Mechakara's assimilation left her a partial cyborg with access to a massive database and possibly more abilities.]]
* {{Cyborg}}: [[spoiler: Turned into one by Mechakara. Part 7 reveals that even though she's been freed from his brainwashing and is her old self again, she's still one.]]
* DontYouDarePityMe: True to form, when she's exhausted all her happy at the party, she slinks to the back with a bottle of beer.
* EmotionlessGirl: Her "always trying so hard to invoke this" shtick comes back to bite her [[spoiler: as she's made into something that ''can't'' feel.]]
* GirlWithPsychoWeapon: [[spoiler: Uses a scary-huge drill to assimilate Todd, and tries to kills WebVideo/JesuOtaku with a blade lodged in her fist.]]
* HeKnowsTooMuch: The reason why [[spoiler: Mechakara transforms her into a Borg drone]].
* HeelRealization: According to Lindsay, Todd's face reflects your soul. [[spoiler: Therefore, when Seven-of-Eleven saw his face, it showed her exactly how horrible she's been, both as her cyborg form and and as the Chick.]]
* HereWeGoAgain: Linkara looks depressed when she chases after Joe, bracing himself for more SanitySlippage. Ultimately subverted though, as she seems to be over the AllGirlsWantBadBoys thing in ''Film/RealityBites''.
* InstantExpert: Thanks to [[spoiler: being turned into a Borg Drone by Mechakara, she can not only immediately learn what the 1983 number one Kryptonian single was, but sing it perfectly.]]
* JerkWithAHeartOfGold: While the "jerk" part is more pronounced because of the Lupa-hate, Todd-stalking and forced assimilation, she's genuinely trying to be decent this time around.
* TheLancer: Though not the NumberTwo, she still serves as one for the Critic. [[spoiler:Pre-brainwashing at least.]]
* LoveMakesYouDumb: If she hadn't wanted to prove her "love" to Todd, [[spoiler: she wouldn't have gone to Linkara to bitch about him using all the internet connection and therefore she wouldn't have fallen victim to Mechakara.]]
* MachineMonotone: [[spoiler:Once brainwashed.]]
* MustMakeAmends: After Todd's NightmareFace breaks her out of being Seven Of Eleven, she (in order); saves the Critic's ass when Mechakara is about to kill him, "breaks up" with Todd, volunteers to be a distraction, would have succeeded fooling the bad guys if it hadn't been for Kyle, and makes up with Lupa at the party.
* NeverMyFault: She may have TookALevelInKindness after Todd's face gives her a HeelRealization, her ego is still too fragile to apologize for the terrible stuff she did, so resorts to ItsNotYouItsMe when she "breaks up" with him.
* NotEvenBotheringWithTheAccent: As [[spoiler: Ursa]]
* NotSoStoic: Usually she cares very little about her or anyone else's lives being in danger, but when everything goes to pot near the end of Part 7, she's not hiding how scared she is.
** In Part 6, this even applies to when [[spoiler:she was supposedly assimilated by Mechakara, but still screams in horror at Todd's real face.]]
** When she shows off her {{cyborg}} abilities to Kyle in part seven, she bitterly thanks Mechakara for installing her with them. Other than that it's not made a big deal out of.
* PetTheDog: While she ribs him a little for taking nightmares seriously, she listens to what Critic has to say and tries to cheer him up.
* SarcasmFailure: It was gentle mocking to begin with anyway, but when Critic tells her that he wants a place where he feels like he belongs and can make a difference, she starts taking him seriously and showing concern.
* SkewedPriorities: When Todd's nearby, he's the only thing she cares about. Possible end of the world be damned.
* StalkerWithACrush: To Todd.
* WeNeedADistraction: She and Oancitizen are sent to distract Zodd. They literally sing a distraction.
* {{Yandere}}: She informs Todd that she will make him love her no matter who she has to potentially murder [[spoiler: before she's brainwashed.]]

! [[WebVideo/TheSpoonyExperiment The Spoony One]]
-> Played by: Creator/NoahAntwiler

* BrotherSisterIncest: According to a mind scanner, is attracted to his long lost sister. [[spoiler:[[MindScrew Possibly not, though.]]]]
* CameBackWrong: [[spoiler:After being resurrected by the Critic in Part 8, he seems to be short a few brain cells.]]
* DemotedToExtra: Compared to the last two specials he doesn't play a significant active role in this one, serving as a semi-comatose DistressedDude instead. Justified in that most of Antwiler's energies went into playing Ferdinand von Turrell
* DistressedDude: He's been put into "Cardboard Freeze"[[note]]read that as "stuffed into a cardboard box"[[/note]] and shipped to the Jupiter moon Europa in Part 2. He's found and freed in the following part.
* FightingFromTheInside: He tries to warn Film Brain about [[spoiler:the plot hole's true nature, but Ma-Ti asserts control and stops him]].
* GagPenis: Apparently, Spoony's is shaped like a saxophone.
* {{Hypocrite}}: The mind scanner reveals him to actually like ''Film/HighlanderIITheQuickening'', the last four ''Franchise/FinalFantasy'' games and ''Film/MazesAndMonsters''. Though it might actually be [[spoiler:Ma-Ti]].
* SharingABody: [[spoiler: Due to Ma-Ti transferring his character into him.]]
* SmallNameBigEgo: Spoony's superego envisions himself as [[Film/Dune1984 Feyd-Rautha wearing a speedo]].
* VoicesAreMental: [[spoiler: Whenever Ma-Ti begins talking through him, like in Part 1 in The Critic's house, Spoony begins talking in an impressive Ma-Ti impression. And yes, the two argue out loud at each other.]]
* WholesomeCrossdresser: Possibly, according to the mind scanner.

! WebVideo/TheCinemaSnob/[[Franchise/StarWars Darth Snob]]
-> Played by: Creator/BradJones

* BigNo: [[spoiler: As Darth Snob, mimicking Vader's infamous one at ''Revenge of Sith''. He then uses a similarly-{{Narm}}y BigYes. He tries it again to disarm The Executor]]
* CoolHelmet: [[spoiler: He only got Vader's helmet (with a pair of CoolShades added) as Darth Snob.]]
* DistressedDude: [[spoiler:Kidnapped by Turrell and Zodd at the end of Part 4.]]
* EasilyForgiven: [[spoiler:No-one seems to hold it against him for helping to kill WebVideo/TheLastAngryGeek.]]
* EmbarrassingFirstName: [[spoiler:[[ShoutOut Brad]][[Franchise/StarWars akin]].]]
* FaceHeelRevolvingDoor: [[spoiler: The Executor manipulates him through his ambition of creating film. He turns on WebVideo/TheLastAngryGeek and is christened "Darth Snob." Luke restores his faith in good films and critics though. Lampshaded when he first joins the Executor and admits it's largely due to his poor impulse control.]]
* InferioritySuperiorityComplex: He might be charming and willing to brag about his confederate film to Luke, but with Clodd he admits that's the best he can come up with because all he knows is crap.
* InformedDeformity: We're told that The Executor threw coffee in his face, scarring him hideously, apparently just as an excuse to put the Vader helmet on him. [[spoiler:When he removes the mask at the end, his face is fine]].
* TheMentor: To Luke Mochrie.

