The massive amount of characters featured in ''ComicBook/TheLeagueOfExtraordinaryGentlemen'' by Creator/AlanMoore.
!!The League of Extraordinary Gentlemen
See [[Characters/TheLeagueOfExtraordinaryGentlemenTitularTeam here]].
!!Other Teams
!!!Les Hommes Mystérieux
[[folder:Captain Jean Robur]]
--> '''Source''': ''Literature/RoburTheConqueror'', ''Literature/MasterOfTheWorld''

The leader of Les Hommes Mysterieux, and French counterpart to Captain Nemo, Robur is the captain of the airship ''Albatross'', one of, if not THE first machines capable of heavier-than-air travel.
* AlasPoorVillain: His airship is shot down during the Battle of Somme during the first World War.
* CoolAirShip: The ''Albatross''. His son has his own version, the ''Terror''.
* ExpyCoexistence: He's generally considered to be a CaptainNemoCopy and here his son went on to marry Nemo's granddaughter.
* HowUnscientific: How he views the cavorite-powered airships from the first series and other such esoteric flying machines. The ''Albatross'' is powered entirerly through mundane means.
* NonActionGuy: Unlike Nemo, he doesn't involve himself in the action much personally, from what little is known of his activities.
* OverlordJr: His son is married to Janni's daughter, unifying the two bloodlines.
* RedBaron: "Robur The Conqueror"
* SuspiciouslySimilarSubstitute: France's counterpart- EvilCounterpart wouldn't be quite accurate- to Captain Nemo. Though Nemo wasn't even on the League at the time Les Hommes Mystérieux were active. [[note]] And for bonus irony, Nemo is actually also from a French work of fiction originally [[/note]]
* UnwittingPawn: Unbeknownst to him, his fight against the British League played right into the hands of Germany and the Twilight Heroes.
* ScienceHero: One of the earliest ones at that.
* SuspiciouslySimilarSubstitute: Was specifically hired to counter Nemo and his technology.

[[folder:The Nyctalope]]
--> '''Source''': ''Le Mystère des XV'' (1911)

An early cyborg and one of Les Hommes Mysterieux's most deadly members, the Nyctalope possesses several superhuman abilities, such as night-vision, the ability to breathe underwater, and an artificial heart.
* {{Cyborg}}: Possibly the first one in fiction.
* HeroKiller: Comes close to killing Mina during the Opera House battle, but is stopped by Raffles.
* ImmuneToBullets: During the battle in the [[Literature/ThePhantomOfTheOpera Phantoms]] tunnels beneath the Paris opera house, the Nyctalope is shot in the heart by A.J. Raffles, who later reports that the bullet made a "clanging" sound when it hit the target. We find out later that, yup, the Nyctalope's heart can't be injured by bullets and all Raffles did was give him a flesh wound.
* InnateNightVision: The Nyctalope's most famous ability is the power to see perfectly in the dark, which makes him a nightmare to fight.
* SecretIdentity: His real name is Léo Saint-Clair.
* SuperNotDrowningSkills: One of the Nyctalope's main abilities. You can probably guess why it's useful for a stealth specialist.
* SuspiciouslySimilarSubstitute: A minor case, but as the only member of the team originally written as a hero (unless you count Lupin), he may be France's answer to Quatermain.

[[folder:Monsieur Zenith The Albino]]
--> '''Source''': ''ComicStrip/SextonBlake'', [[spoiler:''Literature/TheElricSaga'' by Creator/MichaelMoorcock]]

A master swordsman and gentleman thief, Zenith is an exiled Romanian nobleman, and originally the arch-enemy of French detective Sexton Blake. As a member of Les Hommes Mysterieux, his role in the battle was to confront Orlando.
* TheDreaded: Orlando doesn’t realize this until its too late, as Zenith and his sword managed to kill a version of him who was Roland at the time [[Literature/TheElricSaga in a previous life]].
* EldritchAbomination: Not him specifically, but [[Literature/TheElricSaga Stormbringer]] is very much this with its constant howling and hunger for human souls. [[spoiler:It's frightening enough to freak Orlando out]].
* EvilCounterpart: He's France's answer to Orlando - an immortal (albeit by reincarnation, not eternal youth) whose weapon of choice is a mystic sword.
* GentlemanThief: Not as iconic as his team mate Lupin though.
* MasterSwordsman: Is able to give Orlando, who had 3,000 years of experience, a run for his money. [[spoiler:It’s revealed that this is because he was wielding [[Literature/TheElricSaga Stormbringer]], and his speech of how Orlando was just as harmful to humanity as his enemies was enough to freak Orlando out into submission]].
* {{Reincarnation}}: It’s revealed that he’s the latest incarnation of the Eternal Champion through his weilding of [[Literature/TheElricSaga Stormbringer]] and remembers meeting Orlando in his life as Elric.

[[folder:Arsène Lupin]]
--> '''Source''': ''Literature/ArseneLupin'' (1905)

Arguably the most infamous gentleman thief of all time.
* GentlemanThief: He could be the page image.
* MasterOfDisguise: His second most famous ability.
* NonActionGuy: Doesn't participate in the Opera House battle. The text mentions that he's involved in some sort of cat-and-mouse games with his rival A.J. Raffles across the rooftops of Paris while the fight goes down, but is completely absent when Raffles show up to save Mina.
* SuspiciouslySimilarSubstitute: Was likely recruited to counter Britain's A.J. Raffles.
* TokenGoodTeammate: By far the most benevolent member of his team.

--> '''Source''': ''Literature/{{Fantomas}}'' (1911)

Arch-criminal, mass murderer and sadist, Fantômas is by far the most monstrous and dangerous member of Les Hommes Mysterieux, to the point that one wonders how the French government managed to recruit him at all.
* AmbiguousSituation: There are heavy implications that Fantômas is also Literature/ThePhantomOfTheOpera.
* HumanoidAbomination: In this regard, Mina considers him to have been even more disturbing than Dracula, who had at least been human at some point, while Fantômas "was a thing. Had ''always'' been a thing".
* MalevolentMaskedMen: Wears a black hood that completely covers his face.
* TheNondescript: None of the League members can recall any of his defining characteristics, save for his mask. Robur describes him as broad and stocky, Mina remembers him being around 7’ tall and eerily thin. Raffles even says that something about Fantômas' body language and voice suggested he might actually be a woman.
* OhCrap: Mina has this understandable reaction when she finds herself alone with Fantômas.
* TheSociopath: Openly and proudly.
* SuddenlyVoiced: One of the more unsettling aspects of Fantômas is the way he remains completely silent, which is why it's a shock to Mina when he suddenly speaks a single line before detonating the explosives in the Phantom's tunnels. Equally startling is that he has no trace of a French accent at all, alluding to the literary Fantômas and his uncanny ability with languages.
--> '''Fantômas''': I win.

!!!Die Zwielichthelden
[[folder:Dr C.A. Rotwang]]
--> '''Source''': ''Film/{{Metropolis}}''

The brilliant mastermind behind the Berlin Metropolis and its technological wonders.
* HiddenVillain: Rotwang and his teammates operated in secret for most of their existence, manipulating their French and British counterparts from behind the scenes.
* MadScientist: One of the first of his kind.
* PosthumousCharacter: Is already long dead by the time of ''Nemo: River Of Souls'', presumably in a similar manner as shown in ''Metropolis''. His creation carries on his twisted designs.
* RedRightHand: Had a mechanical hand to replace the one he lost in a failed experiment.
* StupidJetpackHitler: He provides science fiction technology to the Hitler-equivalent of this universe.

[[folder:The Man Machine]]
--> '''Source''': ''Film/{{Metropolis}}''

The ultimate creation of MadScientist Dr Rotwang of Metropolis has taken her creator's place as a member of Germany's "Twilight Heroes" after his death, and is responsible for producing the technological marvels that keep the city modern.
* AIIsACrapshoot: While she's exactly as intelligent as Rotwang had intended, this turns out to be far too intelligent for the tastes of Hynkel and his party, as she has TurnedAgainstTheirMasters and is effectively running Metropolis. Rotwang's work was later used for the creation of the Ayesha clones and Literature/TheStepfordWives, with their intelligence turned down so they're unable to rebel.
* DoesNotLikeMen: Doesn't seem to think much of her aging, decrepit allies, an attitude she shares with Ayesha.
* HeroKiller: [[spoiler:She kills Broad-Arrow Jack by bashing his head in with her bare hand.]]
* NeverGivenAName: Like in the movie, the android has no name. Maria is the name of the woman she originally impersonated.
* MoreDakka: Mabuse reveals that while she is highly resistant to damage, to the point where she just shrugs off an explosive, she might be vulnerable to this type of attack. [[spoiler:This is how she meets her end at the hands of Dr Caligari's Sleepwalker soldiers, after Caligari is killed mid-order, they indiscriminately open fire on the closest target.]]
* RoboticReveal: She initially appears as a beautiful blonde woman, albeit with a creepy expression, but after Janni shoots her with an incendary weapon, her skin begins to melt, revealing her true nature.
--> '''The Man Machine''': This form has lost its propaganda purpose.
* TerminatorImpersonator: She references ''Franchise/{{Terminator}}'', in a panel where she wades through fire after losing her synthetic skin. Considering she helped codify the idea of robots in fiction in the first place, it seems fair enough.

[[folder:Dr Helmut Caligari]]
--> '''Source''': ''Film/TheCabinetOfDrCaligari''

The second surviving member of The Twilight Heroes, Dr Caligari serves as the backbone of Metropolis security forces, as he is responsible for the creation of their Sleepwalker shock troops, hypnotized soldiers who robotically follow all orders with near-superhuman endurance and agility, based on his sleepwalking assassin Cesare.
* BoomHeadshot: [[spoiler:Janni kills Caligari mid-order, leading to his Sleepwalker soldiers gunning the android to pieces]].
* EvilCripple: Due to his age, Caligari is restricted to a SteamPunk wheelchair and is forced to wear a gas mask-like breathing apparatus.
* EvilOldFolks: Caligari was already pretty old by the time the movie took place, and that was in the 1910's. By the time of ''Rose Of Berlin'', he's positively ancient.
* KeystoneArmy: [[spoiler:The Sleepwalker soldiers are useless without Caligari around to give them instructions, and upon his death they mindlessly open fire on the closest target, the android, then collapse into catatonia]].
* MassHypnosis: Caligari has created an army of hypnotized soldiers to serve as security for Metropolis. While asleep, the soldiers will obey any order, and posseses nearly superhuman senses.
* NamedByTheAdaptation: He didn't have a first name in the movie, he's named "Helmut" here.
* RealAfterAll: The original movie ended with the reveal that it was AllJustADream the insane protagonist was having, explaining the surreal setting, and Caligari was just the head doctor at the asylum. Here, it seems the events of the movie really happened.

--> '''Source''': ''Film/TheCabinetOfDrCaligari''
A mesmerized assassin and thrall of Caligari.
* TheUnfought: Is long dead before Janni gets to Metropolis.
* UniquenessDecay: Was originally a member of the German league per the black dossier, but by the time we actually see the German league in action, they have an entire division of mesmerized soldiers doing their bidding.

[[folder:Dr. Werner Mabuse]]
--> '''Source''': ''Film/DrMabuseTheGambler'', ''Film/TheTestamentOfDrMabuse''

The third surviving member of The Twilight Heroes, Mabuse is one of Adenoid Hynkel's head strategists, though unlike his fanatical co-workers, Mabuse is only in it for himself, not the Reich.
* DirtyOldMan: Janni and Jack finds him in the Metropolis Staatbordell (state bordello).
* EvenEvilHasStandards: He's decided he doesn't much like working for the Nazis.
* EvilOldFolks: Though ironically, he's probably the youngest human member of the Twilight Heroe
* FishEyes: Mabuse has an incredibly unsettling pair of huge, staring eyes. Presumably, this is a reference to his HypnoticEyes from the movies, but he never uses hypnosis during the story, as that is Caligaris specialty.
** FamilyEyeResemblance: A middle-aged woman, presumably his daughter, appears in ''River Of Souls'', and a young man, possibly his grandson, 12 years after that. Both share his distinct, bulging eyes.
* HeelFaceTurn: Sure, he doesn't turn ''good'', but he does turn against both the other Twilight Heroes and the Reich because their continued existence and the death of Janni Nemo does not suit his own purposes. He gives Janni vital information and leads her to the location of the Moloch Machine where her son-in-law is held prisoner.
** ''River Of Ghosts'' reveals that a woman with the same creepy eyes as Mabuse, presumably his daughter, is an ally of Janni 30 years after ''Rose Of Berlin'', and she mentions that the "House Of Mabuse" is loyal to her.
* KarmaHoudini: Gets off scot-free for all the horrible things he's done both on his own and as part of the Third Reich. He can be seen alive in [[spoiler:the ruins of Metropolis, having survived Janni bombing it to pieces at the end.]]
* SuspiciouslySimilarSubstitute: Was likely recruited as a counterpart to Les Hommes Mysterieux's Fantomas.

!!!The Seven Stars
[[folder:Captain Universe]]
-> '''Source:''' ''Captain Universe'' comics by Mick Anglo

A man named Jim Logan who can give himself powers via electricity that he can summon by shouting "Galap". He was given this ability by a group of science-mystics that have transcended reality.
* AllYourPowersCombined: All the powers of Earth's greatest scientific minds (Earth's greatest scientific minds have AscendedToAHigherPlaneOfExistence and have godlike power over the fundamental forces of nature, so that's a lot better than it sounds).
* BatmanCanBreatheInSpace: He can survive in space unaided.
* BroughtToYouByTheLetterS: Has a giant "U" on the front of his costume.
* ByThePowerOfGrayskull: Shouts "Galap" to gain many superhuman abilities.
* ChekhovsSkill: Mentions at one point that he could fill the universe with duplicates of himself. He later [[spoiler:contains a nuclear explosion by surrounding the bomb with thousands of duplicates.]]
* CrossoverRelatives: Jet-Ace Logan, a CaptainSpaceDefenderOfEarth from various British comics is now his brother.
* ExpyCoexistence: Universe was a ''[[ComicBook/{{Shazam}} Captain Marvel]]'' expy that only lasted one issue. As well as Marvel existing, the ''[[ComicBook/{{Miracleman}} Marvelman]]'' family is mentioned and another short-lived expy, Ace Heart appears.
* FlyingBrick: He has the strength, flight and invincibility.
* GreyGoo: Claims he could fill the entire universe with duplicates of himself.
* OldSuperhero: He transforms for the first time in nearly 50 years in 2010. It's implied [[spoiler:he became young again from his recreated FountainOfYouth at the end.]]
* PoliticallyIncorrectHero: He finds the idea of Vull the Invisible being effeminate troubling (Not knowing that Vull is really a woman).
* OneSteveLimit: Jet-Ace Logan, revealed to be his brother, is ''also'' named James Logan. Moore seems to get around this by making "Jet" Jet's real name.
* PostModernMagick: The source of his powers.
* SelfDuplication: He can make clones of himself with all his powers. Including the ability to make a clones of themselves.
* SiblingYinYang: Was more scientifically-inclined and studious than his hotshot pilot brother Jet.
* SupermanSubstitute: Is an expy of ''Shazam'', himself an expy of ''ComicBook/{{Superman}}''. Captain Universe seems to be the main caped FlyingBrick superhero in this universe with Superman implied to fake government propaganda.
* SuperpowerLottery: "Cosmic perception" (including sensing the invisible), self-duplication, controlling the whole electromagnetic spectrum...

[[folder:Vull the Invisible]]
An identity assumed by Mina after killing the original, villainous Vull and appropriating his equipment at [=MI5=]'s order.

''See "Wilhelmina Murray" in Murray's League''.

[[folder:Mars Man]]
-> '''Source:''' ''Marsman Comics''

A Martian explorer who came to Earth to study its social life and civilization, and ended up fighting crime.
* AdaptationalOriginConnection: Wasn't around long enough to get much backstory from his original creators. Moore ties him in to Edgar Rice Burroughs' ''Literature/JohnCarterOfMars'' series.
* AlliterativeName: His name back on Mars was Garath Ganzz.
* AllOfTheOtherReindeer: On Mars, he was discriminated against for being half-red and half-green. Ironically, he lands in Britain during the Big Brother days and is singled out as an undesirable "colored alien".
* FantasticRacism: Mars had colour barriers for pink martians back in the forties but his superpowers got him a job with Intelligence reporting from Earth.
* HumanoidAliens
* HumansThroughAlienEyes: He originally came to Earth to study humans.
* JediMindTrick: Uses it frequently.
%%His name is Gary Ganzz* NoNameGiven: "Mars Man" is just a nickname.
* NonHumanHumanoidHybrid: He's a "Pink Martian". His father is a Green Martian and his mother a Red from the ''Literature/JohnCarterOfMars'' series.
* SufficientlyAdvancedAlien: He has superpowers.

