Possibly one reason {{Bridezilla}}s rise from the nuptial ocean is that [[SocietyIsToBlame most cultures (and the wedding industry) encourage huge, gorgeous, flawless weddings,]] and the expectation is that this will mostly be organized by the bride (traditionally, the groom's only job is to arrive on time and sober). Given that organizing a wedding is actually a complicated and expensive process akin to stage managing a theatrical production in which there's only one rehearsal, most of the crew only show up on opening night, you don't get any do-overs, and the stage manager is also the lead actress who has to stay onstage and act like she's having a good time, it's no wonder a lot of brides snap.

Not only does the bride have to make sure everything goes smoothly, she ''also'' has to deal with the demands of any overbearing relatives. While many people today are more relaxed about weddings, some families/cultures hold wedding traditions in very high regard and they ''must'' be followed otherwise complete family warfare will break out. So to continue the metaphor described above, the bride is a stage manager of a theatrical production where the audience is bearing down on her with every emotionally manipulative weapon possible so her show meets ''their'' standards.

Many of these women care more about ''getting'' married than ''being'' married. That is, they place more value on this one day of being the center of attention rather than the actual relationship the wedding is celebrating. This is why so many brides are willing to put themselves and their partners in debt (and money is one of the biggest sources of marital strife), strain relationships with their friends and family, become total dictators to the hired help, and potentially strain the marriage itself just to feel like a princess for a day. Going back to the stage analogy, the bride becomes the worst PrimaDonnaDirector you can imagine and her magnum opus ''will'' be produced come hell or high water. If you read through any online collection of bridezilla stories, it isn't surprising that many of the couples end up divorcing within a year or two, once they realize their relationship was never marriage material in the first place.
