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Context YMMV / FlandersCompany

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1* DesignatedHero: There have been episodes where it becomes hard to root for them, even when not taking the whole thing seriously. The episode with Cindy, Gladys and Damien [[spoiler:slaughtering [[Franchise/SuperMarioBros Mario and Luigi]]]] can lead to a major unfunny case.
2* GrowingTheBeard: Initially, the series was mostly gag-of-the-week type, but later evolved to get actual story arcs and a larger reccurring cast.
3* HilariousInHindsight: [[ In the convention special of 2008,]] a candidate stated that he was [[Franchise/StarWars Palpatine's]] illegitimate son. [[Film/TheRiseOfSkywalker 11 years later]], Palpatine having a descendance was made canon.
4* HoYay
5** Hippolyte and Caleb, though they are more like HeterosexualLifePartners.
6** This trope is actually Invoked by Seiya as the main reason he was sick of being a hero.
7* MagnificentBastard
8** Armand Trueman, which he gladly exploits to make up for his lack of superpower.
9** Carla Burnelle in season 2.
10** [[spoiler:Alternate George Trueman]] tries to be this. YMMV if he succeeded or not.
11* SugarWiki/MomentOfAwesome: Any fight involving Carla or Aegis. [[spoiler:Especially when it's both of them!]]
12* MoralEventHorizon
13** You can still sympathize with Liam's motivations until [[spoiler:he decides that will rather [[OmnicidalManiac destroy Earth]] than accept the current system of cooperation between heroes and villains.]]
14** It's revealed [[spoiler:Alternate George Trueman]] crossed it when [[spoiler:he had nanites implanted in his brother's and daughter's brains so he can turn them into killers without either their consent or their knowledge]].
15* VillainDecay
16** The C.C went from a relatively competent group who could overthrow Trueman and take over the Flander's Company for a short amount of time to a bunch of [[TheDitz Ditz]] with lame powers and poor sense of fashion that are rendered obsolete when compared to [[KnightOfCerebus Aegis]].
17** Carla wasn't hit as hard but still gets her part: in season 2, she was a {{Magnificent B|astard}}itch and a powerful PsychoElectro who was the first character onscreen to handle Damien and could handle ''all protagonists together'' of her own. In season 3, she is GenreBlind to the point of not realizing [[spoiler:Armand would betray her once Aegis would have been dealt with]], and her brief attempt to come back in season 4 is easily twarted by Über-Caleb. After that, she goes through a HeelFaceTurn and becomes a protagonist, which is probably the best.
