* Anytime a single contestant cleared out a loaded board of prizes (each of the three columns containing five prizes each); the combined value of the 15 prizes often totaled anywhere from $19,000 to more than $40,000. Two examples, both based on circulating episodes:
** Gene Snook, a contestant in May 1978 who won ''$19,008'' in prizes in a single game by clearing out all three columns, each of which were loaded up with the maximum of five prizes each. He then cleared off the first two columns in the next game, ''then'' won the Big Numbers for $5,000 and a car [[note]](even more awesome: Gene needed a two to win the Big Numbers on his last roll, and he immediately got snake eyes afterwards)[[/note]], bringing his total to that point up to ''$42,108'', and ultimately going on to win over $58,000 during his run. Alex remarked about the massive wins, "You're making up for all the luck you've never had before."
** One player cleared the board in March 1980 for ''$28,216''...then proceeded to ''lose'' the match, proving that one could win big on this show without going to the Big Numbers.
* Any time a champion wins the Big Numbers without rolling a bad roll. Even more awesome if they didn't roll a double as well.
* The (very) rare occasion where — when just one or two good rolls remained on the board — a contestant chose to roll the dice (instead of the usual strategy of passing control to the opponent) ... and then wins the match on that roll. (This was likely only done fewer than 10 times in the entire history of the franchise ... and then if the contestant really wanted a specific prize on offer.)