'''Some spoilers are unmarked!'''

Characters found in Dark Chronicle. For characters that appeared in Dark Cloud, the first game, please go [[Characters/DarkCloud here]].


[[folder:Playable Characters]]

->''"I guess it's easiest to start at the beginning."''
-->Voiced by Creator/MegumiKubota (Japanese) and Creator/ScottMenville (English).

The son of the wealthiest man in the town of Palm Brinks. Max is a kind 13-year-old boy, who's also handy with a camera and has a very strong knowledge of machinery. He has been chosen by the Red Atlamillia. His weapons of choice are Wrenches, Hammers, and Guns, and he can control Steve the Ridepod after he helps Cedric fix it up.
* AdventurerOutfit: His Explorer's Outfit.
* BadassNormal: Aside from having the Atlamillia, Max has no magic or special powers. [[spoiler: On the other hand, Elena theorizes that his prowess comes from being descended from two different eras]].
%% ZCE, do not uncomment without adding context * CaptainObvious
* ChildOfTwoWorlds: [[spoiler:His father is from the present, while his mother came from the future.]]
* DualWielding: A wrench/hammer and gun.
* FiringOneHanded: Since he holds the wrench in his other hand...
* GadgeteerGenius: Can create a slew of unique items and weapons, all while taking ideas from random doodads and even attacks he sees.
* TheGunslinger: The type he is depends on what kind of gun you have and how you wanna play.
* GolfClubbing: Some of his weapons are golf clubs. They're meant to be used for the "Spheda" minigame, but there's nothing stopping you from using them to fight monsters too.
* HairOfGoldHeartOfGold: Max has blonde hair and is generally a pretty NiceGuy.
* IceCreamKoan: He develops a habit of saying these near the end.
* ImprobableWeaponUser:
** A wrench as a melee weapon.
** One of his hammers is a turtle shell on a stick, which can be upgraded to a ''frozen tuna''.
** He can wield golf clubs too. And even ''a ordinary stick he quite literally found laying on the ground''.
* InnocentlyInsensitive: During chapter 4, he comments about the nature of how they're changing time, and suggests that ultimately, even Griffon is making an important contribution to the flow of time. Monica is furious at this suggestion, not only because of the long war and the damage done to the future, but also that Griffon's terror resulted in ''the death of her father''.
* InstantExpert: The moment he fights in combat, he shows no trouble in doing so. [[spoiler: Elena theorizes that this is because he's descended from two different eras.]] For example, his first fight with using [[MiniMecha the Ridepod]] ends in a CurbStompBattle in his favor.
* InTheBlood: Supposedly, where his skill comes from. [[spoiler: Being a child of the past and the future is where his mother theorizes his skill came from. Considering she's a RebelLeader, this wouldn't be surprising.]]
* JumpedAtTheCall: He was already quite eager to see the outside world when TheCall knocked on his front door.
* KidHero: He's thirteen years old.
* MissingMom: His motivation for starting his journey.
* MrFixit: His part time job is repairing machines in Cedric's workshop.
* NonIdleRich: He's the son of a rich nobleman, and rather than lounge around his mansion all day, he likes to spend his days working under a local mechanic at an ordinary repair shop, and, as stated above, when TheCall came a-knocking, [[JumpedAtTheCall he leaped into action without any hesitation]].
* NoodleImplements: All of his inventions, created from monster parts, household objects, and possibly even food. His very first invention is an energy tank made out of ''milk cans'', and it only gets weirder from there.
* ParentalAbandonment: His mother disappeared when he was young for unknown reasons. [[spoiler: As it turns out, she was a leader in the rebellion against Griffon and couldn't stay in the time period. This causes some contention when Max finally finds her and she won't come back.]]
* ScienceHero: Compared to Monica, at least. Rather than swords and sorcery, Max fights with robots and wrenches. Doesn't stop him from crushing foes.
* TellMeAboutMyMother: Tries this with his father. It doesn't work.
* WrenchWhack: If not using a hammer.

!!Monica Raybrandt
->''"I don't think he'll stop until he's wiped the entire world. So... someone has to stop him."''
-->Voiced by Creator/HirokoTakaguchi (Japanese) and [[Creator/AnndiMcAfee Anndi McAfee]] (English).

