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Context YMMV / LatawnyaTheNaughtyHorseLearnsToSayNoToDrugs

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1* {{Anvilicious}}: Is it ever. Apart from the obvious DrugsAreBad aesop, the book repeatedly beats the reader over the head with the moral that you shouldn't do things just because other people are doing them. The flashback to the OD'd horse probably seals the deal.
2* BileFascination: This book still has got a small cult following, and as a result it goes sold out pretty often on Amazon.
3* {{Narm}}: Try not to laugh while the horses are crying over the death of their OD'd companion.
4* SoBadItsGood: The art is rather lackluster, the story is almost nonexistent and the characters have barely any characterization, but it's still unintentionally hilarious for these reasons.
5%%* WhatDoYouMeanItsForKids: Because kids of the reading level this book is written at needed to see an OD'd horse lying dead.