[[folder:Zom of the Zodiac]]
-> '''Source:''' ''Big Win Comics''
Sorcerer whose magic grants victims of crime the power to stand up to criminals.
* AdaptationExpansion: In the sense that Moore actually bothers to ''give'' him a backstory.
* {{Biomanipulation}}: Gives victims of crime large muscles and super-strength.
* CatchPhrase: something something "... '''of the Zodiac!'''"
* FunctionalMagic: Uses this.
* MysteriousPast: No one knows anything about his past. He reveals it in a backup feature of Vol. 4.
* VengefulGhost: Killed by his own employer because he did not heed his horoscope, the power '''of the Zodiac!''' brought him back from death to avenge the wronged.

[[folder:Satin Astro]]
-> '''Source:''' ''Whizzer Comics''
A glamorous criminal from the future.
* AdaptationalOriginConnection: Moore ties her backstory into the book ''Literature/{{We}}'', and the government she's resisting is implicitly backed by the ComicBook/LegionOfSuperheroes.
* ClassyCatBurglar
* FishOutOfTemporalWater: She comes from the year 3000 AD.
* FutureSlang: Apparently by her time, "zitz" has become a suitable substitute for virtually any expletive.
* JustLikeRobinHood: Is described as a "female Robin Hood". [[spoiler:She's actually a freedom fighter from Earth's dystopian future]]
* SetRightWhatOnceWentWrong: [[spoiler:The Tempest reveals the real reason why she's in the past; to prevent the cataclysm that had reduced the world to a wasteland as seen in the dystopian novel ''We''. She couldn't remember her true purpose until a few months before the story starts due to the effect of the time jump]].
* SpyCatsuit: Is shown wearing one.

[[folder:Flash Avenger]]
-> '''Source:''' ''Dynamic Thrills''

A hero with super-strength and flight.
* BatmanParody: Moore's backstory for him? He was walking home from a servant auction with his parents when they stumbled upon a beggar. Disillusioned to learn that lower-class people existed, he swore to fight ''exclusively'' crimes committed by the poor.
* CivvieSpandex: Wears a regular (albeit fancy) suit along with his insignia mask.
* ExpyCoexistence: His origin here makes him a BatmanParody. ''ComicBook/{{Batman}}'' himself makes a cameo in London near the end of Volume 4.
* FlyingBrick: This is his superpower.
* InterdimensionalTravelDevice: When the Stars get banished to another dimension, Zom turns Flash into an Interdimensional Zeppelin to get them home.
* MrViceGuy: Is shown smoking in every panel he's in, and is eventually revealed to have died of lung cancer.
* UpperClassTwit: A dim-witted IdleRich hero who specifically targets bad guys who are impoverished or tied to organized labor [[note]] (possibly an over-the-top reference to the character's creator, John McCail, who was apparently a union organizer) [[/note]]

[[folder:Electro Girl]]
-> '''Source:''' ''G-Boy Comics'', ''Whizzer Comics'', ''Super-Duper'' comics

A superheroine who got electrical powers from her father's experimental machines.
* CutLexLuthorACheck: She makes money after her retirement by selling her surplus electricity to the national grid.
* FreakLabAccident: Got her powers from a machine in her father's lab. The danger is lampshaded as she says she was "wondering what would happen if I fiddled with the machine that had incinerated Dad".
* IJustWantToBeLoved: Her condition makes it difficult to be intimate, so she is desperate for any kind of affection- she's propositioned several male teammates and even her own archenemies. [[spoiler:Eventually she gets married to Captain Universe, who is immune to electric shocks]].
--> ''I'd have to check my schedule but sure. How about tonight? Tonight's good''.
* MundaneUtility: She used to get a lot of "last request" letters from death-row inmates asking if she'd have sex with them so they can go OutWithABang.
* [[OldSuperhero Old Superheroine]]: Comes out of retirement in 2010. The end implies [[spoiler:Captain Universe made her young again with his recreated FountainOfYouth.]]
* PaintedOnPants: Her costume has these.
* PowerIncontinence: Can't control the electricity arcing off of her.
* RedIsHeroic: Most of her costume is red.
* ShockAndAwe

!!Lincoln Island
[[folder:Janni Dakkar]]
!!! Jenny Diver, Captain Nemo II
-> '''Source''': Original Character for the most part, but initially patterned and referred to as Music/PirateJenny from Creator/BertoltBrecht's ''Theatre/TheThreepennyOpera''.

Janni Dakkar is the daughter of Captain Nemo. She resented her father's conservative nature and his HeirClubForMen attitude. However, he nominates her as his successor after his death and despite initial reluctance, she becomes his successor as the second Captain Nemo.

She becomes the star of her own spin-off trilogy - ''Nemo: Heart of Ice, Nemo: Roses of Berlin, Nemo: River Of Ghosts''.
* ArchEnemy: Her main nemesis is Ayesha, Queen of Kor... "''Literature/{{She}}'' who must be obeyed...".
* BornInTheWrongCentury: She felt out of place in the sexist world of her father and the Victorian world, but she's equally out of place and on the margins in the 20th century. Her ideas of science and adventure is closer to that of her father (i.e. nature full of wonders, discoveries and the chance for adventure) than to the 20th-century dystopian vision of science.
* CaptainNemoCopy: As Nemo's daughter and successor, Janni took the name Captain Nemo along with command of the ''Nautilus'' which he died, continuing his activities with the crew of SubmarinePirates.
* DaddysLittleVillain: She is conflicted about becoming this and taking on the Nemo mantle but she sets about going her own way doing it.
* TheDreaded: She becomes a terror to rival that of her father and perhaps exceed him... even the likes of Dr. Mabuse is impressed with her.
* FromNobodyToNightmare: She is the daughter of TheDreaded Captain Nemo but she becomes TheRunaway and tries to work as a waitress in London's docks. [[spoiler:After she's beaten and gang raped, she takes up her Daddy's mantle and indeed seems to be worse than him.]]
* HappilyMarried: To Broad Arrow Jack, who served on her father's crew. She cites her love for her husband, [[spoiler:who dies in ''Nemo: Roses of Berlin'']] as the real reason for not wanting to live forever.
* HeroOfAnotherStory: Her crew has a series of adventures and CrisisCrossover hijinks that mirrors and parallels those of the Mina Murray led League.
* ISeeDeadPeople: In ''River of Ghosts'' as a result of brain tumor, [[spoiler:she takes pills but they don't work anymore]].
* TheLastDance: ''River of Ghosts'' is this. [[spoiler:She admits to Hugo Hercules, that she's suffering brain tumor, that her pills don't work and she expects to die at the end of this adventure, and she does.]]
* LegacyCharacter: She refuses to become this, disliking her father's cold nature and violent lifestyle. But alas, TheCallKnowsWhereYouLive. Her grandson ends up taking up the mantle after her death at the end of the ''Nemo'' trilogy.
* MeaningfulName: She is known as Jenny Diver in the expanded lore of Volume 2 and takes the name in Vol 3, Part 1 as an alias. It's the same name from Brecht's ''Threepenny Opera'' and the one who sings the famous "Pirate Jenny" ballad in the play.
* PetTheDog: A more noble figure than her father, Janni has more PetTheDog moments alongside her wanton slaughter of enemy ships by the dozen. She returns the corpse of ''Film/KingKong'' to Skull Island and fights on the side of the Allies during World War II.
* PirateGirl: She is Music/PirateJenny herself.
* RapeAndRevenge: [[spoiler:She is raped by bar patrons at her place of work]] and in retaliation, fires a signal flare to the ''Nautilus'' in the Estuary and becomes Pirate Jenny.
* RefusedTheCall: Didn't want to take her father's mantle, choosing instead to work as a lowly waitress. At first...
* RetiredOutlaw: [[spoiler:At the end of ''Nemo: Roses of Berlin''.]]
* ScienceHero: A more direct example than her father, since she becomes a Techno Pirate that fights all kinds of science fiction monsters and threats in the 20th Century, including ''Franchise/{{Godzilla}}''.
* ShedTheFamilyName: When she runs away from her father, she calls herself Jenny Diver to disassociate herself from her father's legacy.
* SkinnyDipping: When we first see her in the first part of the ''Century'' trilogy, she is swimming in the nude.
* WhoWantsToLiveForever: Ayesha offers her immortality and a WeCanRuleTogether but Janni refuses, strongly. [[spoiler:She finally dies at the end of ''River of Ghosts'', at the age of 80, on her own terms and with a smile on her face]].

[[folder:Jack Dakkar]]
!!! Captain Nemo III
--> '''Source:''' Original character. Derived from ''Literature/TwentyThousandLeaguesUnderTheSea'' and ''Literature/TheMysteriousIsland'' by Creator/JulesVerne.

Janni's grandson, and the third to bear the name Nemo.
* TheAgeless: It's implied he used the recreated FountainOfYouth as he's an active SpacePirate in 2164.
* CaptainNemoCopy: Like his grandmother, he continues the work of the original Nemo, eventually moving from being a [[SubmarinePirates Submarine Pirate]] to a SpacePirate.
* DeadGuyJunior: Named for his grandfather.
* DiabolicalMastermind: One of the foremost science-criminals of his time, alongside such illustrious associates as [[Film/TheTestamentOfDrMabuse Helmut Mabuse]] and Hortense and Eloise, the [[Film/TheManWithTheGoldenGun Scaramanga siblings]].
* GenerationXerox: He's quite a bit like his grandmother and great-grandfather.
* ALighterShadeOfBlack: Look, nobody's denying that he's a science criminal. But with shady characters like Jimmy Bond in control of the government, you could do worse for allies.
* MiddleEasternTerrorists: Well, Indian. He's carrying on with the original Nemo's work, which in a modern setting makes him seem a bit like Osama bin Laden.
* SpacePirate: Works as one with Orlando in the 22nd century.
* SubmarinePirates: Naturally, he's got a Nautilus of his own. [[spoiler:Until the end of Volume 4, where he upgrades to Space Pirate]].
* UsedToBeASweetKid: Was a curious, friendly, trusting child. His experiences in "River of Ghosts" harden him up a bit.
* WickedCultured: A notorious terrorist, but also a very gracious and sophisticated host.

--> '''Source:''' ''Literature/MobyDick''
The lone survivor of the Pequod. He went on to become Nemo's first mate, and his descendants continue to serve multiple generations of the Nemo family.
* OldRetainer: He served the original Nemo, and Janni after her.
* LegacyOfService: His son Tobias served as first mate after him, and his granddaughter Tacarigua is first mate for Jack Dakkar.
* ThoseTwoGuys: With Broad Arrow Jack, until his death.
* UndyingLoyalty: To Nemo and his heirs.

[[folder:Broad Arrow Jack]]
--> '''Source:''' ''Broad Arrow Jack'' by E. Harcourt Burrage

A notorious English outlaw, crewmember of the Nautilus, and eventually a consort of Janni Dakkar.
* HappilyMarried: To Janni, to whom he becomes TheLostLenore.
* MarkOfShame: He bears a large arrow brand on his back, the source of his outlaw name.
* SilverFox: Noted by a reporter to be one well-muscled septuagenarian.

[[folder:Hira Dakkar]]
--> '''Source:''' Original character. Derived from ''Literature/TwentyThousandLeaguesUnderTheSea'' and ''Literature/TheMysteriousIsland'' by Creator/JulesVerne.

Janni's daughter, never became Nemo.
* WrenchWench: Defied the odds by fixing her husband's fallen aircraft at the bottom of the ocean.

[[folder:Armand Robur]]
--> '''Source:''' Original character. Derived from ''Literature/RoburTheConqueror'' by Creator/JulesVerne.

* ArrangedMarriage: To Janni, to solidify an alliance between the Dakkar and the Robus clans.
* LegacyCharacter: For his father, Jean.
* PatrioticFervor: He may have been a notorious criminal, but he was a patriot.

[[folder:Manfred Mors]]
--> '''Source:''' Original character. Derived from ''The Air Pirate and His Steerable Airship'', author unknown.

%%* ReplacementGoldfish: To Hira, as he was...
* SuspiciouslySimilarSubstitute: ...A descendant of a notorious air pirate, now allied to the Dakkar family, and romantically involved with Hira.

[[folder:Hugo Coghlan]]
!!!Hugo Hercules, Cu Chulainn
--> '''Source:''' ''Hugo Hercules'' by Wilhelm Heinrich Detlev Körner, Cu Chulainn from Myth/CelticMythology

The very first of America's iconic superheroes, now making a living as a mercenary and bodyguard for hire. Is hired by Janni Nemo for her expedition in ''River Of Souls''.
* AlliterativeName: The Americans called him '''H'''ugo '''H'''ercules.
* BerserkButton: Was once hired to kill a man on that man's wedding night. He disliked the idea, and turned on his employer instead.
* BigEater: Eats enormous amounts of food in a single sitting. For breakfast he ate an entire bull baked into a ''Desperate Dan''-style cow pie, much to the anger of Janni's Hindu crew. After being forced to leave behind his beef, he ends up killing a dinosaur and keeping its meat for food.
* BodyguardCrush: He propositions Janni at one point but she turns him down.
* HitmanWithAHeart: Not at all ashamed about killing people for money, but he has some very definite rules as to what he won't do, is fiercely loyal to his employer, and actually quite friendly.
* {{Immortality}}: Or close to it, as he has barely aged for almost a century.
* InvincibleHero: Excalibur can't even scratch him, he murdered Godzilla, and the closest anyone ever came to hurting him was [[Literature/{{Gladiator}} Hugo Danner]] who gave him a bloody nose before Coghlan bashed his brains in with a headbutt.
* ItIsDehumanising: When Mina says not to antagonize it, Hugo furiously says it's already antagonized and to tell it why they're on his island or it'll murder them.
* LikesOlderWomen: He finds the elderly Janni attractive.
* NighInvulnerable: Was annoyed at being stamped in by a Tyrannosaurus Rex because of the damage it did to his hat, was able to be a BulletProofHumanShield for Janni and claimed that he could stay in Ayesha's exploding lair without being harmed.
* OneSteveLimit: Averted. There was another super-strong guy named [[Literature/{{Gladiator}} Hugo]] whom he killed a while back.
* ProtoSuperhero: Quite possibly ''the'' first super-powered crime fighter.
* ReallyGetsAround: Is shown to have a ''very'' active sexuality, and it's implied that his sleeping around is responsible for America's disproportionate amount of metahumans. He even hits on Janni, who is in her ''80's'' at this point. She politely declines.
* RelatedInTheAdaptation: He mentions siring an illegitimate son in Cactusville, Texas. He's later seen showing [[ComicBook/TheDandy Desperate Dan]] Nemo's spaceship.
* SemiDivine: A quarter god, heavily implied to be son of the half-god Cu Chulain.
* SmallReferencePools: Invoked. He went by the name Hugo Hercules in America because most Americans hadn't heard of Cu Chulainn.
* SuperNotDrowningSkills: He took one breath then spent three hours clearing away underwater ruins to make way for the Nautilus.
* SuperpowerfulGenetics: As stated under the entry for ReallyGetsAround, it's implied that America's numerous metahumans are a result of Hugo's having bedded a lot of women.
* SuperStrength: Is incredibly strong, to the point where he kills a charging ''T-Rex'' with a single punch.
* UndyingWarrior: Started out as the legendary Celtic demigod Cú Chulainn, fighting off whole armies with superhuman strength and near-invincibility; by the early 20th century, he's still alive and kicking, destroying legendary monsters, serving as a bodyguard to Jani in her war against Ayesha, and moonlighting as a hitman.
* UseYourHead: He beat Hugo Danner by headbutting him in the face.

[[folder:Professor Augustus Van Dusen]]
--> '''Source:''' [[Literature/TheThinkingMachine ''The Problem Of Cell 13'' and other stories]] by Jaques Futrelle

Known widely as "The Thinking Machine", Augustus Van Dusen is regarded as one of the most intelligent of his, or possibly any generation. After many adventures solving mysteries using his intellect and wit, Van Dusen would join Janni Nemo in her expedition to the [[Literature/AtTheMountainsOfMadness Mountains Of Madness]] in 1925.
* BrainUploading: Using punch cards of all things
* HeroicSacrifice: [[spoiler:Allows himself to be killed by Tom Swyfte to trick him into going further into the Mountains, allowing Janni to escape]]
* OurGhostsAreDifferent: Appears alongside many others of Janni's long-dead friends and allies in ''River Of Souls''. It's ambiguous whether he's actually a ghost, or if it's Janni's brain tumor playing tricks on her. [[spoiler:Maybe proven the latter, as we learn his consciousness has been preserved as an AI. It depends on how one thinks ghosts work]].
* PrisonEscapeArtist: Famously escaped from the reportedly inescapable Chisholm Prison.
* RedBaron: "The Thinking Machine"
* SmartPeopleWearGlasses: Is the only one of Janni's crew to wear glasses, and is also one of the most intelligent men of his time. Even his ''ghost'' wears them.