! WebVideo/ToddInTheShadows/[[Franchise/RoboCop RoboTodd]]
-> Played by: Todd Nathanson

* AllLoveIsUnrequited: His feelings for [[Creator/AllisonPregler Lupa]], and the Nostalgia Chick's feelings for him.
* ImperialStormtrooperMarksmanshipAcademy: As [[spoiler:[[Franchise/RoboCop RoboTodd]]]]. Played with in that he's pin-point accurate, at least at very close range, but refuses to shift his aim when it isn't working.
* NightmareFace: Quote his real-life girlfriend on twitter:
-->To the people left confused; when you see Todd's face, you're actually looking into your own soul. This is why [=NChick=] (and in the past Makeover Fairy) react with fear and horror upon seeing it.
* SkewedPriorities: When Nostalgia Chick announces she's not interested in him anymore because [[spoiler: she's preparing to exterminate every human on the ship]], his response is "Thank god!"
* StalkerWithACrush: To WebVideo/ObscurusLupa.
* TooDumbToLive: [[spoiler:Lupa explicitly tells him to spy on Nostalgia Chick and Linkara '''very discreetly'''. He [[WithCatlikeTread bangs on the door and asks whether or not they're doing evil stuff]] then barges in, comes across the evil, and doesn't even bother to run. Result?]]
* TheUnreveal: [[spoiler:He finally shows his face, but not in view of the camera]].
* WithCatlikeTread: [[spoiler:When asked to investigate Linkara and Nostalgia Chick quietly, he bangs on the door and yells loudly if they're doing something suspicious.]]

! [[WebVideo/TheAngryJoeShow Angry Joe]]
-> Played by: Joe Vargas

* ATeamFiring: Averted-he and Marzgurl are surprisingly effective with their shots, especially in comparison to everyone on the site.
* TheEngineer
* EvenBadMenLoveTheirMamas: He's not really bad so much as trigger-happy. Nonetheless, Joe is offended when Spoony's mental view of him implied that [[AbusiveParents she was abusive]].
* EyepatchOfPower: As Naked Snake/Big Boss.
* NotAMorningPerson: When Paw calls the emergency meeting of the Space Research Committee, Joe threatens to kill Paw for waking him up.
* OffhandBackhand Offhand Backbullet: Takes out a minion with a blind pistol shot.
* TriggerHappy: Though for added humor, he is first dressed as [[VideoGame/MetalGear Big Boss]], a character who isn't known to be trigger happy unless startled by the enemy.
--> '''Critic''': Joe, would you like to shoot something?
--> '''Angry Joe''': Why yes, Critic. Yes I would.

! [[WebVideo/BadMovieBeatdown Film Brain]]
-> Played by: Mathew Buck

* CharacterDevelopment: Is no longer quite the fan-boy sycophant he was in last two specials and is capable of giving adult advice.
* CoolShades: Gains a pair after diving into Spoony's mind, invoking [[Franchise/TheMatrix Neo]].
* TheConfidant: Chick may have got the first "I don't belong anywhere" confession from the Critic, but Film Brain was the one he opened up to three times.
-->'''Doug''': The Critic feels like there's nothing he needs to defend against with Film Brain because he just knows he'll agree with anything, I mean even here [the first talk], Film Brain isn't defying him or being mean to him, he's just pointing out the obvious. And the Critic, because of that, can open up to him, but he can be very cruel to him too.
* EveryoneHasStandards: As Holly noted, even he's getting tired of the Critic's self-loathing by part 5. Of course, he still takes it seriously because he's a good guy, and even more so when it smacks him in the face in part 7.
* {{Fanboy}}: To the Critic, as usual. Dialed down quite a bit from previous specials, but it's still there.
* LackOfEmpathy: Despite his best efforts, he's ''really'' bad at comforting Luke [[spoiler: after Cinema Snob is captured]].
* NeverLiveItDown: [[InvokedTrope Invoked]] when everyone is reflecting on their first reviews, the disastrous response to his scathing review of "Equilibrium".
* ScreamsLikeALittleGirl: During his encounter with [[spoiler:ghost!LAG]].

! WebVideo/{{Phelous}}
-> Played by: Phelan Porteous

* AxCrazy: He's a little too excited about potentially being able to hack Critic's foot off.
* ButtMonkey: Part 4 might as well be called "[[spoiler:Phelous Dies. A lot.]]"
** [[spoiler:...which continues into Part 5.]]
* BreakingTheFourthWall: During the climactic battle scene of Part 7, Phelous directly orders someone offscreen to "shake the camera more for dramatic effect".
* BrilliantButLazy: Has allegedly been working on a cure for cancer between reviews, nearly completing it before being summoned by the Critic.
* EverythingIsTryingToKillYou: [[spoiler: From random bolts of lightning to passing cars to falling safes. All while he's indoors. ''In space.'']]
* {{Foil}}: For Ma-Ti, as Phelous also assumes Critic hasn't changed at all and is always first to needle him when Critic seems to be back to selfish coward.
* FieldPromotion: Loves to bestow these...upon himself.
** AGodAmI: His rank eventually becomes "Jesus."
* FunnyBackgroundEvent: When the critics are stalling Turrell and Zodd, Phelous can be seen in the background rolling his eyes sarcastically, then sleeping on his feet.
* MauveShirt: He thinks red shirts are important characters while Paw thinks he's going to die. [[spoiler:They're both right.]]
* SlouchOfVillainy: More smugness than villainy, but he's really rocking this pose in Part 7.
* TheStarscream: As the Critic is about to lead Sage and Sad Panda to Europa to rescue Spoony, Phelous declares that he's had enough of playing second fiddle to the Critic and declares that ''he's'' in charge now. A slight subversion, in that the Critic just seems to let him have his way. In the following parts, he continues to insist that he's in charge but everyone else just ignores him, [[RedShirt treating him as if he's expendable]].
* TheyKilledKennyAgain: [[spoiler: An advantage to being a RedShirt.]]
* TryToFitThatOnABusinessCard: Promotes himself to God Emperor Most High Major Captain Lord Phelous.
* WrongGenreSavvy: As far as his [[RedShirt shirt color]] goes, he's thinking more ''[[Series/StarTrekTheNextGeneration Next Generation]]'' than [[Series/StarTrekTheOriginalSeries original series]].
** Still, he knows that [[spoiler:after one RedShirt dies, there's always a replacement.]]
** Luckily for him, it turns into full GenreSavvy in Part 7 when he starts dodging everything that attempts to kill him.
** It works out alright for him, but he ends up a {{foil}} to Ma-Ti because he thinks the Critic in this movie is like the selfish assholes in Kickassia and Suburban Knights, and reacts accordingly.