The daughter of King Raybrandt, Monica is a 15-year-old girl from the future that has been sent to the past to prevent its destruction. She holds the Blue Atlamillia. Her weapons of choice are swords and magic armlets, and by equipping medallions, she can transform into monsters.
* ActionGirl: Jumping through time and leaping onto the Death Ark, where she fought evenly with Gaspard, to name a few moments.
* AgeInappropriateDress: As stated above, she's 15-years-old. Yet her alternate outfits are also varying degrees of sexy. One of them is even a ''leopard-print bikini'' that leaves absolutely nothing to the imagination.
* BedlahBabe: Her "princess" outfit seems to be this.
* BraidsOfAction: She secures her hair into a single long braid for adventuring.
* CatGirl: One of her alternate costumes lets her dress as one.
* CurtainsMatchTheWindow
* DistressBall: In the incident with Gaspard atop Heim Rada.
* DualWielding: Sort of. She wields a sword in one hand, and casts magic with the other.
* FurBikini: One of her alternate costumes.
* ItsPersonal: Gaspard killed her father. She doesn't take it well. [[spoiler: But not unwell enough that she doesn't sympathize with him]].
* KidHero: She's fifteen years old, 2 years older than Max, but she still qualifies.
* MagicKnight: Wields a broadsword and magic with equal aplomb.
* MsFanservice: Downplayed. Some of her alternate costumes are sexy and revealing, but otherwise not much attention is given to her attractiveness.
* ParentalAbandonment: Her mother is never shown and her father is killed at the beginning of the story.
* PrecisionFStrike: Though mild, she utters some of the only swear words heard in the game when cursing Griffon.
* PrettyPrincessPowerhouse: Monica Raybrandt is introduced to the player slicing up enemies in her princess clothes. She's an expert of the sword and magic, and doesn't hesitate to travel and fight through time to avenge her father and save the future.
* RankScalesWithAsskicking: She's a princess and an excellent swordfighter.
* RebelliousPrincess: It's not said whether she originally left her kingdom acting as this, but [[spoiler: breaking the law and jumping through time after it's been banned, thereby abandoning her home for good just to hang out with Max definitely counts.]]
* RoyalsWhoActuallyDoSomething: She's from the future royal family, and she's actively working with the resistance in the future to stop Griffon.
* SecretTestOfCharacter: How she first meets Max.
* ShipTease: Well, how else can you interpret the PlayableEpilogue where [[spoiler: she uses the Starglass, which takes people back to the time most important to them, straight to Max?]]
* {{Stripperific}}: Some of her alternate outfits are this
* SympathyForTheDevil: [[EasilyForgiven Easily forgives]] [[spoiler: Gaspard, who murdered her father in cold blood.]]
%%* TechnicolorEyes
* TomboyPrincess: Swordcraft and combat magic are implied to be hobbies before she needed them to fight a villain. Her adventure clothes are also pretty simple and practical. Well, her voice is a bit more feminine in the Japanese version than in the English version.

!!Steve the Ridepod

A robot built by Cedric, the Ridepod is given to Max halfway through Chapter 1 as a way of dealing with enemies too powerful for Max to handle on his own. Through the photography and invention system, Max can develop new parts and weapons. It can also be upgraded to have a voice box, and it will commentate during combat.
* AwesomeButImpractical: A number of its weapons and parts fall under this:
** The Missile Pod and Laser Arms, which release a swarm of missiles at a locked-on target. They chew through WHP incredibly quickly, and if they're used anywhere but in a wide-open space, they rarely hit their target. They're only useful when fighting undead (as the latter does potent Exorcism damage) and very large opponents from a distance, including [[spoiler:Gaspard's Battleship, Monster Gaspard, and Emperor Griffon]].
** The Buggy, the motorcycle wheels that can replace the legs. While they're one of the fastest legs possible, maneuvering with them is a nightmare.
** The Caterpillar and Multi Feet, two leg replacements Max can invent. They're no faster than the standard legs and don't have a way of kicking rocks or crates, leaving their use solely cosmetic.
* {{BFS}}: The Samurai Arms have a pair of massive katanas.
* BreakableWeapons: Its weapons require two Repair Powders to fix instead of just one. However, they also don't lose any effectiveness when broken, while Max and Monica's will lose some EXP once they break.
* CameraLockOn: When locked on to an enemy, the Ridepod's torso will always turn to face it, regardless of what direction it's moving in, allowing it to attack while constantly moving.
* ChargedAttack: Many of the ranged weapons have a delay between the attack and when the enemy is hit.
* ColorCodedItemTiers: The four tiers of weapons each have their own unique coloration. The highest tier weapons, level IV, almost always feature a color palette of black, red, silver, and/or gold, with a few exceptions that make this palette for level III instead.
* CommonplaceRare: The Drum Can Body, the default body the Ridepod comes with, can't be invented until late in chapter 5, using photos only avaialable in the future.
* CrutchCharacter: The Ridepod is capable of dealing far more damage than either Max or Monica at the start, and gets some hefty upgrades over the course of the game. However, if the player opts to ignore the invention system and only buy equipment from Cedric instead, it starts to fall behind quite a bit in the later levels. He's also a bigger target and, if he's using a ranged weapon, has no way to block damage. In a game where you aren't meant to tank ''anything'', this makes him very costly to use. It falls behind rather quickly in the Zelmite Mines, with Max's L.E.G.E.N.D. and Monica's Island King dealing significantly more damage than any of the Ridepod's best available weapons, leaving the Ridepod's only saving grace being its mobility. That is, until the fight with [[spoiler:Metal Flotsam]], which gives the Scoop needed to invent the best possible weapons, allowing it to keep up through the end of the dungeon.
* CyberCyclops: While most of its bodies feature two "eyes", the Milk Can Body features a single light on the front for its eye.
* DevelopersForesight: Its voice box upgrade reacts accordingly to the situation that the Ridepod is in. It's cocky when handling enemies on par with it or weaker, freaks out when fighting hordes of monsters or ones much stronger than itself, and will audibly warn Max when its health is getting low.
* DifficultButAwesome: The propellor legs are considerably harder to steer properly than the previous legs, but makes Ridepod an absolute LightningBruiser that can dance around most of the enemies and bosses in the game faster than they can turn, especially combined with a weapon like the Machine Gun Arms that don't require any aiming at the same time. [[IWantMyJetpack The Jet Body? Even more insane and even harder to pilot]].
* DualWielding: Each arm is equipped with the same weapon.
* EquipmentUpgrade: Max can invent and switch out parts on the fly. However, it has a Core that also must be upgraded to handle the better equipment.
* HomingProjectile: Both the Laser Arms and Missile Pod Arms fire projectiles that home in on a locked-on enemy.
* HoverMecha: The Propeller Leg and Jet Hover, both which lift it off the ground and provide faster mobility.
* InfinityPlusOneSword: Samurai Arm IV, which can only be made after acquiring the Scoop from [[spoiler:Metal Flotsam]].
* KatanasAreJustBetter: The Samurai Arm weapons. The level IV versions also serve as the Ridepod's most powerful melee weapons.
* LimitedLoadout: The Ridepod has a Core that has a limited capacity, and each piece of equipment has its own capacity value. As the Core is upgraded, it can handle better equipment.
* MechaExpansionPack: The Ridepod can be upgraded by building new weapons, bodies, legs, and energy packs. Through Cedric, its Core can be upgraded to let it handle more powerful equipment, and also get a voice box.
* MiniMecha: A mecha small enough for a single rider.
* MoreDakka: The Machine Gun Arms.
* NinjaPirateZombieRobot: The Ridepod can be customized with a variety of parts, including "sets" that make him look like a samurai, or even a clown, armed with firepower ranging from machine guns to laser cannons.
* NoisyRobots: Its default feet, the Iron Leg, is much louder than many of the upgraded legs. It also makes loud, mechanical noises in its chapter 1 cutscenes that aren't heard elsewhere in the game.
* PermanentlyMissableContent: A number of its best parts can only be invented using Scoops, so missing them means losing out on those parts for good. And in chapter 8, as the future locations can no longer be accessed, any part that requires an Idea exclusive to the future that hasn't been photographed yet is lost.
* PowerupLetdown: Some of the late-game equipment can be this.
* RayGun: The Laser Arms and Nova Cannons.
* RollerbladeGood: The Roller Foot.
* SpiderTank: The Multi Feet lets the Ridepod serve as this.
* SprintShoes: Later upgrades replace its feet with faster alternatives, such as the Roller Foot, Buggy, Propeller Leg, and the Jet Hover.
* StarterEquipment: It starts with the Drum Can Body, Cannonball Arm, Iron Leg, and standard Energy Pack.
* TankTreadMecha: The Caterpillar leg replacement.
* TinCanRobot: The Milk Can and Refrigerator bodies resemble this.