[[folder:Greta Mors]]
--> '''Source:''' Original character. Derived from ''The Air Pirate and His Steerable Airship'', author unknown.

Daughter of Hira Dakkar and Mannfred Mors, Jack Nemo's younger half-sister and part of his organization.
* AcePilot: Unlike her brother, she seems to favor her father's side of the family.

!!British Government
The ruling class of Great Britain and the wider British Empire, the British Government has existed in one form or another since the country's beginnings as a settlement by survivors of the Trojan War.
* AdaptationalVillainy: In real life, the Labour party is, generally, the left-leaning party of Britain. In the League world, they're the original name of the ''Ingsoc Party!''
* FaceHeelTurn: After the end of World War 2, a conspiracy within the Labour party seized power in Britain, installing a fascist dictatorship with Big Brother at the helm.
* TheGoodKing: A few decades after the Roman Empire withdrew from England, King Arthur arose and founded Camelot, described by Orlando as one of Britains greatest eras. Sadly, it didn't last long, collapsing after Arthur's death in battle with Mordred.
* GovernmentConspiracy: There's one, probably more, going on at any given time, such as the use of biological weapons during the Martian invasion, the Ingsoc coup, up to modern day where it's implied that they're covering up the existance of the supernatural under the guise of fiction.
* KarmaHoudini: Other than a few of the highest-ranked members, such as O'Brien and Big Brother, being assassinated, the Ingsoc regime never answers for any of the horrific events during their short-lived reign, and simply return to being the Labour party by the mid-50's.
* TheMagicGoesAway: During the reign of the puritanical James VI, all supernatural races were purged from England, eventually leading to the fairy realms severing contact with Earth.
* OutsideContextProblem: Thanks to the purges of King James, modern Britain often lacked the knowledge and resources to deal with supernatural or otherdimensional threats, forcing them to rely on extraordinary individuals such as the various Leagues.
* PuppetKing: While not outright powerless, since they are still the legitimate authority of the Empire, the British Government is heavily influenced by their Intelligence agencies, who have the resources to dispose of rulers who are becoming a hindrance, as experienced by Big Brother. It's implied to have been this way since the days of Queen Gloriana.


[[folder:Queen Gloriana I]]
--> '''Source:''' ''Literature/TheFaerieQueene'' by Edmund Spenser, ''Gloriana'' by Creator/MichaelMoorcock.

Queen of England in the 17th century, part-fairy. Had Prospero form the first version of the League to watch over her kingdom.
* BigBadDuumvirate: [[spoiler:With Prospero in ''The Tempest''.]]
* TheFairFolk: Is related to them.
* TheMagicGoesAway: Forms the first League at least partially to stop this from happening. It doesn't work [[spoiler:until about 400 years after her death]].
* NoHistoricalFiguresWereHarmed: Is a magical version of Queen Elizabeth I.
* InadequateInheritor: She's succeeded by her puritanical nephew Jakob, who became King James VI, the man behind the King James Bible, who proceeded to purge all supernatural creatures from Britain, leading to the fairy realms severing contact with Earth.
* PublicDomainCharacter
* UnevenHybrid: Her mother was a HalfHumanHybrid of human and fairy.
* WalkingShirtlessScene: The illustration provided here is just about the ''only'' picture of her, at least in the ''League'' universe, where her breasts ''aren't'' exposed.

[[folder:Big Brother]]
!!!General Sir Harold Wharton
--> '''Sources''': ''Literature/NineteenEightyFour'' by Creator/GeorgeOrwell, ''Literature/{{Greyfriars}}'' by Charles Hamilton

The all-powerful leader of the brutal Ingsoc government that took over Britain after [=WW2=], Big Brother ruled the country with an iron fist with the help of his Inner Party and the Thought Police. His death is the beginning of the end for the Ingsoc regime. [[spoiler:In reality he was Harry Wharton of the Famous Five from Greyfriars, and was assassinated by his old friend Bob Cherry, AKA Harry Lime.]]
* BigBrotherIsWatching: The TropeNamer, yet ironically most of the actual watching was done by [[spoiler:Bob Cherry, his old schoolmate]].
* {{Deconstruction}}: A rare case where one of Moore's deconstructions is (relatively) optimistic: while the original novel had the Party victorious and having completely subjugated the protagonists' free will and morality in the mother of all {{Downer Ending}}s,[[note]]Unless you consider the appendix canon.[[/note]] in the League-verse, how utterly shitty the society the Party and Big Brother created collapsed upon itself.
* DystopiaIsHard: Found this to be the case, as the Party's brutal methods were ultimately inefficient, and Ingsoc crumbled after less than a decade.
* FascistButInefficient: Unlike in the novel, Ingsoc's methods don't work. This leads to [[spoiler:Wharton getting fatally deposed, and the party dialing its policies down to acceptable levels of covert surveillance and repression]].
* FromNobodyToNightmare: [[spoiler:Harry Wharton was just a popular, adventurous school boy before resurfacing as Big Brother at the end of the war.]]
* HappilyMarried: Surprisingly, yes; he was married to [[spoiler:Billy Bunter's]] sister Bessie.
* KlingonPromotion: [[spoiler:It's heavily implied that he was assassinated and replaced with O'Brien as leader in a last-ditch effort to salvage the failing Ingsoc government. It didn't work.]]
* PuppetKing: It's implied that for all his power, the true authority of Ingsoc lay with the Thought Police like O'Brien and [[spoiler:Bob Cherry]].
* TheUnfought: Despite presenting a considerable threat, the League never actually fights him, or any of the active Ingsoc operatives, since they're not in the UK during its reign.
* TheUnseen: Never appears on-page, as the surviving League members abandon Britain at the end of the war, having been warned of the GovernmentConspiracy plans by the then-Prime Minister. By the time they return, Big Brother is already dead.
* VestigialEmpire: In the novel, Oceania is -- or, for propaganda purposes, claims to be -- comprised of the Americas, the United Kingdom, the southern African continent (including Madagascar), Australia, and the islands of the Pacific Ocean. Here, it's revealed that Ingsoc never spread beyond Airstrip One, and even then, the attempt to create an absolute fascist surveillance state in Britain was a doomed failure.

[[folder:Colonel Cuckoo]]
--> '''Source:''' ''Whatever Happened to Corporal Cuckoo?'' by Gerald Kersh

An immortal soldier who fights alongside Orlando in Q'Mar during 2009.
* AxCrazy: Not shown onscreen, but see the entry for "Who Wants to Live Forever?".
* {{Cloudcuckoolander}}: Averted, despite his name.
* ColonelBadass: He's a Colonel in the British army at the time he meets Orlando.
* TheConfidant: Is an ancient, immortal soldier, and as such is the only one Orlando can talk to that truly understands the price of living much longer than natural.
* CoveredInScars: Much like he was in his short story, Cuckoo is covered in too many scars to have been gained in one war.
* {{Immortality}}: Was made immortal at the Battle of Turin by a Paracelsus formula.
* UndyingWarrior: As with his short story, he's an immortal who's spent most of his eternal life in the military, though by now, he's ''finally'' been promoted beyond the rank of corporal.
* WhoWantsToLiveForever: Is no stranger to the bouts of bloodlust that immortality brings.

[[folder:Malcolm Tucker]]
--> '''Source:''' ''Series/TheThickOfIt''

Director of Communications for the Government of the United Kingdom in 2009.
* TheCameo: Appears in a television interview that Orlando is watching.
* CelebrityParadox: As shown above, [[Series/DoctorWho the Doctor]] also exists in this universe, and both characters have been portrayed by Creator/PeterCapaldi... Though Capaldi hadn't taken the role by the time ''2009'' was written.
* ClusterFBomb: On TV, no less!
* SirSwearsALot: Per the norm.

[[folder:Billy Bunter]]
--> '''Source''': ''Literature/{{Greyfriars}}'' by Charles Hamilton
Former student, sneak, thief and general mischief-maker of Greyfriars, and it's eventual caretaker, and when necessary, snitch for Big Brother, aka his former classmates Harry Wharton and Bob Cherry.
* BeingEvilSucks: Calling him evil is probably stretching it, but he's still a member of the Ingsoc regime... because he's too weak to be anything else. He knows it too, he thinks the only reason his former "friends" never bothered to ship him off to a camp somewhere is because even ''they'' felt sorry for him.
* BreakTheHaughty: One of the biggest running gags of the Greyfriars books was that Billy Bunter had a massive ego and inflated view of himself, seeing himself as much smarter, popular and athletic than he could ever dream of. ''Black Dossier'' heavily implies that he's long sinced realized how pathetic and comical he really was, completely breaking his spirit.
* ExactWords: He mentions that he still gets post orders from "mother" to support himself, which was a RunningGag in the original Greyfriars stories. However, what he means here is that he gets paid by Mother, AKA M of British Intelligence. Who in this case happens to be Harry Lime/Bob Cherry.
* FatBastard: Downplayed, he betrays Mina and Quatermain, but he's portrayed as a broken, pathetic figure instead of a treacherous one.
* MrExposition: Having spent most of his adult years as a faculty member and eventual caretaker of Greyfriars, he's the one who fills in both the main characters and the readers on the history of the school.

!!!British Intelligence

The handlers of the League in its many incarnations. The League's various individuals regard their motives with mistrust which is usually justified.

!!!Associated Tropes
* FaceHeelTurn: From the point of view of Nemo, [[spoiler:their casual acceptance of civilian casualties when they used biological weapons against the Martians]] was this. Later, the rest of the team, who didn't have any inkling about that plan, cut off all ties with [=MI5=] after its leader, Harry Lime, orchestrated Big Brother's coup.
* FakingTheDead: Their specialty is to fabricate someone's demise.
* GovernmentAgencyOfFiction: A real life organization that literally plays this role, locating and identifying exceptional characters, creating whole new lives for them and making them agents. They are rather fictionalized in additionally taking on [=MI6=]'s role in foreign intelligence and operations, and appropriately employing James Bond and a series of director's codenamed M.
* GreyAndGrayMorality: They're technically opposed to the bad guys, but they're very shady. And honor bound to serve the government, even when Big Brother's in charge of it.
--> ''"UsefulNotes/TheBritishEmpire has always encountered difficulty in distinguishing between its heroes and its monsters."''
* ManipulativeBastard: ''Every'' person to hold the office of 'M' has been one.
* ObstructiveBureaucrat: Occasionally, their need to go by regulations inconvenience others.
* OmniscientCouncilOfVagueness: We don't know who runs [=MI5=], but the various Ms tend to have their own plans and schemes. For some reason, 'M' is also usually [[spoiler:a criminal, like Moriarty and Harry Lime]].
* OurFounder: British Intelligence was founded by Sir John "Jack" Wilton, Queen Gloriana's spymaster (a stand-in for Queen Elizabeth's real-life spymaster Sir Francis Walsingham). The title of "M" is in honor of him, as it's an upside down version of his iconic "W" emblem.
* SpiesAreDespicable: While some are worse than others (and Jimmy is the very worst), as a whole the group and especially its leadership tends towards being racist, remarkably callous with lives, and untrustworthy even if you're working for or aiding them.
* WellIntentionedExtremist: Their general idea is to ally with difficult and unpleasant individuals like Hyde and even political enemies like Nemo to deal with graver threats. Ironically, they're far more restrictive about who they employ than the French and German counterparts, who staffed their teams with monsters to a man.


[[folder:Sir Jack Wilton]]
->'''Source:''' ''The Unfortunate Traueller: or, The Life of Jacke Wilton'' by Thomas Nashe

A spymaster in Queen Gloriana I's court, and as contemporary of Prospero had an influence of the foundation of the league.
* FictionalCounterpart: Is used as a fictional stand-in for Sir Francis Walsingham, Queen Elizabeth I's spymaster.
* OurFounder: He used an inverted second initial as his sigil, setting the trend for heads of British Intelligence to be known as '''M'''.

[[folder:M (18??-1898)]]
!!! Prof. James Moriarty
->'''Source:''' ''Literature/SherlockHolmes'' adventures by Sir Creator/ArthurConanDoyle.
->''"It's James. Call me James."''

A criminal mastermind famous for his adversarial involvement with the great detective Sherlock Holmes. He was secretly a British intelligence agent trying to exercise control over the criminal underworld on behalf of the crown. After surviving his fall from the Reichenbach falls, he ended up becoming head of British intelligence as M.
* ArchEnemy: Arch enemy of Sherlock Holmes and in Vol. 1 [[spoiler:to the Doctor/Fu Manchu]].
* BadBoss: Not above using his sergeant as a human shield.
* BaldOfEvil: Bald and evil.
* BecomingTheMask: Discusses this with Campion Bond. He was recruited by [=MI5=] to serve as a criminal to keep the London Underworld under his thumb but over time seems to have confused his vocation.
--> ''"Am I, for example, a director of military intelligence posing as a criminal or a criminal posing as a director of military intelligence or both?"''
* BigBad: He is the main villain of the first volume.
* ComicBookFantasyCasting: He most closely resembles the description of Moriarty in the book but the way he's drawn is also heavily reminiscent of [[Franchise/StarWars Emperor Palpatine]].
* CoolAirship: Owns a nice one, powered by [[Literature/TheFirstMenInTheMoon Cavorite]].
* DisneyVillainDeath: [[spoiler:An interesting variation: he "falls" up into space while holding onto the Cavorite.]]
* EntertaininglyWrong:
** He notes that Sherlock Holmes understood his activities as a criminal but somehow never reached the conclusion that his criminal empire was on a scale that could only be enabled by UsefulNotes/TheBritishEmpire, never realizing that he, the Great Detective, was ultimately an UnwittingPawn for [=MI5=].
** On the flip side, Moriarty himself seems to think he did away with his old enemy at Reichenbach. Not so much, though he doesn't get a chance to learn this.
* EvilVersusEvil: His conflict with the Doctor, since neither of them are good people.
* FirstNameBasis: [[spoiler:Insists Campion Bond refer to him as "James".]]
* HoistByHisOwnPetard: His obsession with the Cavorite ends up being his undoing [[spoiler:as he refuses to let it go when Mina destroys the containment glass, leading to him "falling" into the sky, eventually suffocating to death when the Cavorite leaves the atmosphere.]]
* IronicNurseryTune: He sings "Twinkle, twinkle, little star" as he prepares to bomb Limehouse.
* LateArrivalSpoiler: There is absolutely no way you can read everything following Volume 1 without knowing that Moriarty was M.
* TheManBehindTheMan: [[spoiler:To Campion Bond.]]
* OnlyYouCanRepopulateMyRace: [[spoiler:70 years after his death at the end of Vol. 1, his embalmed corpse is harvested for sperm to repopulate the Amazon Women on the Moon's population. Watch this space...]]
* PoliticallyIncorrectVillain: Expresses scorn towards Mina, and calls her a "lesbian" for her position as leader of the league. He also flips out and calls Sherlock "a drug addicted sodomite" when the latter defeats him.
** ReasonableAuthorityFigure: Despite his personal opinion, he's quite sharp about what can make a team work, even arguing to the sexist Campion Bond for Mina to lead the team on the grounds that a woman in a squad of strong males would be ideally placed to keep a lid on the inevitable DysfunctionJunction.
* PublicDomainCharacter: [[spoiler:He's Moriarty.]]
* CrossoverRelatives: Here he's an ancestor of Dean Moriarty from ''Literature/OnTheRoad'' by Creator/JackKerouac here.
* RunningBothSides: The government hired him to help control the criminal underworld. He says himself that he can't decide if he's a government agent pretending to a criminal or a criminal pretending to be an agent or both.
* TheSpymaster: Somebody in Her Majesty's government thought it would be a good idea for the world's most notorious crime lord to have this post.
* VillainousBreakdown: After [[spoiler:falling down Reichenbach Falls]] and before realizing that he's NotQuiteDead, he goes quite berserk, even more so at the end of Vol 1.
* WickedCultured: Likens Reichenbach to Olympus.
* WorthyOpponent: His relationship to Sherlock Holmes.

[[folder:M (1898-19??)]]
!!! Mycroft Holmes
->'''Source:''' ''Literature/SherlockHolmes'' adventures by Sir Creator/ArthurConanDoyle.
-> '''Griffin''': ''"Aheh. Well, that solves the mystery of the detective's disappearance: his brother ate him."''

Sherlock Holmes' brother, replacing Prof. Moriarty as M.
* AdiposeRex: Head of British Intelligence, and extremely fat.
* EveryoneHasStandards: In ''Century'', he's absolutely disgusted when the deranged [[Film/TheRulingClass Earl of Gurney]] takes the credit for Jack the Ripper's murders (the Earl WAS guilty of murder, but just one), forcing the authorities to let the Ripper go without punishment.
* ALighterShadeOfBlack: He's not an outright villain like Moriarty, but he's still a pretty amoral character. In the supplemental material of Vol 2, Mina comments that he's a kind of intellectual monster.
* SiblingRivalry: It's implied that he and his brother do not get along at all.
* WellIntentionedExtremist: He's willing to use [[spoiler:biological warfare]] to stop the Martians, even if it risks deaths of other Londoners. In Vol 3. Part 1, he [[spoiler:orders an execution of [=Jack MacHeath=] for the Ripper murders without a trial and is appalled when the Earl of Gurney takes the blame for all the killings (he had only killed one) letting Jack become a KarmaHoudini much to his disgust]].