! WebVideo/ObscurusLupa
-> Played by: Allison Pregler

* ActionGirl: She channels her inner Cynthia Rothrock and goes all [[Film/{{Aliens}} Ellen Ripley]] on the bad guys.
* BigDamnHeroes: Saves the crew in a big way after [[spoiler:Mechakara and his minions tamper with the oxygen.]]
* DeadpanSnarker: How she countered the prank call from Nostalgia Chick.
--> '''Nostalgia Chick''': And so, as the head of the FAA, we would like you to please stop dying your head that horrible red, so our pilots will not longer be blinded by your hellishly slutty colors.
--> '''Lupa''': Oooh, thank you, Mrs. Secretary. And so long that we’re talking about air-space, you might wanna put Nostalgia Chick on your maps. Her obviously padded bra is much too large, and if an Argentinian soccer team crashes onto her breasts and are forced to eat themselves...
* OnlySaneMan: She's one of the few people who have noticed something wrong with WebVideo/TheNostalgiaChick and [[WebVideo/AtopTheFourthWall Mechakara]]. Also, the Nostalgia Chick has (as of Part 3) [[spoiler:turned evil]], WebVideo/JesuOtaku is acting like [[spoiler: Ed from Anime/CowboyBebop]], Dr. Block and Dr. Tease have been arrested for attacking cops, leaving only Marzgurl and herself to act sane amongst the female (-presenting at the time, in J.O.'s case) protagonists.

! WebVideo/JesuOtaku/[[spoiler:[[Anime/CowboyBebop Edward]]]][[note]]While JO appears female in the movie, since then, Jesu has come out as a UsefulNotes/{{transgender}} man, so he will be referred to as a male.[[/note]]
-> Played by: Jacob Hope Chapman

* {{CloudcuckooLander}}: As [[spoiler:[[Anime/CowboyBebop Ed]]]].
* DitzyGenius: [[RunningGag As]] [[spoiler:Ed]].
* GadgeteerGenius: As [[spoiler:Ed]], naturally.
* GenkiGirl: [[OverlyLongGag Again, as]] [[spoiler:Ed]].
* GirlWithPsychoWeapon: She comes up with some pretty awesome weapons, most notably the [[{{BFG}} OMGWTF-9000]].
* LethalChef: Apparently, he can't even make toast.
* MissedTheCall: His introduction is running in saying he [[WebVideo/SuburbanKnights won a free car]]. He justifies it by saying he doesn't check his mail often.
* NaiveNewcomer: Seeing as how he fell for the "Free Car" trick.
* NewPowersAsThePlotDemands: He's a walking armory who develops new things that either A, save the reviewers' collective arses, or B, turn up later to save the reviewers' arses.
* PrecisionFStrike: [[spoiler:After becoming Ed, he sticks to the character's child persona, except for when Mechakara is about to kill him. "Edward is in deep shit."]]
* PsychicDreamsForEveryone: He and CR each start dreaming about half of a machine they decide to build together.
* RedOniBlueOni: The red to CR's blue after he gains [[spoiler:his Edward persona]]. At the end of the series he's the [[spoiler: Blue Oni and Red Oni to ''himself'' depending on which personality is in control]].
* SplitPersonality: Gains one in the form of [[spoiler:''Anime/CowboyBebop'''s Edward.]]
* StatusQuoIsGod: Seemingly averted, as [[spoiler: Ed still appears to be in JO's head during the after-party.]]
* TemptingFate: While putting together the machine, he mentions that he's not good with technology. Five seconds later, he's [[spoiler: Ed.]]
* WalkingTechbane: Normally. CR successfully finishes their project by [[AntiAdvice doing the exact opposite of everything he suggests]].

! WebVideo/BennettTheSage
-> Played by: Bennett White

* AnimeHair: In Part 8 during [[spoiler:the [[BattleInTheCenterOfTheMind Battle in the Center of Spoony's Mind]] between Film Brain and Ma-Ti.]]
* AscendedExtra: He didn't have a particularly big role in the previous specials, but here he has more character interaction and is present at the pivotal climax with Ma-ti.
* {{Cloudcuckoolander}}: Besides the last trope, Bennett also agrees to happily play catch with JO with a thermo-grenade.
* GagPenis: Ask him about his wiener.
* PapaWolf: He goes into Spoony's mind to save Film Brain in part eight, and looks after him from that point on.
* PsychicPowers: Claims to have them, though the Critic has dismissed such claims and it's quite clear that, well...

! WebVideo/{{Luke Mochrie|AndTheInners}}[[note]]While Kinley appears male in the movie, she has since come out as female (and subsequently changed her name). As such she will be referred to with female pronouns. The Luke name is in reference to the character in the film, Kinley in reference to the actress.[[/note]]
-> Played by: Kinley Mochrie

* TheApprentice: First to Cinema Snob and then to Oancitizen.
* BadassAdorable: Becomes this after she's trained by Oan to confront the Executor and [[spoiler:Darth Snob]]. She's able to [[spoiler:stop the Death Bomb's attack]] and still stand [[spoiler:after being electrocuted several times over by the Executor.]]
* BadassBoast: [[spoiler: "I am a critic, an artist, like my father before me."]]
** [[spoiler:"[[Series/WhoseLineIsItAnyway Hey, that man did things with Richard Simmons]] that nobody else would do, and I'm just as brave!"]]
* {{Fanboy}}: To the Cinema Snob.
* GuileHero: [[spoiler:Secretly places sugar in the Death Bomb's laser banks, knowing the detriment from prior in the film.]]
* TheHeart: Probably the closest thing the crew has.
* TookALevelInBadass: After moping around for about half the special [[spoiler:after Snob is captured]], Last Angry Geek and Oancitizen help her to confront the main villains on her own.