[[folder:Supporting Characters]]

-->Voiced by Creator/PaulEiding (English).

The eponymous owner of Cedric's Maintenance Shop in Palm Brinks, and Max's mentor when it comes to mechanics. He accompanies Max on his quest, [[DemotedToExtra but plays a fairly passive role after the end of the first chapter]]. He built the Ridepod and is able to refuel it and assist Max with upgrading it.
%%* GadgeteerGenius
* HeKnowsAboutTimedHits: While explaining the process of inventing items to Max, he casually talks about opening menus and pressing buttons like it's the most normal thing in the world.
* ICallItVera: He built the [[MiniMecha Ridepod]] and named it "Steve".[[labelnote:*]]Which is a CallBack to the slingshot named Steve from [[VideoGame/DarkCloud the first game]].[[/labelnote]]
* TheMentor: To Max.
%%* MrFixit

!!Borneo and Erik
-->Borneo voiced by Creator/GreggBerger (English).

A pair of railroad engineers from Palm Brinks who drive and maintain the train, the [[CoolTrain Blackstone One]].
* DemolitionsExpert: Erik can provide the player with "Improved Bombs", which are quite potent when used against enemies. In addition, whenever the Blackstone One [[BrokenBridge hits a roadblock, such as a pile of boulders on the tracks]], these two are in charge of clearing the way while Max and Monica tend to their business in the current region.
* FatAndSkinny: Not so much fat and skinny as they are muscular and lean, but the trope still works.
%%* ThoseTwoGuys
* WalkingShirtlessScene: Borneo.

-->Voiced by Creator/ArminShimmerman (English).

