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Context YMMV / TheWhiteboard

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1* BadassAdorable: Jinx qualifies for this, even without the mallet and taser.
2* GermansLoveDavidHasselhoff: The strip is popular enough to to have fan translations for other languages, also appearing in a Russian paintball magazine, ''пейнтбол''.
3* JustHereForGodzilla: Some read the webcomic purely for its paintball matches.
4* NightmareFuel:
5** The appearance of The Grim Reaper, [[NightmareRetardant until he's ecstatic about Doc fixing his marker]]
6** Some of the zombie scenes can get this way.
7* {{Squick}}: Some of the gags, like Doc [[ItMakesSenseInContext eating a scrub brush doused in barbecue sauce]]
