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Context YMMV / TheMiniavengers

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1* AudienceAlienatingPremise: Some like the show for its peculiar sense of humor and amusingly questionable aesops (which often take the form of [[{{Anvilicious}} very heavy-handed]] and [[{{Glurge}} not entirely right]] exhortations to BeYourself), but others dislike it for the same reasons, arguing that the show targets children after all and thus it should approach those matters more seriously and give them a more realistic message.
2* FridgeBrilliance: At fisrt glance, some of the powers these kids get, well, [[WhatKindOfLamePowerIsHeartAnyway suck]], but remember: these kids are ''not'' superheroes, they're just kids who [[AWizardDidIt somehow]] get super powers, so within the context of the show, these powers are actually [[HeartIsAnAwesomePower pretty useful for these kids]].
3* FridgeHorror: In the opening sequence, a little mouse grows several hundred times bigger than the earth. This is the only time we see the destructive effects of such an absurd growth. He could be crushing millions of people '''to death''' under his massive feet.
4* MemeticMutation: Clips of the {{Growing Muscles Sequence}}s are all over Website/YouTube, for [[ThisIsYourPremiseOnDrugs one reason]] or [[{{Squick}} a]] [[NoYay whole]] [[{{Fetish}} other]]...
5* NightmareFuel: Jean-Louis and his family have big black eyes with white pupils which can be ''really'' unsettling.
6* TheWoobie: One of the best examples in the series is Marion. She cries [[ProneToTears at the drop of a hat]], talks in a very sad manner, and has huge teary eyes.