The leader of the Firbits living in Sindain. After Max and Monica help the Firbits, he'll offer them use of the Carpenterion and he'll hang out in the back of the train, selling Georama parts.
* BigDamnHeroes: [[spoiler:Pops in with the [[ImprobableWeaponUser Carpenterion]] after Griffon triggers an OminousFloatingCastle with Max and Monica still onboard.]]
* CharacterTics: Possibly one of the most expressive characters on the show. Not only does he gesture like mad, his [[FascinatingEyebrow eyebrows]] make up for his obscuring facial hair and OpaqueLenses.
%%* CoolOldGuy
* EccentricMentor: Well, guide.
* ImprobableWeaponUser: The Carpenterion. [[spoiler:He uses it to ''throw rocks'' at ''Griffon's Palace''.]]
%%* OpaqueLenses
* PointyEars: Like the rest of his kind. Of the Elf/Fairy variety.
* ReasonableAuthorityFigure: When Max and Monica first arrive, the rest of the Firbits are rather less than hospitable, save for him.
%%* StaffOfAuthority

!!Lin / [[spoiler:Great Sage Crest]]
->''"I was saved just by having you with me."''
-->Voiced by Creator/KimMaiGuest

A young, student mage from Balance Valley.
* AngstComa: Until Max and Monica acquire and give her the Miracle Dumplings.
* TheApprentice: Was one to Crest.
* CoolOldLady: [[spoiler:As the great sage Crest.]]
%%* GirlishPigtails
* LegacyCharacter: [[spoiler: She takes up Crest's name after Crest's death.]]
* TheSlowPath: She's interacted with both in Max and Monica's time periods.
* TalkingToTheDead: At the Light House, at the end of Balance Valley.
* TraumaInducedAmnesia: Thanks to [[spoiler: the Memo-Eater.]]

!! Doctor Nobb
->''"I know what you're thinking. 'What's a kid doing in a place like this?' Right?"'''
-->Voiced by [[Creator/RyanODonohue Ryan O'Donohue]] (English).

The head researcher in the Lunatic Wisdom Laboratories.
%%* ChildProdigy
* InsufferableGenius: While not a {{Jerkass}} about it, he isn't shy about his level of intellect.
%%* ShorterMeansSmarter

!! Osmond
->''"Get ready. To ten-thousand years in the past!"''
-->Voiced by Creator/MichaelBell (English).

One of the top researchers in the Lunatic Wisdom Laboratories.
* BlueOrangeContrast: The theme of his appearance.
%%* BunnyEarsLawyer
* TheCameo: He--or at least, a character with the same name and a nearly identical appearance--appears in VideoGame/WhiteKnightChronicles.
* TheFaceless: Like many of his kind. ''Un''like many of his kind, he hides it behind goggles and and a cloth.
* GogglesDoNothing: As far as we're aware.
%%* LegacyCharacter
* LiteralMinded: When offering "a hand" to Max and Monica.
%%* TooManyBelts

[[quoteright:200:[[caption-width-right:200:[[labelnote:Click here to see Elena]]https://static.tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pub/images/ElenaDarkCloud2_5926.png[[/labelnote]]]]]]

-->Voiced by Creator/KathSoucie (English).

Max's mother [[spoiler: and a prominent figure in the rebellion against Griffon.]]
* BigGood: [[spoiler: She's one of the leaders of the resistance against Griffon.]]
* BodyguardCrush: [[spoiler: She fell in love with Gerald, who she was supposed to be protecting, and thus Max happened.]]
* ButNowIMustGo: [[spoiler: When she went to the past, fell in love, and had a son, she wanted to stay, but she ultimately decided to return to the future. Max is not amused when she tells him this.]]
* CoolCrown: She wears a little tiara. You can see it on her forehead.
%%* GoldMakesEverythingShiny
%%* GracefulLadiesLikePurple
* InformedAbility: The fact that [[spoiler: she was sent to protect Gerald from Griffon implies that she has some sort of way to combat Griffon's troops, but it's never shown in the game.]]
%%* IronLady
%%* LongHairIsFeminine
%%* OjouRinglets
%%* RequisiteRoyalRegalia
%%* StaffOfAuthority



-->Voiced by Phil Proctor (English).

A crazed circus ringmaster, and one of Emperor Griffon's servants.
* ArcVillain: He's the main antagonist of chapter 1.
* CameBackStrong: [[spoiler:He is transformed into a cyborg by the Dark Genie, in exchange for being the Genie's personal guardian.]]
* DefeatEqualsExplosion: [[spoiler:When he's defeated in chapter 8, he explodes. Max and Monica barely react to it.]]
* TheDragon: One of many serving Griffon. [[spoiler:Later serves as this to the Dark Genie.]]
* EvilIsHammy: He ''relishes'' in his ham. He's a performer, after all.
* EvilLaugh: A frequent offender.
* ForTheEvulz: In contrast to many other antagonists seen throughout the game, Flotsam has no justification for his evil besides that he ''wants'' to be evil. [[spoiler:The moment Griffon is gone, Flotsam just seeks out a new evil master to serve.]]
-->'''Monica:''' I guess he was just rotten on his own.
* KickThemWhileTheyAreDown: He strangles and beats the Mayor in the circus tent, and when the Mayor's on the floor, he kicks his aside.
* LargeHam: The largest in the game.
* NotSoHarmlessVillain: Through chapter 1, he seems rather goofy, with his minions and robot Halloween doing the real dirty work. But near the end, [[spoiler:you manage to finally throw him over the edge when he gets on the train. He has dynamite strapped to himself and threatens to kill himself, and take Max with him.]]
%%** [[spoiler:And then there's his return in the Zelmite Mines.]]
* OhCrap: [[spoiler:When he realizes the strange kid on the train is Monica in disguise, he immediately freezes up in shock.]]
* TheRemnant: He's the last of Griffon's servants still committing evil in chapter 8, [[spoiler:but his loyalties have changed]].
* RepulsiveRingmaster: A circus ringmaster with sinister intentions.
* SuperBoss: [[spoiler:One of the bosses faced in the bonus chapter after the main story, who is more difficult than the final boss.]]
* TakingYouWithMe: [[spoiler:He straps dynamite to himself and attempts to blow himself up, along with Max and the Blackstone One.]]
* ThisCannotBe: Reacts this way upon defeat [[spoiler:in chapter 8]].
* TheUnfought: In chapter 1, he's never fought directly; Max spends more time fighting his minions and the monsters in the Underground Channel, and the closest he gets is throwing bombs at Flotsam's car. [[spoiler:Subverted in Chapter 8, where he's fought midway through the mines.]]
* VillainousBreakdown: Undergoes this twice: once when he's beaten at the end of chapter 1, and [[spoiler:when he's beaten again in chapter 8]].
* WouldHurtAChild: His primary target is Max, who is a young boy, and threatens his life more than once. For his part, he at least attempts to make Max hand over the Atlamillia willingly. When it fails, he sicks his minions on him.

