* Mathayus' entrance at the beginning of the movie, when he rescues his brother. Without even appearing on screen, he shoots half a dozen mooks with arrows, arrows so powerful that the mooks go flying. Then he emerges from the shadows, armed to the teeth, grim and willing to kill. Everybody goes silent, everybody just stares at him, there's a pause, and then...
--> '''Mathayus''': Boo.
* The Akkadian's very BadassCreed.
--> '''Jesup''': Live free. \\
'''Mathayus''': Die well.
** Followed by...
--> '''Mathayus''': Live free. \\
'''Balthazar''': Rule well.
* Arpid somehow escaping from being buried up to his neck and then killing their guards in the kind of StealthHiBye generally reserved for Mathayus himself deserves a mention.
** Arpid is the established cowardly side-kick character. At the end when he and Philos are surrounded by guards before they can light the trail of powder, he quips 'so much for not getting killed' and dives to light it. He and Philos both manage to escape.
* Always loved the scene when Mathayus lures the MookLieutenant Thorak and some of his cronies into a cave, then starts picking them off one by one by one.
** Special mention goes to the moment when we see only a {{mook}} and his shadow - and then his shadow starts moving...
** Or when Thorak glances in one direction for just a moment, and when he turns back his last solider has been impaled on a jagged rock and Mathayus is nowhere in sight.
* When Mathayus and Balthazar duel, both of their swords break in half when they clash.
* Gotta love Balthazar's BadassBoast, "Who dies first?", as he's surrounded by a rather large number of soldiers - and wearing a dress.
* Balthazar's PreMortemOneLiner to [[{{Patricide}} Takmet]]: ''"[[AndThisIsFor For your father]]"''
* "I've come for the woman... and your head."
** The entire successive fight scene qualifies as this. Memnon's been introduced as the patron saint of AsskickingLeadsToLeadership, while we've seen Mathayus [[OneManArmy devastate every single opponent he's had a shot at in the movie in a straight fight]]. When they finally fight each other, Memnon lives up to his name and manages to dominate Mathayus in their swordfight, driving him back up a staircase with dual flaming swords. Memnon only loses once Mathayus gets a hold of his weapon of choice, the bow, ''and tears an arrow out of his back to shoot.'' And Memnon, who's displayed the skill to block arrows with a sword, just barely misses the bolt, and even then, he's not dead until after he catches on fire and falls several stories onto his own men.
** Mathayus briefly gets the upper hand on Memnon after being disarmed, using GoodOldFisticuffs.
** The sorceress Cassandra had her own moment just before Mathayus shows up. Memnon has forced her into divining which of some pots on a rotating table ''doesn't'' have a [[RussianRoulette poisonous snake]] in them. Just to make certain she still has her powers. After she's reached into empty pots the first few times. She surprises him by pulling a snake out, ready to fight Memnon herself using her powers to get the snake to attack him.
---> '''Memnon''': What magic is this?! \\
'''Cassandra''': My magic!
** Then she gets some more moments by fighting a couple guards herself, showing some good swordsmanship and knowledge of when to use a GroinAttack.
** When the palace doors begin buckling, Memnon believes it is the palace guards come to his rescue. Then the doors break down and we see Balthazar tossing guards everywhere like rag dolls.
** Cassandra trying to [[TakingTheBullet leap in front of the arrow aimed at Mathayus]] only for Mathayus to refuse to let her.
* TheReveal that Cassandra’s visions aren’t VirginPower but her family just says that to keep Kings from thinking to take advantage of them is both this and a funny moment.

* Silda, the LoveInterest from the third movie, besting OneManArmy Mathayus in one-on-one combat. Twice.
** Also, her EstablishingCharacterMoment of kneeing BigBad Talus in the balls while BoundAndGagged as his prisoner.