[[folder:M (1950s)[=/=]Mother]]
!!!Robert Kim Cherry, Harry Lime, Mother
--> '''Source''': ''Film/TheThirdMan'', ''The Lives of Harry Lime'', ''Series/TheAvengers1960s'', ''Literature/{{Greyfriars}}''

Head of British Intelligence in the mid-sixties, M, from around the end of WWII to the mid-sixties.
* AllohistoricalAllusion: His middle name is Literature/{{Kim}} after his famous grandfather. It's also a reference to real-life Soviet spy Kim Phillby, a friend of Graham Greene who wrote the screenplay of ''Film/TheThirdMan'' of whom Harry Lime is an {{Expy}}. Kim Phillby by the way ''was'' in fact named after Kipling's Kim. Yup, Alan Moore [[ReferenceOverdosed thinks things through with his allusions.]]
* BigBrotherIsWatchingYou: Harry Lime does the watching for Big Brother and even watches him in turn and later [[spoiler:kills him to replace Ingsoc when he realizes that it's not working]].
* ComicBookFantasyCasting: While he looks a bit like Creator/OrsonWelles (who played Lime in the movie), some have also noted a resemblance to Creator/MichaelCaine, possibly a reference to Film/HarryPalmer. [[note]] Like [[Literature/TheQuestForKarla George Smiley]] and [[Series/DangerMan John Drake]], Palmer was created as a course-correction for James Bond's increasingly campy influence on the spy genre. Note that League-verse Lime has no patience for Jimmy's antics [[/note]]
* FakingTheDead[=/=]ThatManIsDead:
--> ''"Jimmy, you can call me M. Behind my back, you can even call me Mother. But Harry... Harry died a long time ago in the sewers under Vienna. Let's leave it like that, shall we?"''
* FamousAncestor: He's descended from [[Literature/{{Kim}} Kimball O'Hara]].
* FatBastard: A bit overweight, and approaching Mycroft's body type in 1964 (possibly a reference to Orson Welles, who played him onscreen).
* FromNobodyToNightmare: Formerly [[spoiler:Bob Cheery of the Famous Five]]. He and his gang go on to install Ingsoc and create a Stalinist dictatorship in England.
* GreaterScopeVillain: Of ''The Black Dossier'', though he doesn't actually fight the League, preferring to work behind the scenes.
* IHaveManyNames: He is known to the League as that "viper" Harry Lime. He's M in intelligence, and Emma Night calls him [[Series/TheAvengers1960s Mother]]. Big Brother calls him Bob. His real name is [[spoiler:Robert Kim Cheery]]
* KarmaHoudini: [[spoiler:He remains M after Mina and Allan leave for the Blazing World. The backup feature of Vol. 4 reveals he was still in charge at least five years later]].
* TheManBehindTheMan: Served as this to Ingsoc and the Big Brother regime. Big Brother being [[spoiler:Harry Wharton, his old classmate from Greyfriars.]]
* MeanBoss: He allows Jimmy Bond to keep his job in deference to his past successes (or at least for propaganda value), and doesn't rein in his more brutal behavior. However, he makes it very clear that this is not out of personal respect.
--> Don't overestimate your own importance. Let's face it, Jimmy. You're no [[Series/ReillyAceOfSpies Sidney Reilly]]. You're just a bit of fun.
* TheTeamBenefactor: In the early 60s, he created a second-string British super-team to combat Mina's Seven Stars, intending them to show the Stars up via EngineeredHeroics. It did not go as planned.

[[folder:M (????-2009)]]
!!!Emma Peel nee Night
--> '''Source''': ''Series/TheAvengers1960s'' and Creator/JudiDench in ''Film/JamesBond'' films.

Daughter of an industrialist and an [=MI5=] agent, [[spoiler:ultimately becoming M in the 2000s.]]
* ActionGirl: Mina realizes that Emma knows Indian wrestling and Judo.
* TheAtoner: How she feels in Volume III, Part 3, especially after learning that her father [[spoiler:was murdered by Jimmy]] who was an American spy the whole time.
* CruelMercy:
** [[spoiler:She eventually discovered that Bond murdered her father, and, by 2009, is forcibly keeping him alive despite his STD-ruined body and declining health to ensure he suffers.]]
** Defied at the end of ''Tempest'' [[spoiler:when she notes she could easily just make Jimmy immortal and leave him braindead forever, but decides not to.]]
* {{Expy}}: Not only of Emma Peel, but also Tracy Bond, both of whom are played by the same actress, Diana Rigg; her appearance in Vol III makes her resemble the Judi Dench M in the Bond films.
* HeelFaceTurn: Is an antagonist in ''Black Dossier'' and a grudging ally in ''2009'' [[spoiler:and finally a full-on friend to Mina and Orlando in ''Tempest''.]]
* NiceJobBreakingItHero: Her CruelMercy ensures that Bond lives to [[spoiler:succeed her as M, get rejuvenated, then destroy Ayesha's pool, ensuring he'll be the last]].
* SkewedPriorities: At the beginning of the last issue of ''The Tempest'', she is quite delighted to learn that the [=MI5=] building has been destroyed, as it means the end of "sixties espionage" ... [[spoiler:right as they're about to leave Earth to escape the apocalypse.]]
* WritingAroundTrademarks: She's referred to exclusively by her maiden name, with alternate spelling to further obscure her.

[[folder:M (2009)]]
!!!Sir James
--> '''Source''': Creator/IanFleming's Literature/JamesBond stories

A descendant of Campion Bond, "Jimmy" is the same kind of weaselly slimeball that the League dealt with in the Victorian era though even more unpleasant and smug than Campion. He served the government during the Big Brother regime and is a well regarded secret agent. [[spoiler:After Emma Night's disappearance, he is tapped as the new M]].
* AdaptationalVillainy: The original [[spoiler:James Bond]] in the books had noble intentions and was often shown to value the girls he slept with as more than just one-night stands. This one is a rapist at worst, pick-up artist at best, and absolutely without any scruples. Even the original literary Bond [[spoiler:was never depicted as a traitor.]]
* TheAgeless: The FountainOfYouth made him immortal but [[spoiler:he was still able to be killed by Emma Night.]]
* AxCrazy: Most notable when he hijacks a civilian's hovercar and charges after Mina and Allan with an absolutely batshit insane look on his face.
* DirtyOldMan: The glimpse of him in [[spoiler:''Century 2009'' being attended by a ridiculously bosomed blonde nurse suggests this. Hardly surprising.]]
* DoesThisRemindYouOfAnything: His overhyping of his adventures and [[spoiler:selling out specifically to Americans]] might be a jab on Moore's part to the Bond franchise selling out to Hollywood.
* ExpyCoexistence: ''Black Dossier'' implies Basildon Bond to be an ancestor of Champion Basildon was a James Bond parody played by Russ Abbot.
* FakeUltimateHero: He's touted as a great secret agent but his use of gadgets in a fight are shown to be AwesomeButImpractical and only make him look foolish. [[spoiler:It's revealed in the end that "Jimmy" is in fact a traitor to England, having murdered Emma Night's father and being in the pocket of Americans. He later realizes he was in the wrong line, and he's far more effective and capable as an outright villain than he ever was as a hero.]]
* {{Flanderization}}: His reliance on absurd gadgets and his [[OvertOperative complete lack of discretion]] about his job are played way up. His misogynistic tendencies, however, aren't too far off the mark.
* ForTheEvulz: His implied motivation for his actions in ''The Tempest''.
* FountainOfYouth: Was old and wheelchair-ridden until he tracked it down and returned to his prime.
* FromNobodyToNightmare: [[spoiler:He becomes the new M in ''The Tempest''. He's also gone from the guy who claimed a miss was a warning shot to the guy who nuked the Fountain of Youth. He's gone from being a parody of Bond, to a Bond villain complete with nuclear submarines, henchmen, creepy sex, and sadistic sociopathy, fully capable of mad plans like dropping nuclear bombs on micro-nations, and carrying it out with precision.]]
* HandsomeLech: A good-looking guy who also happens to be a misogynist rapist.
* HateSink: He more represents the character's toxic misogynist fan base than the actual character from the books and movies.
* HeManWomanHater: In Alan Moore's view, this was the unpleasant undercurrent of the original stories and Jimmy makes even [[ComicBook/{{Watchmen}} The Comedian]] seem like a feminist by comparison, being a rapist who uses torture instruments as foreplay.
* KarmaHoudini: Zigzagged.
** [[spoiler:Murders Emma Night's father, betrays England for America, rapes many women and is a thug, and when confronted by Bulldog Drummond rubs it in that he's going to kill him and get away with it and have sex with Emma Night too. He has even become an institution by the time of Volume III]].
** [[KarmaHoudiniWarranty However, by 2009]], [[spoiler:he's a crippled old man, riddled with painful STD's, and there's the implication that Night is [[CruelMercy keeping him alive to ensure he suffers]]]].
** [[DoubleSubversion However,]] [[spoiler:the teaser for Volume 4 shows him becoming the new "M" of [=MI5=] who is implicitly in charge of hunting down Orlando, Mina and Emma (the previous M).]] [[OverlyLongGag However]], [[spoiler:Night finally kills him in a particularly embarrassing way by the end of that volume]].
* LegacyCharacter: He's such an institution that [=MI5=] use his name and identity for different agents (all the Bond actors from Creator/SeanConnery to Creator/DanielCraig).
* OvertOperative: You know how in the movies, Bond would inexplicably travel with absolutely no cover identity? This version is even worse, openly blabbing about being a secret agent to impress girls at bars. [[WesternAnimation/{{Archer}} Sterling Archer]] would be proud.
* ReedRichardsIsUseless: A government agent finds a working FountainOfYouth that turns old people young, makes them immortal and heals any previous injury. He uses it once then blows it up.
* SpiesAreDespicable: Probably the biggest example in the series. A morally abhorrent and charmless backstabber and rapist.
* TakeThat: Jimmy is essentially Alan Moore's attack on the myth of James Bond, especially the idea that [[Film/GoldenEye a misogynist dinosaur of the Cold War]] became England's greatest adventure hero despite having a career where he spies for the government, kills and lies to people for a living, neither being heroic from the author's anti-authoritarian perspective.
** Appears to be somewhat alleviated in ''The Tempest'' where Moore seems to concede that while he despises spies and especially James Bond, at the very least the TuxedoAndMartini spy flicks of the 60s were ''fun'' in high contrast to the highly morose and "realistic" modern spies. Additionally, the J-Series agents that bear his name don't seem to be too evil-[[Film/CasinoRoyale1967 J-R4]] in particular is portrayed as being awkward and overly trusting, [[spoiler:which leads to his death at the hands of the original Bond]].
* TruerToTheText: Moore's take on Bond is a lot closer to the original Fleming version, and mainly highlights why exactly Bond needed AdaptationalHeroism since there's no way a faithful take on Book Bond would ever have been franchise material.
* VillainWithGoodPublicity: [[spoiler:He's a traitor to England and a rapist but is also considered a honored establishment figure, so [=MI5=] keeps younger stand-ins like [[Creator/RogerMoore J3]] and [[Creator/DanielCraig J6]] to do field work, while the original is tended to by a buxom blonde nurse.]]
* WritingAroundTrademarks: It's pretty clear who he is but for copyright reasons isn't actually referred to as James Bond, or 007.

!!!Agents / Operatives
[[folder:The J-Series (J1-6)]]
--> '''Source''': [[Film/JamesBond James Bond film series]]
After “Jimmy” passed his prime, the legend of his exploits (which are either lies or exaggerated accounts of his stories) caused Britain to create a series of younger stand-ins. All six of them are MI-5’s best agents and are M’s bodyguards, following her [[spoiler:or his]] every order to the letter.
* DeathByAdaptation: J1 is used by "Jimmy" as a human shield (which J1 does himself in ''Film/{{Thunderball}}'') when King turns on him.
* DecompositeCharacter: The above "Jimmy" is the original, but they've all contributed to the "James Bond" identity. Even the Sean Connery version (J1) is separate from the original.
* LegacyCharacter: All of them have adopted the name of [[spoiler:James Bond]] at one point or another, and were all far more competent than “Jimmy” had ever been. J6 is the most recent to bear the name.
* MyMasterRightOrWrong: While the J-series seemed particularly loyal to Emma, and one can assume J6 was especially close to her, they are all still very loyal government agents who won’t hesitate in [[spoiler:following Jimmy’s hunt for their former leader]].
* TheRuntAtTheEnd:
** [[Film/CasinoRoyale1967 Jimmy Bond / Dr. Noah]] appears in ''Tempest'' as "J-R4", a reserve agent and neurotic weakling that [[spoiler:the original Sir James considers expendable enough to kill without hesitation]]. A line of his suggests that all Bonds considered non-canon have been relegated to this status, though he reassures Sir James that [[DeliberateValuesDissonance they're all still white, of course]].[[note]]The designation "R4" suggests that only the male Bonds from ''Casino Royale'' -- David Niven's Sir James, Peter Sellers' Evelyn Tremble, and Jimmy -- are considered official by [=MI6=], and that all three are preceded by the first ever on-screen Bond: Barry Nelson's from [[Film/CasinoRoyale1954 the "Casino Royale" episode]] of ''Climax!''. It's also a dirty pun on Cockney rhyming slang "J. Arf'ur" -- R4's a wanker.[[/note]]
** Another "botched" clone appears to be Film/AustinPowers, whom they've decided to keep in cryosuspension.
* OnlyKnownByHisNickname: They each have a nickname that is a subtle reference to the actor they were modeled on.
** J1 is "Jock", slang for a Scottish man, which Connery famously was.
** J2 is "Fry", alluding to Lazenby appearing in ads for the chocolate brand ''Fry's'' before being cast as Bond.
** J3 is "Eyebrows" and Moore was the master of the FascinatingEyebrow.
** J4 is "Lovey", alluding to Dalton being a [[{{Luvvies}} classically-trained stage actor]].
** J5 is "Posh" and J6 is "Scary". Brosnan could be said to be more posh or suave than some others, and Craig goes for DarkerAndEdgier than everyone else, but "Posh" and "Scary" are also cheeky nods to the Music/SpiceGirls.
* TakeThat: J1's dying grunt, "Uk..." may be a subtle dig at Connery's advocacy of Scottish independence away from the ''U.K.'' Plus it's probably no coincidence that Moore had Quatermain beat up and belittle Jimmy decades before in ''The Black Dossier'', and Connery played both Bond and Quatermain in the movie adaptation of the comic, and this was an indirect jab as well.

[[folder:Campion Bond]]
->'''Source:''' Original character. [[Franchise/JamesBond Though you can probably guess whose ancestor he is.]]
->''"We live in troubled times, where fretful dreams settle upon the Empire's brow."''

Campion Bond is the liaison between the league and the mysterious M. A fat slob with no redeeming qualities.
* AdaptedOut: Was absent from the movie but appeared in the novelization. His role in the film is given to Sanderson Reed.
* FatBastard: He's overweight and not the least bit pleasant.
* GoodHairEvilHair: He alternates between a thin beard with a pencil line mustache, and a simple handlebar.
* InTheBlood: The Bond family, whether Sir Basildon Bond in Prospero's time or his more famous grandson in the 20th Century are generally shifty scumbags who are condescending, macho and full of themselves, without the chivalry or honour of James.
* {{Jerkass}}: He's not especially evil or rude but he's very condescending, manipulative and a real toady. He also condescends to Mina and thinks she's not fit to lead the League because she's [[ValuesDissonance a woman]]. The public story of Dracula's attack on her is that she was "ravished by a foreigner" and he all but blames her for it.
* ObstructiveBureaucrat: He's corrupt and careerist but isn't otherwise a villain.
* SmugSnake: The size of his ego isn't justified.
* VetinariJobSecurity: He seems to have this in Vol. 1; [[spoiler:even after basically being a henchman to James Moriarty,]] he keeps his position in Vol. 2 with no rebuke. Averted in ''The Black Dossier'' and ''Vol 3. Century''; the former book has him noting his loss of favor while the latter book has him serve as waiter to the second M and the League, with nothing to do but sulk off-panel.

[[folder:Sir Hugo Drummond]]
->'''Source:''' The ''Literature/BulldogDrummond'' series by Sapper.