!!Doctor Jaming
-->Voiced by Creator/CamClarke (English).

Gaspard's henchman and the final boss of Veniccio.
* AmazingTechnicolorPopulation: He has light blue skin and blue hair. [[spoiler:His grandson has the same traits, suggesting they're genetic.]]
* BabiesEverAfter: [[spoiler:Him having a grandson in the future suggests Dr. Jaming started a family sometime after his HeelFaceTurn.]]
* FreudianExcuse: His research into Aeroharmonics reached a dead end and made him desperate, forcing him to align with Griffon to get the resources he needed to continue.
* TheGrotesque: He has a strange, zombie-like face, but he's a dedicated researcher trying to perfect his inventions.
* HeelFaceTurn: [[spoiler:The Shiguras forgiving him after his defeat makes him rethink his approach. He defects from Griffon and rededicates himself to his research, allowing him to perfect Aeroharmonics, which becomes vital for Max and Monica for finding and confronting Griffon.]]
* IdenticalGrandson: [[spoiler:Has a good one in Monica's time.]]
* LickedByTheDog: [[spoiler:After mind-controlling the Shiguras, they readily forgive him with some nuzzling and he's inspired to join the good side.]]
* MeaningfulName: Jaming was the pioneer in [[DiscoTech Aeroharmonics Technology]], which would allow objects to float on [[ThePowerOfRock waves of sound]].

->''"All there is to see in the future is darkness and despair."''
-->Voiced by Creator/RinoRomano (English).

A recurring servant of Emperor Griffon's and the final boss of Heim Rada.
* BrainwashedAndCrazy: [[spoiler: After he decides to turn neutral, Griffon turns him into a monster and forces him to fight Max and Monica again.]]
* DarkAndTroubledPast: [[spoiler: His backstory in Chapter 5. He was born to [[HalfHumanHybrid a human mother and a changeling father]] and because of his [[HalfHumanHybrid mixed heritage]] the other people in the village called him "demon child". They were still living happily because the others were afraid of Gaspard's father, but when he falls ill and dies, the villagers chase Gaspard and his mother out of their home, forcing to live in poverty and move from town to town to find shelter. And when it finally seems they have found a place to settle in... Gaspard's mother falls ill from the stress and dies.]]
* TheDragon: To Emperor Griffon.
* DyingAsYourself: [[spoiler: After defeating Monster Gaspard, he turns back to his human form before he passes.]]
* EasilyForgiven: [[spoiler: Max and Monica forgive him quite easily after hearing his backstory.]]
* EldritchAbomination: [[spoiler: As Monster Gaspard.]]
%%* FacialMarkings
* FreudianExcuse: [[spoiler: His DarkAndTroubledPast is what drives him to become The Dark Assassin.]]
* HalfHumanHybrid: [[spoiler: He has both human and demon blood running through his veins.]]
* HeelFaceTurn: Partially. [[spoiler: He decides to turn neutral after he's defeated in Heim Rada. [[RedemptionEqualsDeath Griffon is not having any of it.]]]]
%%* HighCollarOfDoom
%%* IcyBlueEyes
* ITakeOffenseToThatLastOne: When confronted by Monica, who accuses him of tearing her kingdom to bits and murdering her father.
-->'''Gaspard''': ''Murdered? Now, that hurts. Your father and I fought fairly.''
* NobleDemon
* NotSoDifferentRemark: Gaspard delivers this line when hearing Max's motivation for not giving up:
-->''We're the same... You and I. [[LampshadeHanging Exactly the same...]]''
%%* OminousOperaCape
* ParentalAbandonment: [[spoiler: Both of his parents fell ill and passed away when he was little.]]
* PointyEars: Probably another trait from his demon father.
%%* RedAndBlackAndEvilAllOver
* RedemptionEqualsDeath: [[spoiler: After his partial HeelFaceTurn, Griffon can't accept his betrayal and turns him into a flame monster. Max and Monica are forced to fight him and when he's defeated, [[DyingAsYourself he returns to normal]] and holds out long enough for Max and Monica to hear his final words.]]
* SinisterScythe: A demon chewing on a [[RedAndBlackAndEvilAllOver red blade]], with [[SpikesOfVillainy spikes]] coming out of its head. [[SarcasmMode Gee, I wonder]] [[ObviouslyEvil what kind of guy he is?]]
* SympathyForTheDevil: [[spoiler: Max and Monica [[EasilyForgiven immediately forgive him]] when he gives them [[Tearjerker/DarkChronicle his backstory]].]]
%%* TooManyBelts
* UsedToBeASweetKid: [[spoiler: The vision of him seeing his mother in the afterlife shows just how innocent he once was.]]
* WhiteHairBlackHeart: At least [[spoiler: until he [[HeelFaceTurn decides to turn neutral.]]
* WouldHitAGirl: On his rematch with Monica, he doesn't hold back and just gut-punches her, instantly winding her unconscious.]]]]

