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Context YMMV / HardyBoysNancyDrewMysteries

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1* HarsherInHindsight: The episode "Arson & Old Lace"...where an arsonist torches a tall skyscraper, not only trapping Joe and a small child in an office room, but also trapping Frank and Nancy in the penthouse, with an unworking elevator and the access stair to the roof welded shut. After helping panicked office workers find the stairs through heavy smoke and flames, Joe shields a child from an explosion with his own body (the explosion blows out a window and a good part of the outer wall), then convinces the child to jump with him out of the window — as the fire has cut off all escape routes. Post-9/11 and the WTC tragedy, this episode is now hard to watch: people on the upper floors of the WTC were not only trapped by the raging fires below them, but couldn't use the access stairs to the roof, as it'd been sealed shut. Many of those jumped to their deaths in an effort to escape the fire. The episode had only been meant as a cheesy ripoff to The Towering Inferno, but still...
2* NightmareFuel: ''House on Possessed Hill" has Joe Hardy walking into a room of a cursed house...with a [[CreepyDoll creepy-as-hell toy doll nodding its head in time to tinkly music box chimes]]. ARRRGGGGHHH.
