* Brietta saving Annika from Wenlock at the beginning. This, just after he'd managed to single-handedly turn an entire kingdom of people to stone.
* Annika outsmarting Ollie the ogre and tricking him into breaking down the door for her and tying himself up.
* Annika using the Wand of Light properly, defeating Wenlock and undoing all his spells.
** Before then, attempting to simply ''kill'' Wenlock (er, [[NeverSayDie destroy him]]). [[ThouShaltNotKill It doesn't work]], but points for trying.
* Wenlock's wives helping Annika by throwing the Wand of Light to her.
** While Annika offers to let the three wives stay at her family's castle, the three women all collectively decide that [[TheDogBitesBack they have other matters to attend to.]]
-->'''Miranda:''' Thanks for your help. But we have a little unfinished business.
-->(Esther, Miranda, and Jocelyn all turn to Wenlock, glaring furiously and advancing on him)
-->'''Wenlock:''' (stammering) Aah! Now, let's talk about this! D-don't be hasty! We were married once, remember?
** After Wenlock is defeated, they all start ordering him around, paying him back for years of abuse.
-->'''Wenlock:''' Everything's gone! ''Gone!'' (sobs)
-->'''Miranda:''' Not us, Wenlock!
-->'''Jocelyn:''' (chuckling) Not us!
-->'''Miranda:''' I want my nails buffed and polished, and that's just the beginning. (tosses a paddle at him) Now paddle, [[IronicEcho double time!]]
-->(Wenlock mockingly imitates her)
-->'''Miranda:''' I said, ''double time!''
-->(Wenlock flinches and begins paddling furiously)
* "Hope Has Wings."