!!Emperor Griffon[[spoiler:/Sirus]]
[[quoteright:200:[[caption-width-right:200:[[labelnote:Click here to see Griffon]]https://static.tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pub/images/SirusDarkCloud2_9297.png[[/labelnote]]]]]]

->''"The one you would call Emperor Griffon, the ruler of darkness! That is me."''
-->Voiced by Creator/KathSoucie (English) and Creator/MarkHamill (English).

A mysterious figure that's threatening all human life, past and future.
* BigBad: He's the one trying to destroy humanity.
* BreakTheCutie: [[spoiler:He underwent this during his backstory; the sweet and kind moon rabbit turned to darkness after the death of his Queen and war wiped out her kingdom.]]
* TheChosenOne: [[DoubleSubversion Double subverted]]. [[spoiler:He's the one passed down with the knowledge of how to stop the Star of Oblivion, which he was meant to do once humanity proved it was worthy. Not only did he forget this after he fell to evil, he would be the one to ''summon'' with the Star of Oblivion. It's not until he's shown kindness from Max and Monica following his defeat that he realizes what he's meant to do and follows through with it.]]
* CoolSword: In the second phase of his battle in chapter 7, he takes his wings off and uses them as swords.
* CruelAndUnusualDeath: [[spoiler:Dark Element ''impales him'' with his cane, which is much more brutal than any other death in the game. He's still alive after that, but he succumbs to the wound after he stops the second moon from falling.]]
* CynicismCatalyst: [[spoiler:The death of Queen Alexandra gave him a bleak and hateful view of humanity as a whole.]]
* DarkMessiah: He believes by wiping out all of humanity, he will save the rest of Earth from more wars and tragedy. Ultimately, his path towards this goal leads to ''plenty'' of that.
* TheDarkSideWillMakeYouForget: [[spoiler:His actual purpose is to ''stop'' the Star of Oblivion, a secret that was passed on to him for generations. His rage against humanity made him forget.]]
* DespairEventHorizon: He crossed it ten thousand years ago, after [[spoiler:Queen Alexandra's death and the destruction of her kingdom.]]
* DualWielding: As shown in the opening and during the second phase of his boss fight in chapter 7.
* DyingAsYourself: [[spoiler:He dies in his original body, after stopping the Star of Oblivion and with his past memories restored.]]
* EvilSoundsDeep: Mark Hamill gives a very deep voice [[spoiler: for his OneWingedAngel form.]]
* FreudianExcuse: [[spoiler: The death of Queen Alexandra. She dies protecting her kingdom from power-hungry humans after the Atlamillia and Sirus begins to think that everything would be better if humans were dead, so he decides to do just that.]]
* FromNobodyToNightmare: He goes from [[spoiler:Queen Alexandra's gardener to a figure trying to destroy humanity with power of his Atlamillia.]]
* GlowingEyesOfDoom: His eyes glow red when [[spoiler:He combines the magic of the three Atlamillia]].
* GoOutWithASmile: [[spoiler:Gives a tearful smile to Max and Monica just before he dies.]]
* HeWhoFightsMonsters: He hates humanity for the wars and turmoil they cause, and in his quest to to rid the world of them, he becomes far more destructive than humanity ever had been.
* HumansAreBastards: His motivation to kill them all.
* InTheHood: When Max and Monica first meet him, he has his hood over his head, with only his red eyes visible.
* KillerRabbit:[[spoiler:The man who's been wiping civilization off the map throughout all time is a little bunny.]]
* LoveMakesYouEvil: [[spoiler:[[FreudianExcuse His motivation for killing humanity]] is the death of Queen Alexandra, the woman he supposedly had feelings for.]]
* TheManBehindTheMan: [[spoiler:Dark Element. Though technically he's not a man, he was born from Sirus's darkness.]]
* MoralityChain: Alexandra. [[spoiler:[[FreudianExcuse Her death]] is what caused his drive to kill all humans ever.]]
* OneWingedAngel: [[spoiler: It's how he's depicted before you meet him and he turns into this after he takes the Atlamillia.]]
* RedemptionEqualsDeath: [[spoiler:Once he remembers his role as the Guardian of the Stars, he turns good. Too bad he succumbs to a mortal wound after stopping the Star of Oblivion.]]
* RedEyesTakeWarning: He naturally has red eyes, but [[spoiler:if they're glowing when he's using the power of the Atlamillia,]] this goes for double.
* SoleSurvivor: [[spoiler:He's the only surviving member of Queen Alexandra's kingdom after the war.]]
* SomethingAboutARose: The first time you face him, he uses roses as projectiles.
* StartOfDarkness: [[spoiler: The flashback scenes to his time with Alexandra throughout Chapter 7 show his fall from grace.]]
* TakingYouWithMe: His plan to wipe out humanity is essentially this; [[spoiler: the Star of Oblivion will kill him, but he will take every human along with him.]]
* TogetherInDeath: [[spoiler: He reunites with Alexandra in the afterlife.]]
* TheTragicRose: ...And then you find out why he has a [[Tearjerker/DarkChronicle thing for flowers]].
* TragicVillain: [[spoiler: He only wanted to be with Alexandra, but the humans after the stones killed her while Alexandra told Sirus to escape.]] It would be more surprising if he '''wasn't''' bitter about that.
* UnwittingPawn: [[spoiler:To Dark Element. Though Sirus probably created him in the first place.]]
* VillainRespect: It's buried deep but it's eventually revealed that deep down [[spoiler: he actually admires Max for his ability to learn and grow from tragedy.]]
* VoiceOfTheLegion: In the Japanese version, he speaks like this after [[spoiler: combining the power of the three Atlamillia.]]
* WalkingSpoiler: All you can really say about him is that is he's the BigBad of the game.
* WoobieDestroyerOfWorlds: Just look at the the tropes above. [[TragicVillain This guy]] [[FreudianExcuse goes through]] [[LoveMakesYouEvil a lot.]]

