* In "Mess of a Salesman", Veronica and Linda confront a sleazy, [[StayInTheKitchen sexist]] Veridian higher-up about the distribution of charity funds. When the man condescendingly dismisses the pair, Linda snaps, chews him out, and finally '''headbutts him into unconciousness'''. Granted, it wasn't a good idea in the long run, but still awesome.
** In the same episode, Phil, Lem, and Ted's brother, who had been doing nothing but making a mess of things so far, swoop in and use one of their previous failures to save the day, banking solely on the fact that the man was a self-serving prick.
* In "Good-bye Mr. Chips" when Veronica finds out that her higher ups plan on replacing Ted, unless a computer reboot restores his position, she confiscates everybody's ID cards (with tracking software) and puts them into Lem's jet-pack. When the computer thinks it just saw every employee cram together in a backpack and fly into space, it decides it must be faulty and triggers the much-needed reboot.