Season 1, Episode 2. Preceded by AATAFOVS/AThreeHourTour, followed by AATAFOVS/FortyTowels.

The VB's show up at a New York university in the early 1990's, wearing grass skirts. Cleo has a coconut shell bra which presents some difficulties. Solo spends most of the eppy in a dorm room with a red-headed fellow named Guy, getting baked. The president of the student gov becomes obsessed with Sue.

While trying to repair the Story Gate generator, Nerdly is startled by the sudden appearance of a message from ERU which pops into existence and promptly catches fire. Due to his concentration on trying to decipher the message, and his being startled, he drops the SG generator. Megan quickly places it in her "secrets" box.
Commercial break. In the middle of a batch of sponsor commercials, there is a short segment featuring a dog sock-puppet which tries to sell us stock in a company that will ship discounted 50-lb bags of dog food anywhere, for free.
Avatar comes up with Main/ASimplePlan to distract Megan by having Noel and Ben get in a fight over a girl. During the commotion, Nerdly will recover the Story Gate Generator. The plan is executed over Nerdly's objections.

While Megan is ignoring the fight (during which Avatar picks up a black eye, somehow), Cleo borrows a sweater from Felicity. Nobody's blue jeans will fit her, so she tugs it down to serve as a dress, which it is just long enough to do. Most of the time.

Sue enters with a harried look, pushing Solo ahead of her. While Megan is drooling over Solo, Nerdly shields his eyes and grabs the SG generator from the box. He tosses it to Avatar, who covers the IR emitter with a piece of Scotch tape and presses "On". The SGG begins to make its trademark thrum-thrum-thrum sound. The VB's queue up and jump through. Felicity, Ben, Noel, Megan, and Guy say "Hey!"

Roll credits.
