* Kamina is more or less a fountain of these, as in the original series, but there are highlights. The first instance of his famous catchphrase on page 7 actually gives one chills. It just gets better from there, of course, culminating in a game of Chicken that has to be seen to be believed.
** As whore [[Anime/DieBuster Lal'C]] puts it: "Dude... That was ''tits''!"
** Trash Canmina. Enough said.
** Gurrenrod's Cruise Control and its three settings: "Off", "Set", and "LET'S '''DO''' THIS!
*** And the remote's buttons. "Lock", "Unlock", and "GO TIME!"
** Simon gets a minor one in seeing through Chief Genome's "bluff" back at the station. Unfortunately...
* Page 95. Simon becomes a [[http://th00.deviantart.net/fs70/PRE/f/2011/337/0/0/double_k___095_by_captainosaka-d4i2tjd.png MAN]].
** The beatdown that follows has to be [[http://captainosaka.deviantart.com/art/DOUBLE-K-096-274496037?q=gallery%3Acaptainosaka%2F33834&qo=3 seen]] [[http://captainosaka.deviantart.com/art/DOUBLE-K-097-274549577?q=gallery%3Acaptainosaka%2F33834&qo=2 to]] [[http://captainosaka.deviantart.com/art/DOUBLE-K-098-274992870?q=gallery%3Acaptainosaka%2F33834&qo=1 be]] [[http://captainosaka.deviantart.com/art/DOUBLE-K-099-AND-100-274995430?q=gallery%3Acaptainosaka%2F33834&qo=0 believed.]]
*** Simon, meanwhile, asserts that Kamina "[[HeroicSelfDeprecation would've done something way cooler if [he]'d been there]]."
*** [[Tropers/KyleJacobs Someone]] went and [[http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5-Z3R1n63ug&feature=watch_response set that entire sequence to context-appropriate music]]. It somehow manages to increase the awesome.
* The Kickstarter project. Not ''one'' day after it started, the initial $5k goal was broken. The drive ended on February 10, 2012 at a whopping $26,000 dollars - more than '''''five times''''' the donation goal! Oh yeah, Captain, we are the fanbase and we want this shit to get as real as shit can possibly get!
--> '''captainOsaka''': there's a lot more to come on this topic tomorrow, but HOLY BALLS you guys knocked it out of the park over at Kickstarter. THANK YOU SO, SO MUCH doesn't even begin to express my gratitude. All of you who contributed, all of you who got the word out, all of you who kept the encouraging words comin', you are SAINTS, one and all. You've turned this humble little side project into a LIVING BREATHING UNSTOPPABLE WRECKIN' MACHINE. Thank you all, once again. You dudes are incredible
* [[http://fav.me/d4rnd4a KITTAN PUNCH]]!
* [[http://fav.me/d4t7nai There are no words for this awesomeness]] (Warning: Clicking the link may give you the urge to spontaneously lift heavy objects over your head while yelling manly things.)
* A question; is [[http://th00.deviantart.net/fs70/PRE/f/2012/085/d/e/double_k___131_by_captainosaka-d4u079q.png this]] one of the greatest [[HandshakeSubstitute Brofists]] of all time?
* Four words: [[http://captainosaka.deviantart.com/art/DOUBLE-K-135-328094096?q=gallery%3Acaptainosaka&qo=0 Motorcycle in an elevator]].
* Kittan staring down freaking Lordgenome: [[http://doublek.thewebcomic.com/comics/1592324/chapter-5-139/ YOU PARTY]] '''[[http://doublek.thewebcomic.com/comics/1592324/chapter-5-139/ RIGHT NOW]]'''.