! WebVideo/PawDugan
-> Played by: Paul Schuler

* AscendedExtra: He had smaller roles in the previous specials, but here he gets more screen time and notably is the first character shown and is the one to first discover the Plot Hole.
* ButtMonkey: [[RunningGag "I shall test it on... Paw Paw!" *BLAM*]]
* ConspiracyTheorist: He instantly jumps to the conclusion that the government is trying to cover up the Plot Hole's existence despite the fact that he had no evidence or credentials to back him up.
* DesignatedVictim: His (now-expected) role as [[spoiler:Ed!]]JO's personal guinea pig.
** WebVideo/JesuOtaku has stated that the reason Paw keeps becoming his guinea pig is simply due to the fact he was the closest person standing next to him during scene shoots.
* MoodSwinger: He goes from devastated to happy and back again within a few seconds after [[spoiler: That Sci-Fi Guy's apparent death]].
* PointyEars: Wears a pair over his new headphones, as an homage to [[Series/StarTrekTheOriginalSeries Spock]].
* TheWatson: He doesn't watch ''WebVideo/AtopTheFourthWall'', allowing Linkara to tell the audience who Mechakara is.

! [[WebVideo/YouCanPlayThis JewWario]]
-> Played by: Justin Carmical

* BadassDriver: Executes an impressive [[DoABarrelRoll barrel roll]] in Part 4 ''with a Wii Wheel''.
* BigDamnHeroes: In Part 6, along with Lupa. Though... he wasn't as effective.
* CarpetOfVirility: And not a bad one either.
* {{CloudcuckooLander}}: He seems to fill the Creator/GeorgeTakei role by reading up on his book, and may not be all there in the head.
* {{Fanservice}}: Takes off his shirt in homage to Creator/GeorgeTakei in [[Series/StarTrekTheOriginalSeries "The Naked Time."]]
* ShirtlessScene: In Part 6.
* TooDumbToFool: As Lupa notes, he's the only one dumb enough to not be affected by the plot hole.

! WebVideo/{{Marzgurl}}
-> Played by: Kaylyn Dicksion

* ActionGirl: When she and Joe storm Zodd's ship.
* InvisibilityCloak: To hide from the mooks on Zodd's ship, as she's channeling [[Franchise/GhostInTheShell Motoko Kusanagi]].
* TheLancer: Takes over the Nostalgia Chick's former role [[spoiler:after having been Borgified by Mechakara.]] Case in point, Marzgurl is the one who hands out the orders in Part 4 while the Critic is AWOL.
* OnlySaneMan: Along with Lupa and CR. She is the only bridge officer to point out the problem with [[ItMakesSenseInContext filling the laser banks with sugar.]]

! WebVideo/{{Sad Panda|QAndA}}
-> Played by: Julien Diaz

* {{CloudcuckooLander}}: He has his moments, as expected.
* DeadpanSnarker: Even Noah calls him "The Ultimate Deadpan" in his commentaries.
* DidYouJustHaveSex: After Film Brain overhears [[spoiler:Mechakara assimilating the Nostalgia Chick]] & thinks they were having sex, Sad Panda says Film Brain looks like he just overheard two people having sex.
--> '''Film Brain''': How would you know?
--> '''Sad Panda''': I'm French. ''We know.''
* HesDeadJim: Panda looks down at Spoony, checks ''his own pulse'' and concludes that Spoony is dead. Spoony immediately wakes up.
--> '''Sage''': I thought you said he was dead.
--> '''Panda''': He's dead to me. So are all of you.
* TheMedic: He's been made one in Part 3 by the Nostalgia Critic. He doesn't have any medical skills, but he did watch a lot of ''Series/DoctorWho'' and ''Series/{{House}}''.
* SourSupporter: His general attitude toward everything is complete apathy, and regularly takes cheap shots to snark at the crew.
* TheStoic: He barely reacts when something dangerous happens, just backing a step off instead of looking scared.
* UnwittingInstigatorOfDoom: [[spoiler:Unknowingly and apathetically activates the thermal detonator that Mechakara consumed, blowing up the trio of him, Zodd, and Turrell.]]

! [[WebVideo/FamiliarFaces CR]]
-> Played by: Chad Rocco

* CaptainErsatz: Of Geordi [=LaForge=] from ''Series/StarTrekTheNextGeneration''.
* GogglesDoSomethingUnusual: After getting tweaked by [[spoiler:Ed!]]Jesu, his visor makes him see better than with his glasses, even granting him some X-Ray vision.
* OnlySaneMan: He's one of the very few to [[FunnyBackgroundEvent notice something's off]] about [[spoiler: "Linkara."]]
* PowerPerversionPotential: It isn't made explicit, but after expositing that his visor has x-ray vision he looks directly at [[spoiler:Ed!]]Jesu and gives a big smile, implying that he was looking through his clothes.[[note]]JO was presenting as female at the time.[[/note]]
* PsychicDreamsForEveryone: He and JO start each having dreams of one half of a machine that they start to put together.
* RedOniBlueOni: The blue to [[spoiler: ED!]]JO's red.
* StraightMan: See above.

! [[WebVideo/{{TheGameHeroes}} 8-Bit Mickey]]
-> Played by: Mickey Paradis

* BerserkButton: Don't make fun of his height, [[spoiler:lest you want your face shoved into a weed whacker.]]
* RealMenWearPink: And according to Twitter, they also watch their [[WesternAnimation/MyLittlePonyFriendshipIsMagic favorite show]] [[spoiler: while covered in the blood of their enemies.]]
* ThoseTwoGuys: Averted, since this is the first anniversary special in which Handsome Tom is not present as a main character.
* TookALevelInBadass: In earlier specials he either didn't have much to do or he was a ButtMonkey. Here, he's capable of [[spoiler:punching two men out and feeding the third (who was holding a gun) into a ''weed wacker'']].
* TwitchyEye: He starts twitching like mad [[spoiler: once his BerserkButton is pressed one too many times.]]

! [[WebVideo/BrowsHeldHigh Oancitizen]]/[[Franchise/StarWars Master Oan]]
-> Played by: Kyle Kallgren

* EccentricMentor: The Yoda to [[TheDanza Luke Mochrie's Luke]]
* EleventhHourRanger: Doesn't make his first appearance until Part 7.
* ItsAllAboutMe: As soon as [[spoiler: the distraction involved a song, Oancitizen tries to do anything to sing at least one line, blowing off their cover in the process]].
* JourneyToTheCentreOfTheMind: How he turns Luke into an InstantExpert on the plot.
* JumpedAtTheCall: His reaction to becoming Luke's mentor.
--> '''Oancitizen''': "You want me to be a mentor? You want me to lord over you with my intellectual prowess and always be right in your eyes? I knew this day would come."
* NotEvenBotheringWithTheAccent: He imitates Yoda's speech patterns and laugh, but makes no attempt at his voice.
* OutOfCharacterAlert: [[spoiler:It's when he starts singing that Zodd realizes that he isn't [[TheSpeechless Non]]]].
* WeNeedADistraction: He and Nostalgia Chick are sent to distract Zodd. They literally sing a distraction.

