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Context YMMV / BlankCheck

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1!! For [[Film/BlankCheck the film]]:
2* BestKnownForTheFanservice: For many young people growing up with this film [[MsFanservice Shay Stanley]] as played by Creator/KarenDuffy was their first crush.
3* JerksAreWorseThanVillains: Preston's father, Fred, comes off as the most hated character in the movie, even more than the villains. [[ParentalFavoritism He lets his two older sons dominate Preston's room for their own business (despite being incompetent at computers)]] and berates Preston for not doing the same despite being clearly too young to do so. He also [[SkewedPriorities grounds Preston for ruining his bike]] rather than [[NoSympathy being worried that he was almost hit by a car]]. Even when Fred speaks to "Mr. Machintosh" about how he dislikes that he's taking his son's time away from him, his out-of-nowhere [[PapaWolf concern for Preston]] feels lazy and insincere.
4* MemeticMutation: "[[ Damien and Ralph sleep butt to face.]] Butt to face. Butt to face. [[OverlyLongGag Butt to face.]] [[BrokenRecord Butt to face. Butt to face.]]"
5* NeverLiveItDown: Shay Stanley romancing and kissing an underage kid.
6* NoYay: For some reason, you're supposed to be okay with a woman who's in her early 30s going on a date with a pre-pubescent boy and then kissing him on the mouth.
7* TheScrappy: Preston's father Fred is no doubt the most hated character in the movie, even more than what the [[HateSink writing intended]]. In addition to the [[AdultsAreUseless usual uselessness]] in most 90's kids films, he lets his two older sons bully Preston and use his room for their own business (despite being incompetent at computers), berates Preston for not doing the same, or finding a job, despite being clearly too young to do so, starts the plot by being so money tight that even giving him twenty bucks for a theme park is too much to ask, expressed [[SkewedPriorities more concern about how Preston's bike was ruined]] rather than [[NoSympathy concern that he was almost hit by a car]], and is overall is just so unlikable that Preston comes ''just'' shy of being actually sympathetic in the process.
8* {{Squick}}: An attractive, 32-year-old, female FBI agent is openly attracted to the prepubescent protagonist, and kisses him on the lips -- in front of other cops, no less. After promising to come look him up again when he's eighteen.
9* UncertainAudience: The premise's setup involving finances and banking practices is rather difficult for kids to understand, while the typical 90's kiddie-flick trappings means adult viewers aren't likely to have much fun with it.
10* UnintentionalPeriodPiece: The ProductPlacement of Macintosh computers (big, tabletop computers) and The Sharper Image during the major shopping montage in the middle of the film (which as a physical retail chain closed down in 2015, continuing to exist only online) among other things places the film very early in TheNineties.
11* ValuesDissonance: Considering how much more sensitive the general public has become to the sexualization of children, a scene of a twelve year old kissing a 32-year old woman would not fly today.
12!! For the GameShow:
13* SuspiciouslySimilarSong: The theme, composed by Creator/AlanThicke, was a blatant SuspiciouslySimilarSong version of Quincy Jones' "Chump Change" (which was used on the pilot).
