* Max swinging down like Tarzan in the DieHardOnAnX episode "Prodigy" and catching Logan as he's thrown off a roof.
* "Female Trouble" is basically made of Awesome (and one of the few episodes not to have a [[DownerEnding Downer]] / BittersweetEnding), but especially Max blowing Lydecker a kiss ''as she jumps over him on her motorcycle''. RuleOfCool is in full effect.
* Max ''finally'' beating seven shades of shit out of Alec in "Fuhgeddaboudit" ("[[AndThisIsFor ...and this... is for whatever stupid thing you do next.]]").
* Gem, the pregnant X5 in the SeriesFinale "Freak Nation," gets one of her own during the climactic siege at Jam Pony; one of the villains crashes next to her and she lays the baddie out with one punch... ''while she's giving birth''!. MamaBear indeed.
* And speaking of the SeriesFinale, the entire final fight is a SugarWiki/MomentOfAwesome for all the characters, but especially [[TheBigGuy Joshua]], who takes out two of the Breeding Cult's most elite warriors, before nearly beating season BigBad White himself to death, in an berserker rage. All the other transgenics struggled against a single opponent, whereas Joshua wrecked the joint and went back for seconds, without even slowing down, and then besting the main villain, a feat even Max on her best day had trouble pulling off.