[[folder: Antagonists]]

! [[Film/BattlefieldEarth Ferdinand von Turrell]]
-> Played by: Creator/NoahAntwiler

* AccidentalMisnaming:
** WebVideo/TheNostalgiaCritic calls him [[Franchise/WinnieThePooh Tigger]], Kerl, and Werl, at various points.
** And before that, the Congress man calls him Mr. Hurl.
* AscendedExtra: From a brief RunningGag in reviews to one of the main villains of the anniversary.
* BadLiar: [[spoiler:After he reveals he's been manipulating Mechakara with false promises, he claims it was his twin brother who compulsively lies.]]
* BaitTheDog: He's still useless, but Part 4 has him extraordinarily pleased to be giving Critic a SadisticChoice and watching him break a bit, while also pulling off a last-minute [[TheBadGuyWins The Bad Guys Win]].
* CoDragons: To the Executor, alongside Zodd.
* DeathIsCheap: Died in the Battlefield Earth review, but was later revealed to have clone backups when he appeared on Spoony's show. [[spoiler: Came back again at the head of a new fleet on Angry Joe's show less than two months after this movie came out.]]
* {{Determinator}}: Joke of a villain or not, he's relentless in wanting the Critic dead.
* EmbarrassingFirstName: Played with. He himself seems rather proud of his name, but nobody else takes it seriously (not even ''[[TheStoic Zodd]]''), much to his chagrin.
* EvenEvilHasStandards: [[spoiler: He may be an evil alien who considers humans "animals" but he's thoroughly squicked by witnessing Prick's fate and calls the critics monsters for it.]]
* GenreSavvy: In Part 7 he knows it's too soon to celebrate victory and leaves to hunt the Critic instead.
* NotSoHarmlessVillain: Neither the government, the Critic, nor even his own allies take him that seriously. But, when Turrell drops his over-the-top mannerisms, he proves to be a dangerous foe, being able to pull off a win at the last second in Part 4 and fight the Critic to a stand still in a dogfight.
* IdiotBall: When he [[spoiler:unintentionally reveals he was manipulating Mechakara.]] The original novel establishes that his race has a literal one surgically implanted at birth so it's to be expected.
* IneffectualSympatheticVillain: For most part, particularly the beginning.
* IsThisThingStillOn: While talking to Mechakara over a com link, Turrell [[spoiler:reveals that he was lying to him the whole time about Malachite's Hand.]]
* LargeHam: Naturally.
* MotivationalLie:[[spoiler: Turrell lied to Mechakara, telling him that he'd give the cyborg the secret to using Malachite's power glove from ''WebVideo/SuburbanKnights'' if he spied on the critics. In reality, Turrell had no idea how to use it.]]
* NeverMyFault: Turrell's planet was accidentally destroyed by another Psychlo lighting a cigarette [[TooDumbToLive on a planet with a highly volatile atmosphere.]] He still blames the Nostalgia Critic for it because it happened during his ''Film/BattlefieldEarth'' review.
* RedOniBlueOni: The red to Zodd's blue.
* SacrificedBasicSkillForAwesomeTraining: The fan theory that Turrell was being trained to conquer galaxies instead of learning how to spell his name gets a mention in one of the creator commentaries.
* SpellMyNameWithAnS: Insists his name is spelled "Turrell" (it's "Terl" in the actual franchise he hails from). According to Linkara in the commentaries, this was to avoid copyright issues; however, it also leads to the amusing coincidence and fan theory that, in a RussianReversal from his famous BadassBoast, Turrell was too busy learning to conquer galaxies to learn how to spell his name.
* StylisticSuck: The tilted camera angles are back, though they come and go.
* UnknownRival: To the Critic.
* WickedPretentious: He tries to quote Shakespeare in an attempt to sound deep but fails miserably at it.
* YourCostumeNeedsWork
--> '''Critic''': "Did they even believe you were an alien? You look like Coolio trick-or-treating as Jack Sparrow."

! [[Film/SupermanII General Zodd]]
-> Played by: Creator/DougWalker

* AccidentalMisnaming: Turrell assumed his name was Neil when they first met.
* AffablyEvil: Throws a party to his mooks, and actually tries to cheer them up when they're not amused. He is also extremely friendly with Ursa and Non.
* ArchEnemy: Critic's reaction to his presence indicates he is one to the Critic (in contrast to [[UnknownRival Turrell]]).
* BroughtDownToNormal: As a Kryptonian, Zodd should have powers on par with Superman but has demonstrated none of them and possesses the same level of strength as Turrell. A popular {{Fanon}} theory is that this version of Zodd is the one depowered at the end of ''Film/SupermanII''.
** MadeOfIron: Depending on which theory of the above you pick, this is why [[spoiler: He survives being thrown across a room with enough momentum to kill the Mooks he crashed on, and how he survives Mechakara's beatdown of him in general]]
* {{CloudcuckooLander}}: Believes the reviewers' ship is a house for a reason and orders to transform Turrell's ship into a house as well, even from the inside. The potted plant in the corner adds the final touch.
** TheCuckoolanderWasRight: Doing so allowed them to fool the critic into thinking they were other reviewers, giving Turrell and Zodd the element of surprise.
* CoDragons: To the Executor, alongside Turrell.
* DirtyCoward: [[spoiler:Once things start falling apart for the bad guys in Part 8 he loses his composure and tries to run away.]]
* DyingRace: Is one of the few remaining Kryptionians. The musical number "I'm A Distraction" can actually make you feel a little sympathy for him as a result.
** LastOfHisKind: Although Ursa, Non and [[Franchise/{{Superman}} the son of Jor-El]] have all been mentioned by him, they've never been seen on-screen ([[spoiler: aside from the Nostalgia Chick and Oancitizen imitating Ursa and Non]]) making it possible this trope is in play instead.
* EvenEvilHasLovedOnes: When he sees Ursa and Non (actually Nostalgia Chick and Oancitizen in disguise), he is legitimately happy to see them and introduces them as his closest friends.
** Ursa/Zodd is the EvilCounterpart to Chick/Critic, just with more leather.
* FaceDeathWithDignity: [[spoiler: In his last moments, he pulls his stuff together after his VillainousBreakdown, and returns to his [[TheStoic serious ways]] as he ends his life quoting Shakespeare alongside Mechakara and Turrell.]]
* IncomingHam: "'''[[KneelBeforeZod KNNNNEEEELLL!]]'''"
* LargeHam: While he maintains a serious face, his voice says otherwise.
* MrFanservice: Spends the movie in his trademark chest-revealing robe, dominates Turrell easily and dances a bit like he needs a stripper pole in the DVD music video.
* OnlySaneMan: At least compared to Turrell and his minions.
* PsychoticSmirk: A pretty awesome one.
* RedOniBlueOni: The blue to Turrell's red.
* ScrewThisImOuttaHere: [[spoiler: Decides to abandon Turrell when he sees that Mechakara is on board and looking for vengeance. He doesn't make it far, though.]]
* StraightMan: To Turrell, and that's saying a ''lot''.
* VillainousBreakdown: [[spoiler: In Part 8, leaving Turrell to take full command.]]
* VillainousWidowsPeak: As is tradition.