!!Final Boss[[spoiler:/Dark Element]]
[[quoteright:200:[[caption-width-right:200:[[labelnote:Click here to see it]]https://static.tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pub/images/drkelement_2.jpg[[/labelnote]]]]]]

->''"You humans, so foolish in any millennium! Come! Taste extinction!"''
-->Voiced by Creator/CamClarke (English)

* BarrierChangeBoss: It alternates between being immune to Max's attacks and immune to Monica's. Given that the player [[spoiler: has five minutes to take it down before an automatic Game Over]], having trained only one of the two can be very detrimental.
* ColonyDrop: [[spoiler: The Star of Oblivion is triggered minutes after its reveal.]] It actually looks forwards to it, as it knows it'll survive and get to torment the survivors, if there are any.
* DieLaughing: As it fades out of existence, it uses its last words to gloat about [[spoiler: the Star of Oblivion's imminent crash]] before dissolving into smoke, cackling all the while.
* EnemyToAllLivingThings: So much so that [[spoiler: the Star of Oblivion is automatically triggered after it absorbs the Atlamillia, presumably because whatever mechanism the ancients designed for its activation recognizes it as a threat too big too be permitted to live, casualties be damned.]]
* EnemyWithout: [[spoiler: The physical embodiment of all the hatred towards humanity that festered within Sirus over the years.]]
* {{Expy}}: [[spoiler: Of the Dark Genie from the first Dark Cloud, being the MadeOfEvil EnemyWithout of the main antagonist, like the Dark Genie was for Seda.]]
* GodzillaThreshold: [[spoiler: The Star of Oblivion didn't activate when Sirus gathered the Atlamillia, but this thing ? As soons as it makes its existence known, the moon starts its descent.]]
* GreaterScopeVillain: [[spoiler: The driving force behind Sirus' genocidal campaign against humanity, although the game never specifies where Sirus ended and it started.]]
* LargeHam: Spends its entire time on-screen chewing the scenery, right until its last moments.
* MadeOfEvil: Its boss title is Evil Made Flesh, and it's [[spoiler: the physical embodiment of all the hatred Sirus accumulated over the years.]]
* MoreThanMindControl: [[spoiler: Sirus' complete change in personality after it leaves his body strongly implies it was influencing him from within.]]
* NonStandardGameOver: Failing to defeat it before [[spoiler: the five minutes countdown reaches zero results in an automatic Game Over due to the Star Of Oblivion crashing. ]]
* NothingCanStopUsNow: Says this almost verbatim after it [[spoiler: absorbs the Atlamillia.]]
* {{Sizeshifter}}: During its boss battle, it can grow to the size of a building to unleash a devastating laser attack on Max and Monica.
* TakingYouWithMe: [[spoiler: Attempted but ultimately thwarted when Sirus destroys the Star of Oblivion.]]
* TimeLimitBoss: [[spoiler: You have five minutes to destroy it before the Star of Oblivion crashes.]]
* YouHaveOutlivedYourUsefulness: [[spoiler: Sirus' failure to eliminate Max and Monica, combined with his HeelRealization, prompt it to leave his body and the first thing it does upon emerging is attempting to impale him with his giant spear.]]