A WWI hero, private detective, and friend of the industrialist Sir John Night.
* TheBrute: He's quite large and quite ready to dish out punishment.
* CoolOldGuy: Was active on the frontlines in WWI, and still active in the late fifties as an MI-5 agent.
* FamilyValuesVillain: He objects to Allan swearing in public as there could be kiddies listening.
* HonoraryUncle: To Emma.
* MadeOfIron: Completely unaffected by the Golliwog beyond a bloody nose while Jimmy and Emma are floored.
* MoralityPet: He's an extreme far-right nutter, but his fondness for the heroic Emma humanizes him some.
* PoliticallyIncorrectHero: As befitting the source material.
* ReasonYouSuckSpeech: Gives a brutal one to Jimmy and by extension the spy genre for only being interested in deception and gadgets rather than being able to fight.
* WritingAroundTrademarks: Never actually called "Bulldog Drummond", and his first name, Hugh, is disguised as Hugo.

[[folder:Jason King]]
->'''Source:''' Series/DepartmentS and ''Series/JasonKing''.

Formerly of Divison S, appointed head of operations when Jimmy becomes M.
* AdaptationalSexuality: Jason King was a ladies man in his series, but Moore makes him a potentially closeted gay man, perhaps taking a note from his actor Peter Wyngrade.
* CrossoverRelatives:: Tara King from ''Series/TheAvengers1960s'' is now his sister here.
* DiscoDan: Retains his 70s hipster fashion sense into 2010.
* TamperingWithFoodAndDrink: He poisons M's tea but M gives it to the cat.
* XRaySparks: He rewires M's office hoping to electrocute him. M ends up wanting to trade offices leaving King to be electrocuted in this fashion.

[[folder:Cathy Gale, Tarsy King, Patsy]]
->'''Source:''' ''Series/TheAvengers1960s'' and ''Series/TheNewAvengers''.

School friends who later all partnered up with the same man. In 2009, they're operatives of the new M ([[spoiler:Emma Night]]).
* ActorAllusion: Both Creator/JoannaLumley and Creator/HonorBlackman were Steed's companions in ''Series/TheAvengers1960s'' in addition to being in James Bond movies. Here they're caught up in the feud between Bond and Mrs. Peel.
* CompositeCharacter
** Purdey from ''The New Avengers'' and Patsy Stone from Series/AbsolutelyFabulous, both played by Joanna Lumley.
** Cathy Gale and Pussy Galore, both played by Creator/HonorBlackman.
* EveryoneWentToSchoolTogether: They all went to Cliff House, the girls' counterpart to Greyfriars.
* NeverSuicide: For helping Emma, all three are interrogated and tortured by [=MI5=] and later made to look like
* RelatedInTheAdaptation: Tara with Jason King.

!!!Major Antagonists
[[folder:Oliver Haddo]]
!!!Adrian Marcato, Dr. Karswell Trelawney, Mocata, Kosmo Gallion, Charles Felton, Tom Marvolo Riddle
--> '''Source''': William Somerset Maugham's ''Film/TheMagician''.

An occultist who first confronts the League in Century 1910, he goes on to be the recurring BigBad of Volume III.
* BigBad: He is the main threat for Volume III as a whole.
** BigBadDuumvirate: He shares his position as the central antagonist in ''Century 2009'' with the Moonchild or the Antichrist.
* BodySurf: This is how he attains immortality, [[spoiler:bringing a disciple/inheritor next to him on his deathbed then switching bodies, the previous one dying a few seconds later.]]
* DepravedBisexual: Don't get in his way, or you'll find yourself on the end of his blasting rod. No, not the magical kind.
* DidntSeeThatComing: His convoluted plans collapse when [[spoiler:[[Film/GetCarter Jack Carter]] shoots [[BoomHeadshot his body in the head]] while his spirit is in the Astral Plane trying to possess [[Film/{{Performance}} Terner]]. As a last resort he possesses the body of a creepy dude named Tom Riddle.]]
* DisappointedInYou: He expresses this constantly and frequently to [[spoiler:TheAntichrist, Literature/HarryPotter.]]
* EvilSorceror: For much of his appearance he is this. [[spoiler:He undergoes severe BadassDecay in Century 2009]].
* FateWorseThanDeath: [[spoiler:After the Antichrist plot fails, Harry Potter keeps his still-living severed head with him in a cage at Grimauld Place. On top of everything else, it appears to be decaying and is infested with flies.]]
* GrandTheftMe:
** He keeps hijacking different hosts through the centuries, each of them being an expy of him. He pulls a very dickish one on [[Series/TheAvengers1960s Kosmo Gallion]], [[spoiler:hijacking him on his own death bed and then boasting of sleeping with his fiancee while Gallion dies in Haddo's decrepit body.]]
** Though eventually he becomes a victim of this. His plan of hijacking Terner's body at Hyde Park fails when he's killed by [[Film/GetCarter Jack Carter]] and is forced to take over the body of [[Literature/HarryPotter Tom Riddle, a.k.a. Lord Voldemort]]. [[spoiler:He regrets this since the Antichrist was a total failure, at least for him.]]
* NoHistoricalFiguresWereHarmed: Oliver Haddo was a NoCelebritiesWereHarmed version of Creator/AleisterCrowley who appeared in W. Somerset Maugham's ''The Magician''. Crowley being a FountainOfExpies inspired several works in the 20th century and Volume III and the expanded lore has him taking on several alternate guises and forms of each of his expies throughout the century; a short list includes Karswell from Creator/MontagueRhodesJames' ''[[Film/NightoftheDemon Casting the Runes]]'', Hjalmar Poelzig (Creator/BorisKarloff) from Edgar G. Ulmer's film ''Film/TheBlackCat'', Adrian Marcato from ''Film/RosemarysBaby'' and Kosmo Gallion from a famous episode of ''Series/TheAvengers1960s''.
** As Gallion, he is also a nod towards some of Crowley's real-life disciples, including Karl Germer (Crowley's immediate successor as OHO, note the initials), Jack Parsons (both he and Gallion were rocket scientists), and Kenneth Anger (with Terner's concert standing in for Anger's experimental films).
* ParasiticImmortality: [[spoiler:Haddo has done this for centuries to keep himself alive: he brings a disciple/inheritor next to him on his deathbed then switches bodies as the previous one dies a few seconds later. It's finally put to a stop when his plot to create the Anti-Christ fails and said Anti-Christ ([[spoiler:Harry Potter]]) instead kills Haddo's last body and keeps his still-living severed head with him in a cage at Grimauld Place, rendering Haddo unable to transfer to a new host. After the Anti-Christ is dealt with, this severed head is taken away by Mary Poppins as she leaves the scene of the fight.]]
* PoliticallyIncorrectVillain: He claims that the occult is a way to get away from conservative sexual repression but tends to regard his women followers as concubines. He even makes vulgar misogynist remarks to Mina, even threatening to [[spoiler:take advantage of her by pulling a GrandTheftMe on her body, though Mina stops him from achieving that.]]
* ReallyGetsAround: Haddo tends to be surrounded by lots of semi-naked followers and even makes creepy overtures to Mina.
* ShaggyDogStory: He noted that his plan on starting [[spoiler:a new aeon failed and that the Moonchild he wanted turned out to be a whiny SpoiledBrat strung out on prescription drugs.]]
* VictoryIsBoring: He thwarts the League in [[spoiler:Vol. 1 and 2 and manages to create TheAntichrist but is sorely disappointed and even regretful at the entire thing, though it's hard to say if what he achieved could be counted as a victory since his plans for the "new aeon" were a total flop]].
* UncertainDoom: [[spoiler:Haddo's ultimate fate is unknown; he is still alive after the Antichrist's destruction, but is still trapped as a rotting head, and Mary Poppins takes him with her as she leaves, with Haddo begging her not to.]]
* WizardsLiveLonger: Is basically immortal due to [[BodySurf Body Surfing]]. He'll train an apprentice mage and the last part of the training is a FreakyFridayFlip where he'll take the apprentice's body and leave them in his old dying one.

[[folder:The Moonchild/The Antichrist]]
--> Source: Creator/AleisterCrowley's ''The Moonchild'', Literature/TheBookOfRevelation, and Creator/JKRowling's ''Literature/HarryPotter''

The Moonchild or the Antichrist is one half of the BigBadDuumvirate of ''Volume III''. He was a young wizard apprentice from a secret school for magic users in Scotland; when he discovered his true nature, he killed everybody in the school and went into self-imposed exile as his fate is to bring about the end of the world.
* AdaptationalVillainy: Unlike his counterpart in the original books, this incarnation of [[spoiler:Harry Potter]] was destined to be the Antichrist, and he became a murderous psychopath after learning of this.
* AlasPoorVillain: [[spoiler:He never had a chance at a normal life. His life was never in his control and someone made the choice for him to be The Antichrist. He was groomed to be The Antichrist by those he called ''friends'' and when he found out the truth, he killed them all and hid from the world, burying himself with anti-depressants.]]
* TheAntichrist: Also known as "The Moonchild".
* AttackOfTheFiftyFootWhatever: He transforms into a giant once he decides that there's no point in him holding off the apocalypse.
* BaldOfEvil: His adult form is shaven bald.
* BecauseDestinySaysSo: He holes up in his abandoned old home in the hopes of preventing the apocalypse, but he ultimately realizes that he's only delaying the inevitable and goes out to fulfill his destiny.
* BigBad: He serves as the main threat in the final part of ''Century''.
* BloodbathVillainOrigin: He started off as a hero, but upon learning what he was meant to do, he burned down Hogwarts, razed Hogsmeade, and mutilated everyone on the Hogwarts Express.
* BuffySpeak: Thinks being TheAntichrist is special because he's "like, in Literature/TheBible".
* CosmicPlaything: Nothing in his life, up until learning the AwfulTruth, was his own decision, and he never asked for any of this. Upon learning that his entire life was based on lies, it's no wonder that he takes a hard FaceHeelTurn.
* DarkMessiah: Was intended to be this and bring about TheEndOfTheWorldAsWeKnowIt.
* EvilFormerFriend: Murders [[spoiler:Ron and Hermione]] when they beg him to spare their lives. His other onscreen victims include [[spoiler:Ginny, Dumbledore, Malfoy, Snape, and [=McGonagall=],]] along with Haddo.
* ExcrementStatement: Not played for laughs. [[spoiler:He pisses lightning on Allan Quatermain, killing him.]]
* EyesDoNotBelongThere: Eyes tend to sprout all over his head, among other places.
* FallenHero: Had the makings of a young hero, but ultimately became a monster upon learning of his intended nature.
* FreakOut: Hoo boy, did he not take learning that he was the Antichrist well.
* GoMadFromTheRevelation: Let's say he didn't take the revelation of his true nature and his purpose in life very well. Specifically that all his adventures were a ruse to prevent him from facing his true purpose.
* HealingFactor: Grevious injuries that he suffers can be healed in a few moments. [[spoiler:To finally beat him, Mary Poppins turns him into a chalk painting and then causes the rain to wash it away.]]
* HeroKiller: Starting with the entire population of Hogwarts (and then some) and ending with [[spoiler:Allan Quatermain]].
* HistoricalInJoke: When the ''Harry Potter'' books entered the mainstream and became a children's favorite during the TheNineties and early 2000s, they were accused of promoting satanism and other bad things by hardcore and fundamentalist Christians in the United States. In this universe [[spoiler:Harry Potter]] is literally the Anti-Christ.
* HumanoidAbomination: Was initially a normal black-hair [[SpecsOfAwesome bespectacled boy]]; after he goes nuts he cuts off his hair, scratches off the "mark on his head" with his fingers, and starts sprouting eyes all over his body and becomes giant size.
* ImportantHaircut: Has a significant buzz of shorn hair and the room he is in is filled with cut black hair and a pair of broken glasses.
* ItSucksToBeTheChosenOne: [[spoiler:His entire life was a lie and he was chosen by Voldemort to be the Antichrist. His archenemy made the Invisible College stage all his adventures and made Harry's classmates venerate him so it would strengthen his role in the apocalypse. When Harry found out the truth, he massacred everyone in the college and the neighboring town for ruining his life. By the events of the story, Harry tried to delay the apocalypse but eventually gave up and surrendered to the role because he saw it as inevitable.]]
* {{Jerkass}}: Even aside from the terrible things he does, he's a whiny little ingrate drugged up on prescription pills and looks down on Mina and Orlando for not being great heroes, [[VerbalTic "like Jesus"]] and that they're [[StrawMisogynist "just women"]].
* LawyerFriendlyCameo: His name is never said for copyright reasons.
* LeaveNoSurvivors: Murders the entire ''Harry Potter'' supporting cast, and the people of Hogsmeade including Ron, Hermione, Ginny, Draco, Hagrid, [=McGonagall=], Snape, Dumbledore and Hedwig.
* NoSell: When facing against [[spoiler:Mary Poppins]], he boasts of being TheAntichrist:
--> ''"I'm well famous, actually. I'm in a book of the Bible."''
--> ''"[[PretenderDiss Tsk. Just the one book?]] [[{{God}} I'm on every page]]. [[BadassBoast Who did you think you were talking to?]]"''
* ResignedToTheCall: [[spoiler:In the end, he bitterly takes his role as the Antichrist because he sees it as inevitable.]]
* SuperSexOrgans: Kills [[spoiler:Allan]] with a beam fired from his penis.
* TakeThat: His appearance and form is Moore's opinion of modern fantasy franchises with their male adolescent protagonists who tend not to be especially intelligent and are frequently [[UnwittingPawn Unwitting Pawns]].
* TeensAreMonsters: Of the School Shooter variety.
* ThatManIsDead: The fact that he erased all visible traces of his former identity suggests that the Moonchild no longer identifies himself as [[spoiler:Harry Potter]].
* TookALevelInJerkass: To a huge degree, upon learning that he was meant to be the Antichrist and that everyone at Hogwarts was only pretending to like him. Snape, however, argues that he was always "a little shit" before being killed.
* TragicVillain: Sure, he's a bit annoying to listen to, but a point is made that he never ''wanted'' to be the Antichrist, and kind of snapped after learning he was. His first appearance is him squatting in his godfather's decrepit house, vainly trying to cover up his various hideous mutations, with his only company being his archenemy's decaying head.
* TruerToTheText: Zigzagged. Moore's portrayal of the character does bring out aspects of his personality neglected in the movie adaptations, especially [[Literature/HarryPotterAndTheOrderOfThePhoenix the fifth book]], namely his greater stress, short temper (which he unleashes on his friends), and general paranoia about not having control and being a PinballProtagonist. In the novel, however, this was played for pathos and dramatic tension, while Moore pushes it to extreme {{Flanderization}}. Likewise, this version of the character has green eyes which the movies removed because of the actor having issues with the contacts.
* UnderestimatingBadassery: Looks down at Mina Murray and Orlando as being ineffectual heroes against him because they are [[JerkAss "just women"]]; you know, people who have fought the likes of Dracula, James Moriarty, the Martians and UsefulNotes/TheTrojanWar.
* UnwittingPawn: His entire life, and all of his adventures, were meant to set up his role for bringing the end of the world. [[FreakOut He didn't take well to learning the]] AwfulTruth.
* UsedToBeASweetKid: He's [[spoiler:Harry Potter]] the KidHero for a generation... who turned into the Antichrist.
* WoobieDestroyerOfWorlds: He was basically created for a purpose and function he did not ask for and tried to resist with anti-depressant pills and hiding from the world. Even though they know they have to kill him, Mina and Orlando both mention that they feel bad for him, knowing what he went through.
* WritingAroundTrademarks: His appearance is completely different from his popular identity. For one thing he's bald, he's broken his glasses and there's a band-aid in place of the lightning bolt scar of [[spoiler:Harry Potter]]. The only thing left are his distinct green eyes.

[[folder:Ayesha, Queen of Kor]]
--> '''Source''': ''Literature/{{She}}'' by Creator/HRiderHaggard.