! [[WebVideo/AtopTheFourthWall Mechakara]]
-> Played by: Creator/LewisLovhaug
* TheComicallySerious: Even though he's meant to be PlayedForDrama, it is still possible to get some laughs out of him, especially when he's with the That Guy with the Glasses crew
* DeadpanSnarker: In episode 4.
--> '''Todd:''' We could use a little help you know.
--> '''Mechakara:''' We are providing tactical moral support.
--> '''Seven Of Eleven:''' Go team.
* DragonWithAnAgenda: He doesn't care about [[BigBad the Executor's]] plans, or even Turrell's or Zodd's. He is only in it to learn how to use Malachite's Hand.
* EvilIsNotAToy: [[spoiler:Lying to him and mocking him for it is NOT a good idea.]]
* HollywoodCyborg: Human skin over metal endoskeleton. Specifically, the skin of an alternate-universe Linkara.
* KnightOfCerebus: The only villain of the special ''not'' PlayedForLaughs, his every scene portrayed him as cold, calculating and sinister, and in Part 8, [[TheDreaded even Zodd and Turrell are afraid of him.]] The only humorous bits featuring him are just him being an evil straight man to the antics of the critics. According to Spoony's commentary, Lewis was very protective of the character and was adamant he not be written as a comic relief villain like Zodd and Turrell were.
* KnowWhenToFoldEm: [[spoiler: Wisely runs away when he loses his leverage.]]
* TheMole: For Turrell.
* PaperThinDisguise: Makes no attempt to disguise his voice or his evil intentions.
* RoaringRampageOfRevenge: He opens up a can on Turrell and Zodd after he learns that [[spoiler:Turrell was lying to him the entire time about Malachite's Hand.]]
* RobotMe: For Linkara.
* RoboticReveal: To the reviewers in Part 6.
* SerialKiller: He was killing comic geeks ''Franchise/{{Terminator}}'' style in order to figure out where Linkara was. (Appropriately enough, his first appearance was in Linkara's review of a ''Terminator'' comic.)
* [[spoiler:SixthRangerTraitor: Accidentally replaces Linkara in the Critic's crew.]]
* VillainousBreakdown: A quite chilling one when [[spoiler:he finds out Turrell was lying about showing him how to use Malachite's Hand.]] The way his face quivers and he lets out an animalistic scream would be disturbing enough, but he also has half his face blown off at the time.

! The Executor/Christopher Clod
-> Played by: Rob Walker

* BadBoss: [[spoiler:He keeps the screenwriters in his employ chained up in small closets, and withhold their salary for prolonged periods of time, with "pirates" as the only justification; and after Snob's FaceHeelTurn & his own Palpatine-esque deformation takes place, throws a cup of coffee in Snob's face just so that his burns would means there was someone uglier than him around.]]
* BadassBoast: Gets a pretty good one [[spoiler: when describing the Death Bomb]].
-->'''The Executor''': [[spoiler: This Station is the greatest power of all universe, once we use it, the world will crumble upon the power of the Death Bomb...And from the ashes...''We'' will rise.]]
* BigBad
** BigBadEnsemble: [[spoiler:With Ma-Ti. As sinister as he is, his plan pales in comparison to Ma-Ti's -- the destruction of the entire universe]].
* BreakingTheFourthWall: After [[spoiler:Darth Snob]] throws out a BigNo a la ''Film/RevengeOfTheSith'', the Executor criticizes him for attempting to add drama. Then, he reassures him they'll "remove it and make it a special feature on the DVD".
* CaptainErsatz: Of Emperor Palpatine from ''Franchise/StarWars'' [[spoiler:and Chris Dodd of the MPAA]].
* CardCarryingVillain: His definition of a successful Tuesday is "betraying your friends and killing your comrades".
* CharacterCatchphrase:
** [[spoiler: Uses the phrase "pirates" as justification for any of his excessive abuses regarding the entertainment industry.]]
** [[spoiler: Also says "And then we shall have... ''peace''" on a few occasions.]]
** [[spoiler: Judging by the amount of time he says "NothingCanStopUsNow", that might be another catchphrase of his as well.]]
* TheChessmaster: Much like the character he was based on. Very few events ''haven't'' been taken into account on his plan.
* CorruptCorporateExecutive: Revealed to be one
* TheCorrupter: [[spoiler: Seems to be fulfilling this role for Cinema Snob]]
* TheDreaded: Even the Plot Hole seems afraid of him.
* FauxAffablyEvil: He acts polite and friendly to all associates. [[BadBoss He actually considers them all disposable.]]
* HeroKiller: [[spoiler:He is also the one to kill The Last Angry Geek]]
* HiddenAgendaVillain: Aside from being an all-around {{Jerkass}} to everyone who works for him ForTheEvulz, it's unclear exactly what his motives are. [[spoiler:However, he indicates he wants to seize control of the plot hole, which depending on if he knows its true nature or not, could mean he wants to escape to the real world, or wants to merge with it and become a DimensionLord]].
* HoistByHisOwnPetard: [[spoiler: Is killed by his own command ship crashing onto him.]]
** [[spoiler: Not to mention being defeated when his lighting is deflected back to him]]
* KillSat: [[spoiler: Owns one and used it to kill That Sci-Fi Guy. Though it needs to re-charge after one use.]]
* KnightOfCerebus: While he doesn't suck out all the comedy when he appears (being quite a comic character himself), the stakes definitely raise a ''lot'' when he takes the center stage.
* LargeHam: To the point he somehow managed to out ham Ian [=McDiarmid=].
* ManipulativeBastard: Played the congress like a fiddle, for once. [[spoiler: And that's not even taking into account his interactions with Snob.]]
* MediumAwareness: Appears to have some form of it. [[spoiler: He mentions briefly that Snob's "[[BigNo No]]" will be taken out in the special edition]]
* NothingCanStopUsNow: Curiously, both he and the Critic do this in the exact same manner.
* OmnicidalManiac: [[spoiler: His EvilPlan involves wiping out Earth and creating new worlds to profit off them and their culture]]
* SharpDressedMan: Puts on a very fine suit [[spoiler: when talking to Cinema Snob]].
* TakeThat: [[spoiler: Just like Prick below, Clod is an obvious slam towards MPAA president Chris Dodd.]]
* ThereIsNoKillLikeOverkill: [[spoiler: A ''house'' crashes on him and the entire Death Bomb explodes.]]
* UnskilledButStrong: He has the powerset of Emperor Palpatine but not the skillset. He challenges the Last Angry Geek to a lightsaber duel only to be immediately disarmed and has to rely on his force lightning. Though his electricity attack is strong he's over-reliant on it and not a physical fighter.
* WickedCultured: Very much PlayedWith. He seems to have a taste for the arts and seems to be very well-read, but as Part 5 shows, [[spoiler:he prefers outright ''bad'' and dreadful culture instead of actually intellectually significant culture, believing infamy lives forever.]]
* YouHaveFailedMe: Says the trope's name verbatim (He IS a Palpatine {{Expy}} after all), but actually doesn't kill Turrell after saying it, just assigns him a new Master.

