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Context YMMV / Gunslinger

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1* LesYay: Implied after the mayor's wife kisses Rose's cheek.
2* MoralEventHorizon: Cane doesn't actually cross this until he shoots the mayor's wife. He was aiming for the mayor, but shows absolutely no guilt or remorse over his mistake.
3* SpecialEffectsFailure: A few incidents in the movie, and they're done multiple times:
4** The first is when Erica enters Cane's room and the door opens ''outward'', leading to the first of many running gags:
5--->'''Crow:''' Wha... Doors don't open like that! There's a number... ''he's in the hall!''
6** Another are some of the nighttime scenes where you know it's still sunny out there. One scene accidentally gives Rose an eerie glow to her, leaving Servo to let out a hum similar to ''Film/{{Cocoon}}''
7** There are several action scenes where people are clearly just walking behind the false fronts of the building, even taking cover behind them in ways that should mean they're standing inside a wall.
8** The numerous shots in the Western countryside where you can see tire tracks from cars in the grass.