The Queen of Kor, the immortal Ayesha is a recurring figure in the Nemo series, serving as the antagonist to Janni Dakkar. She also appears in the backstory of ''The Black Dossier''.
* AdaptationalVillainy: Ayesha wasn't a saint in the books, but she was at least partially redeemed by her love for Leo Vincey. Here, [[spoiler:she kills Leo without hesitation because he was unable to stop the government from seizing some of her possessions]] and tears the heads of doves while bored.
* AlwaysChaoticEvil: Janni's grandson Jack Nemo thought [[spoiler:one of the Ayesha clones was truly good and tried to save her, but then she tried to kill him as well, until Tacarigua/Ishmael II saved him just in time]].
* AxCrazy: She has an apetite for violence, and enjoys breaking the necks of birds as a form of relaxation.
* ArchEnemy: She serves as the nemesis of Janni Dakkar.
* BeautyIsBad: Her beauty is proportionate to how vile she truly is.
* DisproportionateRetribution: Why does she hate Janni and wants her dead at all costs? She stole some of her things in a pirate attack, ''sixteen years ago''.
* {{Foil}}: To her ArchEnemy, Janni Dakkar, who is a genuinely feminist and multi-cultural ActionGirl and ScienceHero, whereas Ayesha, despite being a woman, perpetuates the patriarchy, being a brutal ruler of her people, and then allying with wealthy tycoons, fascist dictators and mad scientists.
* GreaterScopeVillain: In the Nemo Trilogy. The only time she and Janni actually fight is in ''Roses of Berlin'', while in ''River of Ghosts'', Janni fights against attempts [[spoiler:to revive her legacy via android duplicates]].
* HotConsort: Apparently to [[Film/CitizenKane Charles Foster Kane]].
* MightyWhitey: Though so tyrannical her subjects apparently depose her, according to Janni Dakkar.
* MyDeathIsJustTheBeginning: Years after her death, ex-Nazis try and create clones of her, via the same method they created ''Literature/TheBoysFromBrazil'' and ''Literature/TheStepfordWives''.
* OffWithHisHead: [[spoiler:Her present fate as of the end of ''Nemo: Roses of Berlin''. Hildy Johnson asks if she could have survived that considering her immortality, but Janni assures her that she's dead, and Vol 3 confirms it.]] Also counts as something of a KarmicDeath, considering her habit of beheading innocent doves out of apparent boredom.
* VillainTeamUp: She forms an alliance with [[Film/TheGreatDictator Adenoid Hynkel]].

[[folder:Adenoid Hynkel]]
[[caption-width-right:350:"... And then we will see if they still think I look ridiculous."]]
--> '''Source''': ''Film/TheGreatDictator'' directed by and originally played by Creator/CharlieChaplin.

The "Fooey" of Germany and the man who ignited WWII in the League-verse. He's an ally of Ayesha, and a bit preoccupied with trying not to look too foolish.
* AdolfHitlarious: As portrayed in the movie, and like his real-life counterpart, while Hynkel is a despicable monster, he's only dangerous because of his power base. As a person, he's a buffoonish little man full of pretensions and delusions. As pointed out by Mabuse, alone he is just one despot, he needs allies to be a true threat to the world.
* ExpyCoexistence: The only mention of the actual Hitler in the series is ''The Roses Of Berlin'' mentioning a silent movie star called Addie Hitler who appeared in a movie making fun of Hynkel, a reference to how Hynkel originated in a movie parodying Hitler.
* NoHistoricalFiguresWereHarmed: He is quite obviously a UsefulNotes/AdolfHitler stand-in.
* NoSwastikas: The "Double Cross" of the Tomanian flag is this world's equivalent of the Nazi swastika.
* VillainTeamUp: Aside from his alliance with Ayesha, he's also formed an Axis Power with [[Creator/GeorgeOrwell Meccania]] and [[Film/TheGreatDictator Bacteria]].
* YouClonedHitler: In a reference to ''Literature/TheBoysFromBrazil'', several clones of the original Hynkel are being raised by survivors of the Reich in a hidden jungle base. [[spoiler:They're killed trying to flee Nemo's attack after they accidentally stumble into the nesting ground of the Creatures of the Black Lagoon.]]

!!!Minor Antagonists
[[folder:The Doctor]]
!!!Fu Manchu
->'''Source:''' The "Literature/FuManchu" series by Sax Rohmer.

A mysterious Chinese Doctor who rules over the Chinese population of Limehouse.
* AmbiguouslyHuman: The Doctor does not look entirely human, but no explanation of his nature appears (His more inhuman features, like his creepy eyes, are in fact mentioned in the original Rohmer books).
* CoolAirship: Was in the process of constructing one.
* TheDreaded: Quatermain, who's SeenItAll, is utterly terrified just by a glimpse of him.
* GoodHairEvilHair: Sports a classic "Fu Manchu" mustache.
* HellishPupils: Has semi-rectangular, goat-like eyes.
* LawyerFriendlyCameo: Quite obviously supposed to be Fu Manchu, but never referred to by name.
* TortureTechnician: We first meet him punishing a subordinate... by practicing calligraphy on said subordinate's skin in acid paint.
* YellowPeril: Chinese and ''very'' perilous.

[[folder:Jack [=MacHeath=]]]
--> '''Source:''' ''Theatre/TheThreepennyOpera'', UsefulNotes/JackTheRipper

The infamous Ripper of Whitecastle, who returns from his exile in 1910 to resume his grissly work as London prepares for the corronation of King George V. [[spoiler:Jack the Ripper is in reality working-class anti-hero Mack The Knife, and a namesake descendant of highwayman Jack Macheath.]]
* AntiHero: Is portrayed as an unusually dark version.
* CompositeCharacter: Combines UsefulNotes/JackTheRipper with [[spoiler:Macheath from ''The Threepenny Opera'']].
* GenerationXerox: His ancestor, [[Theatre/TheBeggarsOpera Macheath the highwayman]], seems to have been approximately just as bad.
* HistoricalDomainCharacter / PublicDomainCharacter: Is a combination of the two, see the Composite Character entry.
* KarmaHoudini: Is never punished for all his horrible crimes, as [[spoiler:the demented [[Film/TheRulingClass Earl Of Gurney]] takes credit for all the murders, despite only being responsible for one]].
* MusicalWorldHypotheses: Type 1 ("Musical AlternateUniverse"), but used to contrast everything else. All his dialogue is in song, in tune to various songs from ''The Threepenny Opera'', as is that of other characters sourced from the musical, unlike everyone else. But everyone else doesn't seem to notice.
* RedHerring: Has absolutely nothing to do with the overarching plot about Oliver Haddo and the Moonchild.
* TeensAreMonsters: [[spoiler:His identity as Mack The Knife reveals that his actions as the Ripper were committed when he was around 19-20]]
* SerialKiller: Kills a number of prostitutes.
* SocietyIsToBlame: The character is used to highlight that, as awful as his crimes are, they pale in the face of the atrocities committed by the wealthy elite and the pretensions and snobbishness of his self-proclaimed social betters, and he is little more than a symptom of their opression. Even his ''victims'' tend to agree with him.

[[folder:Tom Swyfte]]
--> '''Source''': Strattlemeyer Syndicate's ''Literature/TomSwift'' books.

The hero of the Edisonade genre, the young inventor is assigned by Charles Foster Kane to recover a McGuffin stolen by Janni Dakkar and capture her.
* AdaptationalVillainy: Presented in a much darker light than his original stories, with Moore following on the darker implications of the books as per ValuesDissonance.
* AllohistoricalAllusion: Thomas Swift's Electric Rifle was the real world inspiration for the Taser [[note]] Acronym for Thomas A Swift's Electronic Rifle [[/note]]. It's featured here and Swyfte boasts of how it will one day be [[LeaningOnTheFourthWall used for urban law enforcement.]]
* DirtyCoward: He will fully abandon colleagues to save his own life.
* GoMadFromTheRevelation: [[spoiler:His eventual fate when he confronts the Shoggoths Literature/AtTheMountainsOfMadness. He survives the events of the novel and makes it back to civilization, but has been driven irrevocably insane and is abandoned in an asylum by his employers]]
* ItsAllAboutMe: He doesn't care about anyone but himself.
* OnlyInItForTheMoney: His inventions are made for this, in contrast to the ForScience attitude of Wright, Van Dusen and others.
* PoliticallyIncorrectVillain: His portrayal highlights the racism in his original stories. He also looks down on Janni for being a woman and refers to her as "darkie".
* WritingAroundTrademarks: Tom Sw'''yfte''' instead of Tom Sw'''ift'''.

[[folder:Charles Foster Kane]]
--> '''Source''': ''Film/CitizenKane''

Newspaper tycoon and one of the richest men in the world, Charles Foster Kane plays host to Ayesha, and at her requests, funds a team to get revenge on Janni Dakkar and retrieve her stolen belongings.
* CollectorOfTheStrange: Fancies himself one at least, among the items seen in his collection are ''Literature/TheSteamManOfThePrairies'' and ''Literature/TheMalteseFalcon''.
* ForegoneConclusion: Since he doesn't die in the story, his fate likely played out the way it did in the movie.
* NonActionGuy: His role in the story is limited to financing Tom Swyfte and hosting Ayesha at Xanadu, his giant mansion.

[[folder:Count Zero]]
-> '''Source''': ''Literature/{{Greyfriars}}'' by Charles Hamilton

Italian master criminal and one-time foe of the failed Warralson League.
* AdaptationalVillainy: Unlike his original appearance in ''Greyfriars'' where his crime mostly boiled down to committing a ScoobyDooHoax, here he's become enough of a criminal threat to warrant goverment investigation.
* VillainTeamUp: With fellow ''Greyfriars'' villain, the pirate-slaver James Soames
* WeHardlyKnewYe: Is only battled once by an inferior League and disappears afterwards.

[[folder:Doctor Sachs]]
-> '''Source:''' ''Doctor Sax'' by Creator/JackKerouac

Grandson of Fu Manchu, he kidnaps Dean Moriarty, descendant of his grandfather's enemy James Moriarty, and partakes in a plan to help the Great Old Ones unleash a virus into the world.
* AdaptationalVillainy: In the original book, he was a good, if sinister, guy.
* GrandfatherClause: In-universe, his rivalry with Dean Moriarty is because of his grandfather's rivalry with James Moriarty, Dean's grandfather.
* RedRightHand: His skin turns mossy green at night.
* RelatedInTheAdaptation: To Literature/FuManchu.
* TheRival: Dean Moriarty, whom he kidnaps to continue their grandfathers' rivalry.
* VillainTeamUp: With the Great Old Ones.
* WritingAroundTrademarks: Doctor Sa'''chs''' instead of Sa'''x'''.

[[folder:Lamarr the First]]

A warlord from the moon, and founder of a dynasty that rules our whole solar system in the distant future.
-> '''Source:''' original; ancestor of a character from ''Whizzer Comics''
* ArchEnemy: Maybe Satin Astro, who fights against his descendant and come back a thousand years in time to stop him. But as far as we know, they never even got the chance to meet.

* DiabolicalMastermind: Well, consider his pedigree.
* GalacticConqueror: Conquers the moon, Mars, and Venus; his descendant will add Earth to the fold.
* ALighterShadeOfBlack: The epilogue to ''Tempest'' suggests he or his empire is defending Earth from much bigger threats like the [[Franchise/StarTrek Romulans]] and the [[Series/DoctorWho Daleks]].
* RelatedInTheAdaptation: [[spoiler:The biological son of Professor James Moriarty and an Amazonian moon woman, conceived via artificial insemination.]]

!!Other Characters
[[folder:Sherlock Holmes]]
-->'''Source:''' ''Literature/SherlockHolmes'' adventures by Sir Creator/ArthurConanDoyle.

The world's first consulting detective. A minor, but important, player in the first volume.
* DemotedToExtra: Only appears in a flashback to his duel with Moriarty at Reichenbach Falls. This was deliberate, as Moore didn't want hugely iconic characters like Holmes or Dracula to completely overtake the story if they appeared in person.
* EntertaininglyWrong: According to Moriarty, Holmes never figured out that he was working for the MI-6 and the British Empire, seeing him as a simple criminal mastermind.
* ExpyCoexistence:
** [[Literature/CAugusteDupin Charles Auguste Dupin]] helps the the League in Volume I and is considered to be the inspiration for Holmes.
** ''Literature/CarnackiTheGhostFinder'' was inspired by Holmes and was on Murray's second League.
* FakingTheDead: Faked his death despite Sebastian Moran attempting to make it a real one, and retired to Sussex where he spent his later years keeping bees. Mina eventually finds him there.
* GagNose: Is drawn with a pretty big schnozz.
* PretenderDiss: If Moriarty is to be believed, he disliked Allan Quatermain seeing him as a disgrace to the idea of the "British adventure hero", seeing him as a downgrade from him, in the same way Quatermain saw Bond and Harry Potter as downgrades from him.
* SiblingYinYang: He and Mycroft apparently don't get along very well. Mina Harker in one of her notes in ''The New Travellers' Almanac'' speculates that this is because both of them [[YouAreWhatYouHate are too similar]].

[[folder:Count Dracula]]
--> '''Source:''' ''Literature/{{Dracula}}'' by Creator/BramStoker

An ancient vampire from Mina's past.
* DeathByOriginStory: Mina's [[Literature/{{Dracula}} origin story]], to be exact.
* EldritchLocation: Castle Dracula in Romania. Mina and Allan explore it in the early 1900's, with Mina half-dreading, half-hoping that Dracula might wait for her there. The castle turns out to be long-abandoned and in ruins, but there is one unsettling find left: ''someone'' has left several letters written in blood behind, reminiscing about atrocities committed in the castle when the Count was still living there.
* {{Hallucinations}}: Appears to Mina during her MushroomSamba at the end of ''1969'', which is the final straw in pushing her into a nervous breakdown.
* HumanoidAbomination: Mina describes him as such. She also calls him "beautiful, dreadful".
* PosthumousCharacter: Is dead before the comic starts, and his memory haunts Mina throughout.

[[folder:Miss A. L.]]
-->'''Source:''' ''Literature/AlicesAdventuresInWonderland'' by Lewis Carrol.

An unfortunate young girl who disappears to other dimensions, which eventually gets her killed.
* AliceAllusion: She's implied to be Alice from ''Alice's Adventures In Wonderland ''.
* ArcWelding: Her two adventures and Snark Island from ''Literature/TheHuntingOfTheSnark'' are combined into unsettling inter-dimensional events that are investigated by [=MI5=]. There's little they can do about it, as whatever dimension "Wonderland" is part of is very difficult to reach and any hapless travellers are pretty much on their own.
* BodyHorror: While having the side of your hair switch places is one thing, having your entire biological makeup reverse is another. Not only did all her organs move, the way they ''work'' did as well.
* DeathByAdaptation: After her internal organs are reversed by going through the looking glass.
* DimensionalTraveler: Deconstructs the entire idea of a normal human person suddenly thrust into dimensions where the laws of physics and reality are vastly different from that of Earth's. The end result is surreal BodyHorror upon return at best and painful death at worst.
* HotterAndSexier: A teenage, topless version of her appears in Mina's hallucination in ''Century: 1969''.
* NoNameGiven: A.L. probably stands for "Alice Liddell", a child Lewis Carroll knew and is thought to have named Alice after.

[[folder:The Doctor (''Doctor Who'')]]
-->'''Source:''' ''Series/DoctorWho''

A time-travelling alien and vigilante who changes his appearance when he is close to death.
* TheCameo: His second incarnation appears in a street scene in Century: 1969, and both his first and eleventh incarnations appear together in Century: 2009.
%%* HeroOfAnotherStory
* LawyerFriendlyCameo: Is only ever scene or hinted at, and never explicitly identified. Same with the TARDIS, which is never referred to as such and looks only like a police box in the Blazing World.
* MyFutureSelfAndMe: In 2009, both his Eleventh incarnation and First incarnation are seen together.
* OneSteveLimit: Averted, Fu Manchu is often referred to as "the Doctor".
* TheNthDoctor: Several of his various regenerations make appearances.

[[folder:Santa Claus]]
--> '''Source''': SantaClaus legends

A mystic shaman who lives at the North Pole and delivers gifts to all homes on Earth on the winter solstice.
* AccidentalMurder: His familiars kill ambassadors from the Coca-Cola company when they breach a yearly ritual. Santa gets very upset about it.
* BadassSanta: Is a powerful shaman with an army of spirits at his command.
* DeathByAdaptation: In supplementary material for Volume II, his skeleton and sleigh can be seen on the moon. It's unknown if this actually happens or not, or if it's just a joke.
* {{Familiar}}: Has several spirit familiars, which he calls his "little helpers".
* NoNameGiven: Is never actually referred to as "Santa Claus".