! Lame R. Prick
-> Played by: Jim Troken

* CaptainErsatz: Of Lamar Smith and [[Film/GhostBusters1984 Walter Peck]].
* CharacterCatchphrase: "Shut it down."
* KilledOffForReal: [[spoiler: He learned the hard way not to call 8-Bit Mickey short.]]
* RunningGag: This is the second time Jim Troken has appeared in a special, and each time [[spoiler:he's been killed via YourHeadAsplode, if Mickey's comment about shoving his face into a weed wacker is taken at face value.]]
* TakeThat: Lame R. Prick's name is a jab at SOPA's sponsor, Lamar Smith.
* UpperClassTwit: He literally has to ask tech support where the on button is on his computer.

! Turrell's Minions

* CripplingOverspecialization: Each officer in Turrell's crew only knows how to do his own job. When Angry Joe takes out their tactical officer, it leaves them unable to use their own weapon system for several minutes as they scramble to find the ship's instruction manual.
* HypercompetentSidekick: The Minions are the only rational people on the Ship, while their leaders [[IneffectualSympatheticVillain Turrell]] and [[LargeHam Zodd]] are completely insane.
* ImperialStormtrooperMarksmanshipAcademy
* MookChivalry: Are kind enough to throw down their guns and attack with GoodOldFisticuffs when the Critic throws away his gun. [[spoiler: Subverted later when the Critic loses the OMGWTF-9000 and they just keep shooting at him.]]


[[folder: Supporting Cast]]

! [[WesternAnimation/CaptainPlanetAndThePlaneteers Ma-Ti]]
-> Played by: Bhargav Dronamraju and Noah Antwiler
-> Voiced by: Rob Walker

* BatmanGambit: [[spoiler: The plot hinges on the Batman Gambit he has set up. He knew that by contacting the Critic, they would come for him in the PlotHole. He believed that once the Critic was through, he would selfishly choose to escape The Plot and destroy the Awesome-verse. He did not count on the Critic's CharacterDevelopment though.]]
* BigBad: [[spoiler: All his actions were to manipulate the Critic into destroying the Awesome-verse as vengeance for his ButtMonkey treatment in the past.]]
%%* BigBadEnsemble: [[spoiler:With the Executor]].
* BrotherSisterIncest: [[spoiler: According to Spoony’s subconscious, is attracted to his long lost sister. [[MindScrew Possibly.]]]]
* TheDogBitesBack: [[spoiler: Wants to destroy the Awesome-verse because of what the critic did in Suburban Knights.]]
* EvilCounterpart: [[spoiler: Could be seen as one for [[WebVideo/BadMovieBeatdown Film Brain]] (which is pointed out by him) -both were the butt of everyone's jokes and treated poorly by the Critic when all they wanted was his approval, and both try to prove themselves something more to the world. However, their experiences made them have drastically opposite viewpoints- Film Brain sees the Critic's development and growth as an individual and wants to live up to his example, while Ma-Ti only sees the Critic's former spite, ItsAllAboutMe attitude, and self-centeredness, and tries to prove it by manipulating the Critic so he'd go into the Plot Hole and selfishly abandon the TGWTG crew in favor of his own freedom in the real world- destroying the entire Awesome-verse in the process.]]
* FaceHeelTurn: As it turns out, [[spoiler:all the years of being the Nostalgia Critic's ButtMonkey, combined with him losing his actor and combining with the Plot Hole, has pushed him over the edge into wanting to destroy the Awesome-verse.]]
* HeelFaceTurn: [[spoiler: After his VillainousBreakdown, the Critic talks him down, apologizes to him for mistreating him, and assures him that he ''is'' useful and that "he did good". Ma-Ti changes back to good after this.]]
* IJustWantToBeSpecial: Reminds the Critic that the only thing he wanted in ''Suburban Knights'' was to be helpful and join him on the quest.
* OmnicidalManiac: [[spoiler: Wanted to destroy the Awesome-verse as revenge for his [[ButtMonkey degrading treatment.]] ]]
* PosthumousCharacter: Since he died in ''WebVideo/SuburbanKnights''.
* TheNthDoctor: He passed his "character" on to [[spoiler:Spoony]], allowing him to continue to exist in [[spoiler:Spoony]]'s mind.
* VillainousBreakdown: [[spoiler: He flips out when the Critic doesn't abandon the TGWTG crew in favor of the real world, proving that he was wrong about the Critic being heartless and selfish.]]

! [[WebVideo/AtopTheFourthWall Linkara]]
-> Played by: Creator/LewisLovhaug

* BadassInDistress: At the start, due to being incapacitated by Mechakara.
** [[spoiler: By Part 5, he's managed to escape the closet but is still bound with the finger trap.]]
* BigDamnHeroes: [[spoiler: Arrives in Comicron 1 in Part 8 to assist the crew in fighting Zodd and Turrell.]]
* ChekhovsGun: [[spoiler: His Spaceship.]]
* ComedicSociopathy: Maybe he could have cared a little more about all those comic book nerds who died needlessly?
* ComicallyMissingThePoint: When told via the news that a killer was going around killing white males in Minnesota in their twenties who have ties to the comic book industry, he shrugs it off as having nothing to do with him.
* DemotedToExtra: Like Spoony, Linkara plays a much reduced role compared to the last two specials, instead being [[spoiler:trapped in a closet until just past the halfway point, and only joining the rest of the reviewers when he arrives in Comicron-1 during Part 8]]. Justified in that most of Lovhaug's energies were spent playing [[DevilInPlainSight Mechakara]]
* FatalFlaw: His ginormous ego is the thing that enables Mechakara to get entry inside his house, lock him up and take his place to try and kill his friends.
* HopelessSuitor: His interaction with the Chick at the party implies again that he'll never get with her because he puts her too much on a pedestal.
* OutOfFocus: He doesn't have a significant role in the story [[spoiler:until Part 8]].

