* [[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tAbPbS1ivMo Fin dives]] [[ViolationOfCommonSense into a shark's mouth]] [[RefugeInAudacity with a]] [[ChainsawGood chainsaw]] and ''cuts his way out''. Even better is that [[ContrivedCoincidence Nova happens to have been swallowed whole by]] ''[[ContrivedCoincidence the same shark]]''.
** He and that chainsaw have a prior moment by using a storm-propelled shark's inertia to ''cut it cleanly in half.''
** A number of couples on Twitter pledged to have "I would chainsaw my way out of a shark for you" included in their wedding vows.
* A tornado full of sharks. How is that ''NOT'' awesome?
* [[ActionGirl Nova]] is pretty much a walking Moment of Awesome when you consider that, if you count the bombs thrown into the tornadoes, she has the highest kill score of all of the main characters. Even if not, her proficiency with a shotgun more than qualifies her.
* [[CrouchingMoronHiddenBadass George]] [[BigDamnHeroes knocking a shark away from Nova]] [[ImprobableWeaponUser with just a bar stool.]]