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Context YMMV / OutboundFlight

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1* ItWasHisSled: It is a well-known fact between Thrawn fans that he has a brother named Thrass that only appears in the ''Outbound Flight'' duology and [[spoiler:is also dead, hence why he only appears there.]]
2* TheyWastedAPerfectlyGoodCharacter: One has to wonder if Anakin and Obiwan only appear in Outbound Flight out of some mandate, as they contribute relatively little to the plot, besides fanservice and reminding us of the story placement. They also get conveniently pulled out of the plot in the last third, due to having to adhere to canon.
3* TheWoobie: Lorana Jinzler. Aside from Obi-Wan she's the single most unambiguously "good" character in the story. Despite this she had everyone in the story she cares about killed, come to hate her, [[spoiler:or turn evil]], finally [[HeroicSacrifice giving her life to save those]] who'd never know about it and continue to vilify her and her Jedi Order.
