* One little six-year-old (or thereabouts) female gymnast was doing a very basic vault routine and fell on her behind. She got right back up, didn't even cry, and kept going. The judges all agreed that getting right back up earned her points — not enough to win, sadly, but she got second if memory serves.
** Plus, she was one of the few well-adjusted girls on the show: she was old enough to understand what pageants were and actually wanted to do them, her talent was a real talent (gymnastics, basic or not, take a good deal of practice and effort to pull off) instead of just dancing around, and she never pitched a fit (that we saw).
* Brock and his mom, especially when his mom says that anyone who doesn't understand Brock (who loves pageants, dancing, and all things sparkly) doesn't need to be in his life.
** Also his dance routine was pretty impressive for a seven-year-old.
* Mr. Sterling, the father of the Sterling twins, was a good parent, at least compared to the other parents, and disciplined his daughter Breanne (aka Mommy's Favorite) when she pitched a tantrum by pulling her out of the show.
* Lacey-Mae, a contestant with Dwarfism, and her mother, who put her in pageants to boost her self-esteem. Lacey-Mae genuinely enjoyed performing, and some of her costumes and routines played up her small size, like her witch doctor getup, to great effect.