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Context YMMV / Blowup

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1* AwardSnub: It received two UsefulNotes/AcademyAward nominations for Best Director and Original Screenplay, but it wasn't nominated for Best Picture.
2* SugarWiki/HeartwarmingMoments: At the end, when Thomas returns the imaginary ball to the mimes playing imaginary tennis.
3* RetroactiveRecognition: In the scene where Music/TheYardbirds play at a local club, you can spot Creator/MichaelPalin between the crowd.
4* OnceOriginalNowCommon: The many parodies of, and homages to, this film make it seem little more than a camp classic to first-time viewers--a far cry from the X-rated sensation it was seen as at the time of its release in the 1960s.
5* SpiritualSuccessor: Antonioni's next film ''Film/ZabriskiePoint'' dealt with America's counter-culture, featuring PopStarComposer Music/PinkFloyd, ambiguous GainaxEnding, and a much darker tone.
6* ValuesDissonance: In 1966, the sex was scandalous, and the hero's attitude toward women completely unremarkable. Today, the two are reversed.