[[folder:Optional Party Members]]

!!''In alphabetical order'':


Max's maid. She sells fruit and gradually restores weapon durability to unequipped weapons.
* EyesAlwaysShut: Of a mild, "depressed" variety.
%%* KindlyHousekeeper
* {{Meido}}: Carries elements of it, despite the setting being more western.
%%* TextileWorkIsFeminine


TheSheriff of Palm Brinks.
* TimedMission: To recruit him, you must run all the way across Palm Brinks and back, under a VERY strict time limit. You have to do the run practically PERFECTLY, not wasting a single second.

!!Priest Bruno

The man that maintains the church in Palm Brinks.
%%* GoodShepherd
* HighPriest: Of the SaintlyChurch in Palm Brinks.


Max's next door neighbor.
* OjouRinglets


A girl residing in Palm Brinks that has you play hide-and-seek with her.
* BornLucky: Having her in your party will result in heads every time you flip a coin.
%%* PluckyGirl

!!Dr. Dell

-->Voiced by Creator/MichaelBell (English).

An anthropomorphic duck with a medical degree.
%%* FeatherFingers


-->Voiced by Creator/DebiDerryberry (English).

An old friend of Max's that spends his time in the Underground Channel, and knows a few things about getting scoops with a camera. He can bypass locks and sell repair powders.
* AndYourRewardIsClothes: Donny's in charge of a photography sidequest. Among the items he offers as rewards are the pieces to Max's explorer outfit. Though there are some rewards that are less cosmetic and more actually useful.
* HeKnowsAboutTimedHits
* SlummingIt: His father is shown running a modest, stable shop, and yet he spends all all his on-screen time (pre-recruitment) in the sewers and streets.
%%* StreetUrchin


Firbit boy that loves to fish.
* DudeWheresMyRespect: Even after [[spoiler:saving all of time and space]], he'll barely even look at you without a big enough fish.


The chef at Max's house. He can cook chicken and sell recovery items.
%%* SupremeChef


Max's father.
* GunNut: If the collection in his room is anything to go by. And then there's the fact that you need to level one up to get him to join you.


The gardener that maintains Max's house. He sells Georama parts and allows Max and Monica's weapons to deal extra damage to plant monsters.
%%* NatureLover


Parn's girlfriend/wife. She can charm enemies and sell armbands.
%%* ProperLady
%%* TrueBlueFemininity


A girl from Palm Brinks. She complains of an illness that's beyond even Dr. Dell.
%%* ShrinkingViolet


The owner of the Palm Brinks weapon shop.
%%* BoyishShortHair
* HeelFaceTurn: Subverted. An early cutscene shows her performing with Flotsam's circus, but if you talk to her later on she admits that she was never actually part of Flotsam's troupe.
%%* MsFanservice
%%* {{Stripperific}}

!!Mayor Need
-->Voiced by AlanOppenheimer (English).

The mayor of Palm Brinks.
* AndYourRewardIsClothes: The rewards he offers for all those hard-to-get medals? Clothes. Max can get a clown outfit, while Monica can get her [[BedlahBabe princess outfit]] from the beginning of the game or...[[FurBikini a very revealing leopard-print bikini]] [[CatGirl with matching gloves, boots, and]] [[AnimalEaredHeadband ears]]. He also offers a "Name-Change Ticket", which can be used to give a weapon a custom name. This was intended to be purely cosmetic, but [[GoodBadBugs due to a bug]], it can be used to get yourself a DiscOneNuke.
* ExtremeDoormat: Minus the stoicism.
* GrewASpine: After the game, he's much more confident and ready to lead Palm Brinks.
* GuideDangIt: Potentially. To recruit him, you have to help him figure out the combination to his safe. The clues he gives are incredibly obtuse and unhelpful... but if you go and talk to him before the option to recruit characters is available, he'll mumble to himself about three possible solutions, narrowing the answer down significantly. He inexplicably stops doing that by the time you can recruit him, though.
%%* NervousWreck


An artist living in Palm Brinks. He sells paint, and can help Max and Monica escape from un-cleared dungeon floors.
* ArtInitiatesLife: But only with the help of magic paint.


Little rabbit with a Shigura orphan for a pet.
* InformedAbility: His description as a party member says he can see the future. This never comes up once when he's plot relevant, despite being in a game about time travel.
* TrademarkFavoriteFood: Carrots.

!!Aunt Polly

The owner of the Palm Brinks bakery. She makes bread.
%%* ApronMatron

!!Granny Rosa

An elderly lady with an unknown relationship to Max.
* CoolOldLady: Despite her age and obviously deteriorating health, she can assist you in your DungeonCrawling.


A strange little figure that feels connected to the moon and is wary of humans.
* TheFaceless: His hood hides all but his glowing eyes.


Max's butler. He sells shoes and heals Max and Monica if they've been in a dungeon floor longer than three minutes.
* {{Bookworm}}: Joins the party after Max gives him money for a book and he'll refuse to go anywhere his collection could get damaged.