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Context YMMV / WitchHunter

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1* ArcFatigue: A lot of readers have gotten sick of what can be considered the "Tasha's Past" arc due to the impatience of wanting to see the current cast and plot again. It doesn't help that the StoryArc has been going on since chapter 134, and that there have been [[ScheduleSlip long stretches of time between updates.]]
2* HarsherInHindsight
3** Tasha's [[MoneyFetish obsession with money]] and [[ComedicSociopathy his assholery over it is hilarious.]] Especially since for all he earns it seems he's stuck in PerpetualPoverty due to spending it all. Then we learn that [[spoiler:everything he earns is sent to his mother because his entire family will be killed if they can't pay off a massive and undeserved debt]], and [[CerebusRetcon suddenly it stops being funny.]]
4** Tasha's [[DodgeTheBullet bullet-dodging training]], [[SuperReflexes while serving a practical purpose]], is presented in a rather humorous flashback. Then his past reveals [[spoiler:that he nearly died ''twice'' in close succession due to getting shot,]] and Edea's training becomes a lot more poignant.
5** Xing's whimsical and easygoing nature is quite entertaining early on. [[spoiler:Then we learn his (Yue's) past reputation is used as an excuse to manipulate events to send [[TwinSwitch the real Xing]] over the DespairEventHorizon,]] and ''no one'' finds it funny.
6* HoYay: [[HoYay/WitchHunter Has its own page]].
7* MemeticMutation: In Vol. 10, Tarras, Xing, Tasha and Cooga take on the roles of the Reaction Guys (AKA, the Gaijin Yonkoma), who are reacting to JMC [[UnsettlingGenderReveal dropping a Bridget]] on them. (And, by extension, the audience.)
8* MindGameShip: Tasha and East, ever since the series began.
9* {{Moe}}: Aria is deliberately supposed to be this before she became a witch. ''After''... it's your choice whether she's still this or just creepy.
10* {{Narm}}: The Witch's hats are rather silly-looking, especially early on.
11* TheWoobie:
12** Xing [[spoiler: that is, Yue]] in later volumes, as his [[{{Backstory}} past]] starts catching up to him.
