* "You are now in the safest location in the whole of England." BOOM! That scene was all done in one take and Creator/RowanAtkinson kept a straight face the whole time.
* A subtle one, but Sauvage is very quick to dismiss Johnny as just a useless idiot (admittedly with good reason). However, Johnny earns enough respect from his henchmen for them to admit he's wrong to dismiss him so brazenly, as not only has he actually come close to stopping them quite early, but he's also the only one who's actually ''right'' that Sauvage is behind it, even if it's based solely on his hatred for him.
-->'''Henchman:''' He may be a fool, [[BewareTheSillyOnes but he's a fool who keeps showing up.]]
* During the chase scene, Johnny gets flashed by a speed camera while his Aston is in mid-air. He immediately sets off a rocket from the car's exhaust that blows up the camera, and smiles to himself afterwards.
* Johnny again in the car park scene, picking up on the ImminentDangerClue that Felch's voice didn't sound right, which likely saved both his life and Bough's.
* Johnny may be an IdiotHero, but he comes up with some fairly good plans to try and expose Sauvage as the BigBad. Sure, [[HypercompetentSidekick Bough and Lorna may be better than him at actually carrying them out]], but said plans are thought of solely by Johnny. Yes, the plan to break into Sauvage's building is outlined by Bough, but the plan was Johnny's idea, as he states in the car park scene and after Bough outlines it.
* Johnny sweeping in at the last second (literally) and snatching the crown right out of the Archbishop's hands just before he's officially crowned. While he has trouble getting to the ledge, he remains completely defiant and the act is so grating to Sauvage [[BeneathTheMask he snaps and shows his true colors.]]
* The Queen gets one when Sauvage's thugs invade her residence at Sandringham and order her to abdicate at gunpoint. She doesn't even flinch when the gun is pointed at her and declares "Never." when ordered to sign. It takes the thugs threatening to shoot one of her beloved pet corgis to get her to cave, but her hand never shakes when she signs it.
* This scene:
-->'''Archbishop of Canterbury:''' And do you the chosen Bishops of England, Wales and Scotland assent to this anointment? \\
'''Scottish Bishop:''' For Scotland I do. \\
'''Welsh Bishop:''' For Wales I do. \\
'''Johnny English (disguised as English bishop)''': For England—(''removes bishop disguise'')—I DO NOT!
* Johnny English accidentally getting crowned and making his first command as King.
-->'''Johnny:''' Arrest this man and lock him away!