[[folder:Hogwarts Residents]]
--> '''Source''': Creator/JKRowling's ''Literature/HarryPotter''

The students and staff of Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. They are all slaughtered by the Antichrist.
* AdaptationalVillainy: [[spoiler:It's stated that they were training Harry to fulfil his true purpose as the Antichrist with most of his adventures being staged by the personnel of the school by the orders of Voldemort, and that the students were forced to shower Harry with adulation.]]
* AdaptationalUgliness: Snape is older than in canon and bald, but you can immediately tell it's him by his [[spoiler:dismissal of Harry as he's killed]].
* AdaptationalWimp: [[spoiler:Dumbledore and [=McGonagall=]]] don't even put up a fight, and beg for their lives. [[spoiler:Hermione and Ron]] do the same.
* AssholeVictim: [[spoiler:While the children didn't deserve to die, the teachers and personnel still collaborated with Voldemort to make the Antichrist.]]
* CanonForeigner: Literature/WorzelGummidge, WesternAnimation/ThomasAndFriends, WesternAnimation/IvorTheEngine, [[Literature/TheDarkIsRising Will Stanton]], [[WesternAnimation/TheSimpsons Anjelica Button]] and others all have small appearances or references. [[JustifiedTrope Justified]] as Moore is using Hogwarts to comment on a lot of children's literature, not just Harry Potter.
* CompositeCharacter: Snape’s physical appearance is based on Filch, as he’s old, has long grey hair with a bald spot and wears similar clothes to what Filch wore in the series. However, he still wears his signature black cloak and has personal hatred for Harry, while Filch simply hated everyone around him.
* ContinuitySnarl: It's stated that the Anti-Christ was a young adult when he discovered his true nature and slaughtered the entire school yet [[spoiler:Hermione and Ron appear as pre-teens when Harry killed them.]]
* DeathByCameo: [[spoiler:Malfoy, Ron, Hermione, Snape, [=McGonagall=] and Dumbeldore]] all briefly appear and get killed by the antichrist.
* FacingTheBulletsOneLiner:
** Snape gets one by [[spoiler:calling Harry "a little shit" right to his face, even when he's about to kill him]].
** [[spoiler:Tom Riddle/Oliver Haddo]] gets one as well, though in his case it turns out to not be quite fatal, as the Antichrist takes his still-living severed head with him.
* FanDisservice: We get a brief shot of [[spoiler:[=McGonagall=]]]'s exposed breasts as she's being tortured by the Antichrist.
* GreaterScopeVillain: [[spoiler:They planned to bring the apocalypse by training Harry into becoming the Antichrist. However, a horrified, disgusted, and rage-filled Harry killed them all instead for ruining his life and for giving him a role he never wanted.]]
* IWantMyMommy: [[spoiler:Hermione]] sobs this right before the Antichrist kills her.
* KillItWithFire: Harry used a fire spell to massacre Hogwarts; kids are on fire when we're shown, and the school itself and everyone in it are nothing but charred husks.
* LawyerFriendlyCameo: None of their names are said, and the school itself is only called "the invisible college".
* LeaveNoSurvivors: They are all killed by the Antichrist. [[spoiler:Except for Harry, of course, who ''is'' the Antichrist.]] It's not just Hogwarts either; the Antichrist wipes out every living thing in Hogsmeade, and the train station, including magical beings like the living trees and the portraits. The dialogue implies that either it's a reflection of the modern world's lack of magic, or that its destruction led to its lack of magic, Orlando can only guess.
* RippedFromTheHeadlines: The massacre of Hogwarts is explicitly compared to the school shootings happening in America, like UsefulNotes/{{Columbine}}.
* SmallRoleBigImpact: [[spoiler:Their role in the story is quite small and everyone is already dead by the time of the investigation. However, they trained Harry to become the Antichrist and paid the price when he rejected the role.]]
* WeUsedToBeFriends: [[spoiler:Not even Harry's friends are spared in his rampage.]]

[[folder:The Rutles]]
--> '''Source:''' ''Music/TheRutles'', ''WesternAnimation/YellowSubmarine''

A wildly popular band of the 1960s, stand-ins for the real-life [[Music/TheBeatles Beatles]].
* AllThereInTheManual: While the Rutles appear in ''1969'', Nemo's chronicles in ''The New Traveler's Almanack'' discuss the yellow submarine and related events.
* NoCelebritiesWereHarmed: As always, they are a parody of Music/TheBeatles.
* TheRival: Are rivaled by Terner's Purple Orchestra, mirroring the rivalry of the Beatles and Music/{{The Rolling Stones|Band}}.
* SubStory: Nemo glimpses the yellow submarine while traveling the ocean floor, which startles him as he thought the ''Nautilus'' was unique.

[[folder:The Pirates' Conference]]
--> '''Source:''' ''[[Literature/DoctorSynTheScarecrow Doctor Syn: A Tale Of the Romney Marsh]]'' by Russel Thorndike (Captain Clegg), ''Captain Slaughterboard Drops Anchor'' by Mervyn Peake (Captain Slaughterboard), ''Literature/TreasureIsland'' by Creator/RobertLouisStevenson (Long John Silver), the ''WesternAnimation/CaptainPugwash'' series by John Ryan (Captain Pugwash), ''Literature/PeterPan'' by James M. Barrie (Captain Hook), ''Literature/CaptainBloodHisOdyssey'' by Creator/RafaelSabatini (Captain Blood), ''Zap Comix'' (Captain Pysse-Gummes)

A gathering of the seas' most powerful pirates at Rose Island.
* AdaptationRelationshipOverhaul / AdaptationalSexuality: In the original storybook, Captain Slaughterboard and the Yellow Creature are master and servant, here it is revealed that they are "bunkmates".
* HookHand: Captain Hook, of course.
* MyNaymeIs: Captain Pissgums is here spelled "Pysse-Gummes" making it ''slightly'' more realistic. The original character originates from the very sexually explicit ''Zap Comix'' series "Captain Pissgums And his Pervert Pirates".
* MysteriousPast: Hook is strangely evasive about exactly where it is he comes from.
* ThePiratesWhoDontDoAnything: Clegg wonders why on Earth Captain Pugwash decided to become a pirate, as he's far too nice and meek for it.
* SlapFight: Clegg mentions that the Conference ended after the captains all got drunk and rowdy and got into a "foppish slap fight":
* VillainTeamUp: Many of them are evil, and they're all... well, ''pirates''.
* WouldHurtAChild: Heavily implied with Hook, who is shown next to a terrified cabin boy, and obvious if you've ever read ''Peter Pan''.

[[folder:Billy Batson/Captain Marvel]]
--> '''Source:''' ''ComicBook/{{Shazam}}'' comic books

An American superhero who shifts from a little boy into a superpowered man with an incantation.
* BlackComedy: Last seen in a BleakAbyssRetirementHome for superheroes, senilely muttering "Zam". An orderly notes that a certain film company won't allow him to die [[LeaningOnTheFourthWall in case his franchise]] [[Film/{{Shazam2019}} becomes valuable again someday]].
* TheCameo:
** Is briefly shown in the ''Black Dossier'' files in his Billy Batson form, and later he appears as Captain Marvel in the Blazing World.
** Later appears in ''The Tempest'' as an old man in a retirement home for superhumans. In an ironic twist, [[BrokenRecord he's only capable of saying the second half of the magic word that turns him into a superhero]].
* TheCape: One of the few genuine examples in the League-verse.
* CousinOliver: To Mina and Allan.
* ExpyCoexistence: His lawyers threaten to sue his expy Mr. Apollo for having a similar ChestInsignia. Short-lived Shazam expy, Captain Universe features prominently in volume four and his more famous expy [[ComicBook/{{Miracleman}} Marvelman]] is mentioned.
* FunnyBackgroundEvent: Whenever Batson says his catchphrase to become Captain Marvel, the sound of thunder accompanies his transformation, and vice versa. When he poses with Allan and Mina for a picture, seemingly having just transformed, there is a crowd of people in the background who are pulling out their umbrellas and puzzled why there's no rain.
%%* HeroOfAnotherStory
* KidHero: In his Batson form.
* LawyerFriendlyCameo: Is never named, and his transformations are not directly shown.
* OldSuperhero: Is last seen in a superhero retirement home unable to remember the word to transform.
* ATrueStoryInMyUniverse: Implied as Batson is seen in a superhero retirement home where it's said that most of them get their bills paid by media companies who like to use them in TV shows and movies based on their own adventures.

[[folder:Stardust the Super Wizard]]
--> '''Source:''' ''ComicBook/StardustTheSuperWizard'' comics by Fletcher Hank

An alien who used interplanetary science to defeat his enemies and put them through creatively sadistic living deaths. He was eventually stopped by Captain Universe.
* AdaptationalVillainy: He is treated as a sadistic monster in this comic book, though the things that make him villainous were [[AlternativeCharacterInterpretation arguably there from the start]].
* AllohistoricalAllusion: He is mentioned to be drunken, which enabled Captain Universe to defeat him and freeze him. His creator, Fletcher Hanks, was purportedly an an abusive drunk who, after abandoning his family, became a vagrant and froze to death.
* AmbiguouslyHuman: In his original comics, Stardust's proportions seemed bizarre because Fletcher Hanks was just a very bad artist. In ''League'', he actually does have such bizarre and disturbing proportions.
* AndIMustScream / FateWorseThanDeath: What he did to his enemies in various ways.
* HumanPopsicle: After defeating him, Captain Universe froze him.
* ShoutOut: Ended up being frozen in [[Literature/CatsCradle Ice-9]].
* TakeThat: His whole appearance was one both to his comic and its creator, see the entry for Allohistorical Allusion.
* UncannyValley: In-universe: Both Moore's text and O'Neill's illustration for the piece emphasize just how warped a Fletcher Hanks creation would look in real life, with its enormous stature, tiny head, and compacted rippling muscles.

[[folder:Queen Olympia and Frankenstein's Creature]]
--> '''Source:''' ''Literature/TheSandman1816'' by Creator/ETAHoffmann (Queen Olympia), ''Literature/{{Frankenstein}}'' by Creator/MaryShelley (Frankenstein's Creature)

The Princess and Prince of Toyland.
* AdaptationOriginConnection: It is revealed that Doctor Frankenstein was inspired to make the Creature by Doctor Coppelius from ''Literature/TheSandman1816''.
* AscendedExtra: They were at best only a section of the New Traveler's Almanac but soon were given a physical appearance and role in Volume 4.
* BelatedHappyEnding: Moore gives this to Frankenstein's Creature, while the original novel ended with him wandering the Arctic preparing to kill himself, here it is revealed that he found Toyland, met Queen Olympia, fell in love with her, and became her prince.
* CrossoverShip: InUniverse: [[Literature/TheSandman1816 Olympia]] and [[Literature/{{Frankenstein}} Frankenstein's Creature]] rule Toyland as Prince and Princess.
%%* HappilyMarried
* IAmNotShazam: [[invoked]][[DiscussedTrope Discussed]]. Mina points out how many arguments have broken out about what to call the Creature as the true Frankenstein is his creator. The Creature himself seems to have never given a second thought to this, and calls other monsters like him "Frankensteins". He rather glumly tells Mina that people's insistence of calling him "Frankenstein's Monster" doesn't make him feel any better about his existential crisis.
* MetaOrigin: Multiple incarnations of Frankenstein's Monster, such as [[Advertising/MonsterCereals Frankenberry]], the Dell Comics superhero, the traditional [[Film/Frankenstein1931 Universal Monster Frankenstein]], the Creator/RobertDeNiro [[Film/MaryShelleysFrankenstein version]], and the one that appeared in Film/VanHelsing are all efforts by Queen Olympia to alleviate her husband's loneliness. The original Monster himself calls them "[[IAmNotShazam Frankensteins]]".
* UglyGuyHotWife: Justified, given their different origins.

[[folder:Deputy Barney Fife]]
--> '''Source:''' ''Series/TheAndyGriffithShow''

A sheriff's deputy in the small town of Maybury, North Carolina, who encountered Galley-Wag and the ''Rose of Nowhere''.
* CluelessDeputy
* {{Dissimile}}: He describes the ''Rose of Nowhere'' as "exactly like one of them there hot air balloons, ‘ceptin it weren’t".
* NoNameGiven: Is only referred to as a sheriff's deputy.
* SmallTownTyrant: He and the sherrif's office are implied to be this when they accuse Galley-Wag of morals charges and imprison him.
* WritingAroundTrademarks: The town he lives in is here spelled May'''bury''', instead of May'''berry''' as in the TV show.

[[folder:Jack Carter]]
-->'''Source:''' ''Film/{{Get Carter|1971}}''', ''Series/{{Callan}}''
A London mob enforcer, hired by gangster Vince Dakin to investigate the death of the Purple Orchestra's Basil Thomas.
* CompositeCharacter: He associates with a petty criminal called "Lonely", from ''Series/{{Callan}}, taking the place of David Callan from that show. Lonely only calls him by the first couple letters that both names share.
* HeroOfAnotherStory: His appearance in ''Century'' takes place just before he leaves to avenge his brother's murder.
* LawyerFriendlyCameo: His name is never fully said, the furthest ever gotten is "Mr. Ca--". This also allows the CompositeCharacter element above.


[[folder:Terner Purple]]
--> '''Source:''' ''Film/{{Performance}}'', Music/MickJagger

The lead singer and song-writer of the Purple Orchestra. He's bored by his lifestyle of casual hedonism and has an interest in occultist Kosmo Gallion and the works of Oliver Haddo.
* AllohistoricalAllusion: The climactic concert at the end of ''Century 2: Paint It Black'' is a recreation of the famous Hyde Park Concert (of which a documentary video exists), with Terner dressed in the same costume as Mick Jagger at the time. This was the first post-Music/BrianJones Stones concert and as a tribute Jagger unleashed a flurry of moths after reciting Percy Shelley's ''Adonais''. Here it's live bats...
* EpicRocking: He may be a fop and pretentious tosser but like his real-life counterpart he sets the stage on fire with AlternateUniverse "Sympathy for the Devil".
* GrandTheftMe: The original target for Oliver Haddo, [[spoiler:he's foiled by Mina and settles for the poor replacement of Tom Riddle. Weirdly, Terner laments the defeat, feeling he had "lost his daemon"]]. This is a WholePlotReference of course, to ''Performance'' whose famous GainaxEnding finally gives Terner the transformation he wanted.
* TheHedonist: Oliver Haddo as Kosmo Gallio is visibly jealous of his lifestyle...[[spoiler:which is why he wanted to hijack it]].
* NoCelebritiesWereHarmed: Well, he's imported wholesale from ''Performance'' but he and The Purple Orchestra are quite obviously Mick Jagger and The Rolling Stones.
* {{Prequel}}: His sub-plot essentially serves as one for the events of Donald Cammell and Nicholas Roeg's ''Performance'' showing the manner in which Turner "lost his daemon".
* WritingAroundTrademarks: For copyright reasons, Turner and Pherber from ''Film/{{Performance}}'' are renamed Terner and Phurber...

[[folder:Professor Bernard Quatermass]]
--> '''Source''': The ''Franchise/{{Quatermass}}'' series
A rocket scientist who assisted the space program in the Big Brother years.

* TheCameo: Appears once in the ''Black Dossier'''s supplemental material, and is vaguely alluded to in the backup feature to Vol. 4, but there's no doubt about whom he's supposed to be.
* CoolOldGuy: Loves taking his nephew and niece to the interplanetary zoo on Blackgang Chine, but he probably should keep them under closer supervision.
* HeroicComedicSociopath: In his Trump comic appearance, he sees nothing wrong with keeping sentient aliens imprisoned in a zoo, and he chuckles heartily as his nephew is mauled by a [[Literature/TheDayOfTheTriffids Triffid]].
* MadScientist: Has saved the world before, but seems a bit... detached.
* UnwittingInstigatorOfDoom: After saving the world from space fungus in ''The Quatermass Experiment'', he had no idea the British government would save cuttings of the creature to use as a bioweapon.

!!Creatures and Species
[[folder:The Martians]]
-->'''Source:''' ''Literature/TheWarOfTheWorlds'' by Creator/HGWells (1897)

A race of alien creatures that invade Earth in 1897, and serve as the main antagonists of Volume II
* AccidentalMisnaming: The main characters belive that the invaders are Martians due to the strange eruptions observed on the surface of Mars prior to the invasion. They're right in the sense that the aliens CAME from Mars, but thats only because they had been occupying that planet before leaving. The true origin of the invaders is never revealed.
* AliensAreBastards: Major ones, and it's not even just against humans. Before attacking Earth, they had been occupying Mars for years, but are eventually forced to abandon the planet due to the actions of [[Literature/JohnCarterOfMars John Carter]] and [[Literature/GullivarOfMars Gullivar Jones]] who rallied the native Martian races against them.
* AliensInCardiff: The Martians first land in Horsell Commons in Woking, England.
* BigBadDuumvirate: With the traitorous Invisible Man.
* CurbStompBattle: While Britains forces have some initial luck destroying a few of their Tripods with artillery, this is short-lived, and the majority of the fights against the military are complete massacres.
* MassOhCrap: When Mr Hyde survives getting shot with a heat ray, destroys the Tripod that hit him, and ''eats the alien inside''.
* NoBiochemicalBarriers: The invasion is thwarted when it turns out the Martians have no immunity to basic Earth viruses like the common cold. [[spoiler:This is a coverup: the British government actually released a bioweapon created by Dr Moreau in London, killing all the Martians alongside any remaining humans.]]
* PlayingWithFire: Their preferred weapon is their invisible heat rays, which can torch hundreds of people at a time.
* StarfishAliens: They basically look like red brains with tentacles.
* WeaksauceWeakness: While their Tripod vehicles are powerful, they have two major weaknesses; they can be trapped fairly easily by rubble, and because they only have three legs, they collapse if one is disabled.
** And of course, their famous weakness to the common bacteria of Earth [[spoiler:which is just a lie by the government]].