! WebVideo/TheLastAngryGeek
-> Played by: Brian Heinz

* AscendToAHigherPlaneOfExistence: [[spoiler: Becomes a Force Ghost after the Executor kills him.]]
* CaptainErsatz: Of Obi-Wan Kenobi from the original ''Franchise/StarWars'' trilogy.
* CoolShip: He appears to pilot a mix between an [[Franchise/StarWars X-Wing]] and a [[Series/BabylonFive Star Fury]].
* GeniusSlob: Claims his studies of "the Plot" leave him little time for hygiene.
* GenreSavvy: Due to his connection with "the Plot", the force that surrounds all of them and directs them and gives them Character Arcs. It has allows him to observe, Lampshade, and extrapolate how the story will go.
* HeelFaceTurn: Since ''WebVideo/SuburbanKnights''.
* MediumAwareness: Is aware he is in a story due to his connection to "the Plot".
* MentorOccupationalHazard: Lampshaded when LAG says that he'll probably die while fighting the evil. [[spoiler: He's right.]]
* MySignificanceSenseIsTingling: His refers to his ability to sense "the Plot" as his "critic sense".
* NoBodyLeftBehind: [[spoiler: He is literally obliterated by The Executor, leaving nothing behind]]
* RobotBuddy: His astromech droid, Q3.
* SpiritAdvisor: [[spoiler: To Luke after his death.]]

! Dr. Block and Dr. Tease
-> Played by: Antonella Inserra and Elisa Hansen

* AllWomenAreLustful: Dr. Tease certainly is.
* MadScientist: Though not to Dr. Insano's level.
* MorallyAmbiguousDoctorate: Though more for their means of ''how'' they got their doctorates (a novelty shop and cereal box, respectively).
* NightmareFetishist: [[http://www.formspring.me/ElisaInTime/q/364514687527709131 Dr. Tease is more excited for the scary things happening than freaked out]].
* OOCIsSeriousBusiness: Dr. Tease is notorious for her mistreatment not only of test subjects, but of the scientific method itself. Thus, her concerns of the possible danger gives even more weight to the fears that [[spoiler:Ma-Ti!Spoony]] could suffer a [[YourHeadAsplode cranial implosion]] if disconnected from the computer.
* PutOnABusToHell: After Part 2.

! WebVideo/ThatSciFiGuy
-> Played by: Leo Thompson

* KilledOffForReal
** NotQuiteDead: [[spoiler: As [[TheStinger the stinger]] of Part 8 reveals.]]
* SacrificialLamb: To show the threat-level of this adventure.
* TemptingFate: Shortly before being struck down via satellite laser strike.

! [[WebVideo/TheSpoonyExperiment Doctor Insano]]
-> Played by: Creator/NoahAntwiler

* AssholeVictim: The critics' steal all of their sci-fi technology from him [[CutLexLuthorACheck rather than purchasing it, renting it or cutting some sort of deal with him]].
* ContinuitySnarl: Lampshades his many back-stories, mainly he and Spoony being the same person in ''WebVideo/{{Kickassia}}'', as an effect of the anomaly.
* DiminishingVillainThreat: Remember that time he had Spoony murdered, or the time he nearly took over Kickassia? He's pretty much just an eccentric goofball here. Then again, wavering back and forth from comic relief to legitimate threat is part of his schtick. On the other hand, according to Noah's commentary, what we see in Part 2 is Insano being played straight; he's being dead serious (for him) to convey what a threat the Plot Hole really is. And when he shows back up in part 8, [[spoiler:he does manage to take the ''USS Exit Strategy'', and all of his tech that was incorporated into it, by threatening the whole crew at gunpoint.]]
* TheDogBitesBack: [[spoiler:He takes all of his stuff back toward the end at gunpoint.]]
* MrExposition: Lampshaded when he exposits what happened to the plot hole in Part 8. [[spoiler:Although he was mainly there to make them give all his stuff back.]]
* NiceJobBreakingItHero: Telling the critics that in the plot-hole "any outcome could occur" and "anything that was impossible before is possible now" is what, according to Doug, gets Critic thinking about his one-way trip inside.

! [[Film/TheDayTheEarthStoodStill1951 Gort]][=/=]WebVideo/TheAngryVideoGameNerd
-> Played by: Creator/JamesRolfe

* ArchEnemy: [[spoiler: Was this during the Critic's early run, but they appear to be on friendly terms since the Year One Brawl.]]
* BigDamnHeroes: Saves the Critic from Zodd's goons in Part 4, [[spoiler: then again in Part 7 from Turrell.]]
* CoolStarship: Owner of one.
* TheQuietOne: He either said very little (if you consider the ominous sounding "REMEMBER" to be his voice) or nothing at all, until Part 8.
* TheUntwist: Invoked and lampshaded when he reveals his identity -- the Critic notes it isn't very surprising and mentions that the audience probably had it figured out from the start.

! WebVideo/{{Benzaie}}
-> Played by: Benjamin Daniel

* CallBack: He sings something from [[http://thatguywiththeglasses.com/videolinks/bt/benzaie/gymdk/11061-gymdkik an old video of his]].

! The Writer
-> Played by Creator/DougWalker

* TheAntiNihilist: He was just making a point to the Critic, but declaring reality as "having no purpose" is still a slightly despairing thought.
* SadisticChoice: Falls down to him to present the Critic with one: [[spoiler:return to his own universe where everything is scripted, but he has purpose, or stay in the real world where he is free, for better or worse. He also notes that because the Critic's universe is built around him, leaving will doom it to destruction]]. To his credit, he tries to do it as nicely as possible and it's not something he created out of any malicious intent.
* SoProudOfYou: He tells Critic how much he's grown up since the selfish dictator days of ''WebVideo/{{Kickassia}}''.
** Behind the scenes, [[spoiler: he himself got one from his Dad for his acting as the Writer, and another from Rob for managing to shoot a three and a half hour movie in six days with just a couple of breakdowns to show for it.]]
* WalkingSpoiler: There is a reason why most of this character's section is blanked out...

! [[WebVideo/WhatTheFuckIsWrongWithYou Nash]]
-> Played by Nash Bozard

* BrilliantButLazy: Would at first rather eat a ''Hot Pocket'' than set up the universal transmission necessary to save the Awesome-verse.
** Though this can also be seen as a ShoutOut to Doug's guest appearance on the WTFIWWY live show
* EleventhHourRanger: Appears in the final few minutes of Part 8.