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Context YMMV / LadyMyLifeAsABitch

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1* AngstWhatAngst: Lady, when she's trying to be accepted by her family.
2* NightmareFuel: It turns out that [[spoiler: Terry accidentally turned his mother, father, wife and child into dogs. His mother ended up [[DrivenToSuicide running in the path of a car]], his father was thought to be a mad dog and was taken away to be euthanised, whilst Terry's wife and daughter ran off]].
3* ParanoiaFuel: See that dog that passed you in the street earlier? How about your own pet dog? ''They could have once been human''.
4* SpiritualSuccessor: Annoy a MagicalHomelessPerson and get turned into a dog. It's basically a book sequel to ''Series/OneHundredDeedsForEddieMcdowd''.