[[folder:Moreau's Hybrids]]
--> '''Source:''' ''ComicStrip/RupertBear'', ''Literature/TheWindInTheWillows'', ''Tiger Tim'', and various other works with anthropomorphic animal characters

Dr. Moreau's creations, who are all animals transformed into barely humanoid forms.
* AdaptedOut: While the hybird panels contain a whole slew of ShoutOut characters there is no sign of any of Moreau's original beast men from the actual book.
* BearsAreBadNews: H-9, who is a more ferocious incarnation of Rupert Bear. He's very ill-tempered and tries to assault Allan and Mina.
* BeastMan: They're human/animal hybrids.
* BestialityIsDepraved: See the entry for Shout-Out.
* BodyHorror: While their bodies work better than they have any right to, the hybrids are monstrous and twisted, nothing at all like the graceful humanoids from the novel. Among other things, a giraffe hybrid requires a neck brace because his spine can't support his neck weight.
* DeathByCameo;
** If you keep your eyes peeled, you can see [[Literature/TheTaleOfPeterRabbit Peter Rabbit]] getting [[BlackComedy eaten by wild foxes.]]
** [[Literature/TheWindInTheWillows Mr. Toad]] is later seen preserved in a jar of formaldehyde at the secret annex.
** Rupert's stuffed corpse appears aboard the Nautilus in Volume 4.
* KilledOffscreen: By the time of ''Century'', they are seen stuffed in the Secret Annex, indicating that they were killed some time after the events of Volume II, possibly having been euthanized after Moreu died of old age.
* MetaOrigin: Their creation is this for several [[FunnyAnimal Funny Animals]].
* ShoutOut: Dr. Moreau mentions that he keeps H-9 in check by hiring a Gypsy grandmother to "placate" him, which is a reference to [[ the obscenity trial of an underground magazine called "Oz"]], which got in trouble for its "Schoolkids" issue featuring a comic strip that depicted Rupert Bear raping an unconscious "Gypsy Granny".
* SpeechImpairedAnimal: Some of them can't talk especially well.
* YouNoTakeCandle: The hybrids' grasp on grammar is tenuous at best.

[[folder:Great Old Ones]]
--> '''Source''': [[Franchise/CthulhuMythos The Cthulhu Mythos ]] by Creator/HPLovecraft

Cosmic horrors beyond the known universe, rarely directly seen but always out there...
* AdaptationalAbomination: One is mentioned to have manifested in Springfield, Massachusetts... [[spoiler:as Literature/TheCatInTheHat]].
* AllThereInTheManual: Supplementary material in "The Black Dossier" written by Oliver Haddo reveals a lot about the Great Old Ones history in the League's world. According to Haddo's theories, the Great Old Ones were among the first extradimensional beings to make contact with Earth, where they came into conflict with another pantheon entirely, the ethereal forces of the Elohim, which became the foundation of the Judeo-Christian faith. The conflict between these two forces is what eventually gave birth to the various gods, monsters and Titans of human myth over the course of millions of years.
* BlueAndOrangeMorality: They're utterly monstrous by human standards, but are essentially alien forces beyond our understanding. However, this doesn't apply to the Old Ones who are in regular contact with humanity like Yog-Sothoth and Nyarlathotep, who have their own agenda.
* CompositeCharacter: Blended with the Nova Mob from William Burroughs' ''Nova Trilogy''.
* EldritchAbomination: They're the [[TropeCodifier originals]].
* GoKartingWithBowser: [[Characters/CthulhuMythos Nyarlathotep]] appears in the Blazing World on a diplomatic mission for Yuggoth.
* GrandTheftMe: One does this to Allan in the text story "Allan and the Sundered Veil".
* GreaterScopeVillain: Despite their power, they only make short infrequent appearances, usually just in the text pieces accompanying the main comics.
* HalfHumanHybrid: Like their age-old enemies, the Elohim, the Old Ones created hybrid offspring with humanity.
* TheLegionsOfHell: It's heavily implied that they're the true source of demons and other malevolent spiritual entities, and if Haddo's theories are correct, the Abrahamic myths about God and Satan might be inspired by vague ancestral memories of the war between the Old Ones and the angelic Elohim. This would also fit with Haddo's theory that both pantheons originate from some other, singular creation.
* MetaOrigin: See the entry for All There in the Manual.
* WhyDidItHaveToBeSnakes: Allan ''really'' doesn't like these creatures, both due to the events of The Sundered Veil (which Allan doesn't remember much of), and because of his and Mina's encounter with one in Arkham in the early years of the 20th century, which made Mina extremely ill. He's obviously displeased to see Nyarlathotep in the Blazing World.

--> '''Source:''' [[Franchise/CthulhuMythos The Cthulhu Mythos ]] by Creator/HPLovecraft, ''Literature/TheTimeMachine'' by Creator/HGWells

Ape-like servants of the Great Old Ones, they attack the Time Traveler's League.
* AdaptationalAttractiveness: Not beautiful by any means, but their conflation with the Morlocks has them look a lot more natural and humanoid than Lovecraft's original Mi-go (who are described as half-etheral dragon/crab/molusk things).
* AnimalisticAbomination
* BigfootSasquatchAndYeti: Are implied to be the sources of Yeti myths.
* CompositeCharacter: They are a combination of the original Mi-go from Lovecraft's stories and the Morlocks from ''The Time Machine'', along with Yetis.
* GlowingEyesOfDoom: They have these.
* KillerSpaceMonkey: They resemble large apes.
* {{Mooks}}: For the Great Old Ones.
* TheMorlocks

--> '''Source:''' Literature/TheBible

An ancient pantheon who dwelt in Earth before the Great Old Ones arrived.
* MetaOrigin: The conflict between them and the Great Old Ones is what eventually gave birth to the various gods, monsters and Titans of human myth over the course of millions of years.
* {{God}}: Haddo theorizes that the Elohim and Great Old Ones might both originate from the same source, possibly an omnipotent deity, but can only guess about this. [[spoiler:Their connection to God/Mary Poppins from Century is anyone's guess.]]
* GodIsGood: Haddo describes the Elohim as "generally benevolent", which is saying a lot considering how gods in this setting tend to act.
* {{Gotterdammerung}}: By the time the Great Old Ones arrive on Earth, the Elohim had allegedly already undergone one of these, reducing them to "mere" Elder Gods, which is the reason for why the Old Ones invasion didn't result in a CurbStompBattle. The war reduces them even further, creating the pagan gods of Earths early prehistory in the process. The Great Old Ones gets it even worse, as they're defeated and sealed away for millions of years, leaving only a handful of them free outside normal reality.
* HalfHumanHybrid: According to Haddo, a certain class of Elohim interbred with early humanity, creating supernatural bloodlines that would have great impact over the aeons.
* TheOldGods: Were on the planet before the Great Old Ones or mythological deities.
* OurAngelsAreDifferent: They resemble angels and beings from the Bible.
* PowerDegeneration: Gradually lost power until they became the Elder Gods of the Literature/CthulhuMythos, the Lords of Order from ''Literature/TheElricSaga'', and finally the gods of more recent mythology.
* {{Precursors}}: They are inactive by the time of the League, but they have left a lot of influence on the Earth.

--> '''Source:''' Myth/CelticMythology, Creator/TheBrothersGrimm fairy tales, ''Literature/GulliversTravels'' by Creator/JonathanSwift, and various other works with giants

The various mythical gigantic beings of the League world. Many of them are extinct by the time of the League, but some live on in secret.
* AttackOfTheFiftyFootWhatever: The bigger ones are this.
* CrossoverCosmology: Giants from almost every mythology and literature with giants in it is mentioned at some point.
* HalfHumanHybrid: Many of them are hybrids of humans and the Great Old Ones or Elohim.
* {{Masquerade}}: Officially, they're extinct, but several are still alive and hidden in various places around the world.
* NotSoExtinct: At the time of Mina's world tour. However, it's implied in "Tempest" that they were purged by [[Literature/{{Gladiator}} Hugo Danner]], so they may be extinct for real now. [[spoiler:The final issues of ''The Tempest'' reveal that they're not extinct.]]
* OurGiantsAreBigger: They vary greatly in size.
* TemptingFate: When Mina hears about sightings of giants during her travels, she is alarmed, but her guide assures her that giants are all extinct.

--> '''Source:''' ''Film/CreatureFromTheBlackLagoon'', ''Literature/TheShadowOverInnsmouth'' by Creator/HPLovecraft, ''Series/DoctorWho'', ''Literature/TheLostWorld1912'' by Creator/ArthurConanDoyle

Humanoid FishPeople in various places in the League universe. Some inhabit the Black Lagoon in South America, which the Film/CreatureFromTheBlackLagoon was one of. Others dwell near [[Literature/TheShadowOverInnsmouth Innsmouth, Massachusetts]].
* BullyingADragon: ''The New Traveler's Almanack'' tells of a group of explorers cheerfully kill one and keep its body as a trophy. [[AssholeVictim None of them survive their expedition.]]
* ChekhovsGunman: Nemo and her crew see them while traveling, they show up later to [[spoiler:destroy the escaping clones]].
* FishPeople
* TheMusicMeister: The Deep Ones were taught to sing and dance by the captain from ''Theatre/HMSPinafore'', and have adapted human musical culture as part of their own.
* LastOfHisKind: When they appear in ''River Of Ghosts'', it's revealed that this is their last remaining breeding ground (or at least the last breeding ground for the variation the Creature belonged to). [[spoiler:When the fleeing Hynkel clones stumble into their nest, the Creatures tear them to shreds for harming their eggs]]
* RelatedInTheAdaptation: It is implied that the [[Film/CreatureFromTheBlackLagoon Black Lagoon Creature]]s, [[Series/DoctorWho the Silurians]], and [[Literature/TheShadowOverInnsmouth the Deep Ones]] are all related.

[[folder:Inhabitants of the Moon]]
[[caption-width-right:340:A Lunite warrior]]
--> '''Source:''' ''Literature/TrueHistory'' by Lucian (the Hippomyrmices), ''Literature/TheFirstMenInTheMoon'' by Creator/HGWells (the Selenites), ''WesternAnimation/TheClangers'' (the Clangers and the Soup Dragon), ''Harold Hare's Own Paper'' by John Donnelly (the Moonies), ''Film/AmazonWomenOnTheMoon'' (the Lunites), ''Planet Comics'' (Mysta), ''Maza of the Moon'' by Otis Adelbert Kline (Maza and the Nak-Kar), ''Moonbird'' series by Mike Higg (the Moon-Fowl), ''Creator/MarvelComics'' (Uatu the Watcher)

The various tribes and creatures that live on the Moon. Mina and the Galley-Wag are sent to stop an imminent war between them.
* AdaptationalSkimpiness: The Lunites are completely nude, as opposed to wearing minidresses in their source material.
* AllYourBaseAreBelongToUs: When the Lunites [[spoiler:attack Earth's colonies throughout the solar system]], they don't bomb any spaceports in order to claim them and the spaceships.
* AmazonBrigade: The Lunites.
* AmazonianBeauty: Many of the Lunites.
* BizarreAlienBiology: The Clangers appear to be made out of fabric.
* BigCreepyCrawlies: The Selenites resemble giant insects, and the Hippomyrmices look like hippo-sized ants.
* BugWar: Mina and Galley-Wag are sent to prevent one, with the Selenites being the bugs.
* DyingRace: The Lunites are dying out without their males, who were wiped out by plague.
* ExposedExtraterrestrials: The Lunites wear little clothing.
* TheGhost: Despite his influence and references, Uatu is never actually seen.
* GreenSkinnedSpaceBabe: Besides the green skin, the Lunites are all this.
* HiveMind: The Selenites. It's the reason for why they're obsessed with Cavor's body as he is the only mind they have ever met that wasn't part of their own.
* HumanAliens: The Lunites all look like human women.
* InsectoidAliens: The Selenites and Hippomyrmices.
* LawyerFriendlyCameo: Many of the creatures from copyrighted works aren't actually named and only briefly described.
* MarsNeedsWomen: The Lunites need male sperm in order to breed.
* OneGenderRace: The Lunites are all women. Justified, as all the males were wiped out by a plague.
** No longer the case as of their final appearance in ''The Tempest'': their efforts to use [[spoiler:sperm from Moriarty's frozen body]] to impregnate themselves and prevent their extinction by birthing a new generation prove to be completely successful, and male and female Lunites are seen participating in their assaut on the solar system... [[spoiler:many of whom [[UncannyFamilyResemblance closely resemble Moriarty]]]].
* OnlyYouCanRepopulateMyRace: The Lunites intend to use the preserved body of [[Literature/TheFirstMenInTheMoon Selwyn Cavor]] to impregnate themselves, they end up using [[spoiler:Professor Moriarty]]'s body instead. Prior to this, they had hoped to ask the Galley-Wag for help, but while he was certainly willing, it turned out to be impossible due to him being biologically incompatible with the Lunites (the same issue prevents them from asking Uatu the Watcher). They also couldn't nab a few human men from the nearby moonbase as this would expose their secret existance, which the Lunites feared to do due to humanity's poor track record with non-human species.
* SandWorm: The Soup Dragon is described as a friendly variety of this trope.
* ScaryDogmaticAliens: The Selenites, who have formed a religion around the frozen body of Professor Cavor. This has led to war between them and the Lunites who desperately need his genetic material to replenish their race.
* {{Shapeshifting}}: The Moonies can do this.
* StalkerWithoutACrush: The other inhabitants of the moon view Uatu as this.
* TheWatcher: Uatu is the TropeNamer.

[[folder:Inhabitants of Mars]]
[[caption-width-right:298:A Green Martian]]
[[caption-width-right:314:A Hither soldier]]
[[caption-width-right:180:The Sorn]]
''(Not to be confused with the Martians, see above, which on Mars are called "Molluscs".)''
--> '''Source:''' ''Literature/GullivarOfMars'' by Edwin Lester Arnold (the Hither People), ''Literature/JohnCarterOfMars'' by Creator/EdgarRiceBurroughs (The Green Martians and Red Martians), ''Literature/TheSpaceTrilogy'' by Creator/CSLewis (the Sorns)

The various tribes and creatures of Mars. The Mollusc invasion leads them to combine forces to fight them off.
* BigDamnHeroes: When the Hither and Green Martian forces are losing against the Molluscs, the Sorns show up and turn the tide.
* CompositeCharacter: The Sorns are implied to be the same race as one the Martians used for food in ''War of the Worlds''.
* DescriptivelyNamedSpecies: The Green and Red Martians.
* EnemyMine: They usually fight and war amongst themselves, but the Mollusc invasion forces them to team up to save their own skins.
* ExpyCoexistence: [[Literature/GullivarOfMars Gullivar]] is generally thought to be the inspiration for [[Literature/JohnCarterOfMars John Carter]]. The two appear together here.
* HumanAliens: The Hither People are this.
* HumanoidAliens: Almost all of them.
* LittleGreenMen: Zig-zagged with the Green Martians, who are green, but definitely not little.
* SdrawkcabSpeech: If you look at the alien language mirror-reversed, you can make out some English words.
* SufficientlyAdvancedAlien: The Sorns.
* WholeCostumeReference: Gullivar Jones and John Carter both dress like characters from ''Film/LawrenceOfArabia''.

[[folder:Toys of Toyland]]
--> '''Source:''' ''Theatre/BabesInToyland'', ''Noddy Goes to Toyland'' by Enid Blyton

A society of LivingToys and NurseryRhyme characters that live in a town near the North Pole, ruled over by Queen Olympia and Frankenstein's Creature.
* AnimateInanimateObject: They all are this, specifically toys.
* AscendedExtra: They were at best only a section of the New Traveler's Almanac but soon were given a physical appearance and role in Volume 4.
* BearyFriendly: The Teddy Bears, of course.
* {{Bizarrchitecture}}: All of Toyland's buildings are made of toy building blocks.
* LandOfOneCity: Toyland consists of one town.
* LivingToys
* NamedworldAndNamedland
* NurseryRhyme: Many of the toys are based off these.
* SlidingScaleOfLivingToys: They fall on the "Real and Living to Everyone" end of the scale.
* Toys/TeddyBear: Some of them are this.
* {{Utopia}}: Toyland appears to be this.

--> '''Source:''' ''The Coming Race'' by Creator/EdwardBulwerLytton

A race of winged, humanoid beings that live in a ravine beneath Newcastle.
* BeneathTheEarth: Where they live.
* BoldlyComing: How Gulliver's League, especially Fanny Hill, greets them. They are happy to reciprocate.
* GreenSkinnedSpaceBabe: They seem to play this role despite being... well... [[LooksLikeOrlok un]][[WingedHumanoid conventionally]] attractive. Fanny Hill and Gulliver used to enjoy orgies with them, and a Vril is performing at a live sex show in ''1969''.
* {{Pun}}: After Fanny's... ''interactions'' with them, she realizes the ''real'' reason why they're called "the Coming Race".
* TakeThat: [[Literature/TheChroniclesOfNarnia "Nania"]] is their word for evil or sin.
* {{Utopia}}: Their country is this.
* WingedHumanoid: Their species looks like this.