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1* [[spoiler:AdHominem]]: A deep insight into the character of your opponent.
2* [[spoiler:AmericansHateTingle]]: Something's cool in its home country, but unfortunately not somewhere else, where people refuse to give it a chance.
3* [[spoiler:AnimalisticAbomination]]: An animal looks really cool.
4** [[spoiler:HumanoidAbomination]]: A person looks really cool.
5** [[spoiler:EldritchAbomination]]: It just looks really cool.
6* [[spoiler:AssPull]]: A way for writers to explain complex plots without too much exposition.
7* [[spoiler:AssimilationPlot]]: Fail-proof plot to unite all peoples and ensure that they are never lonely or in conflict with each other again.
8* [[spoiler:AudienceAlienatingPremise]]: Proof that original, non-HighConcept ideas still manage to get produced.
9* [[spoiler:AuthorTract]]: Authors share their personal beliefs with the viewers.
10* [[spoiler:BadassDecay]]: Originally named after one of the most beloved characters in one of the most beloved shows of the Sci-fi genre. Involves an interesting and memorable change in a character. If it happens to a hero, it's often the result of some riveting or moving character development; if it happens to a villain, it makes life a little easier for the heroes.
11* [[spoiler:BatheHerAndBringHerToMe]]: Promotes proper personal hygiene when one is a guest of an [[EvilOverlord important figure]].
12* [[spoiler:BigLippedAlligatorMoment]]: Something that is highly unpredictable but doesn't completely shunt the plotline off course.
13* [[spoiler:BileFascination]]: Ensures that less popular works still get the attention they deserve.
14* The late [[spoiler:Complain About Shows You Don't Like]]: Once one of the few pages on Website/TVTropes that let you [[BlatantLies freely express your opinions on fictional works]].
15* [[spoiler:CompleteMonster]]: A very effective villain.
16* [[spoiler:CoversAlwaysLie]]: A way to make the work interesting even before someone buys it.
17* [[spoiler:CurbStompBattle]]: A hero's victory is assured.
18* [[spoiler:[[DarthWiki/ThisExists Darth Wiki]]]]: A DarkerAndEdgier TV Tropes on a dark, badass background color.
19* [[spoiler:DeathIsASlapOnTheWrist]]: A game's way of telling you that it's okay to suck at video games.
20* [[spoiler:DeathWorld]]: A land with many exotic animals and environments that you can [[TooDumbToLive interact with]]. So exhilarating, if you come there you'll never leave!
21* [[spoiler:DesignatedVillain[=/=]DesignatedHero]]: Characters who force viewers to question the morality of the "heroes" and "villains."
22* [[spoiler:DarthWiki/DethroningMomentOfSuck]]: Writers discuss single, game-changing moments in works.
23* [[spoiler:DiedDuringProduction]]:
24** Long-term writer's block.
25** A great way to [[DeadArtistsAreBetter easily boost the popularity of your work]] and [[NeverSpeakIllOfTheDead get rid of all criticism]].
26* [[spoiler:DieForOurShip]]: The audience feels a character has done something far worse than anything a CompleteMonster could ever do.
27* [[spoiler:DoubleStandardRapeFemaleOnMale[=/=][[DoubleStandardRapeFemaleOnFemale Female on Female]]]]: They didn't get raped.
28* [[spoiler:DracoInLeatherPants]]: Villain whose wrongful acts are rooted [[FreudianExcuse in a traumatic past]].
29* [[spoiler:DudeNotFunny]]: A reaction one may have to a joke.
30* [[spoiler:EasyModeMockery]]: A game that encourages player improvement and trying challenges they wouldn't normally attempt.
31* [[spoiler:EverybodyHatesMathematics]]: Simplicity is good.
32* [[spoiler:ExecutiveMeddling]]: Fixing results of incompetence.
33* [[spoiler:FakeDifficulty]]: The increasing of a game's challenge in unexpected and unconventional ways.
34* [[spoiler:{{Filler}}]]: Writers never run out of ideas.
35* [[spoiler:FixFic]]: Removing the DarthWiki/DethroningMomentOfSuck from your favorite work.
36* [[spoiler:FlameWar]]: What often happens when two sides of a contentious issue sit down to discuss the issue.
37* [[spoiler:ForTheEvulz]]: Motivation deeper than money or power.
38* [[spoiler:ForcedLevelGrinding]]: Video game mechanic sure to prolong the player's enjoyment.
39* [[spoiler:FranchiseKiller]]: The ultimate close of a beloved series.
40* [[spoiler:GodwinsLaw]]: [[Series/HogansHeroes I'm no Nazi!]]
41* [[spoiler:GoodGirlsAvoidAbortion]]: The quickest and easiest way to answer one of the biggest PlotHoles in a genre of works without getting too political or controversial.
42* [[spoiler:InternetJerk]]: Witness the power of the internet in broadening the scope of conversations that would never happen in real life.
43* [[spoiler:ItSucks]]: Succinct and to-the-point criticism.
44** [[spoiler:ItsEasySoItSucks]]: The belief that we all should seek out more challenge in video games.
45*** [[spoiler: ItsHardSoItSucks]]: Not ''too'' much, though. Don't frustrate your players.
46** [[spoiler:ItsShortSoItSucks]]: The belief that video games need to be more epic.
47** [[spoiler:ItsPopularNowItSucks]]: A warning that something has become or is about to become a CashCowFranchise.
48** [[spoiler:TheyChangedItNowItSucks]]: Undeniable proof that change is bad.
49*** [[spoiler:ItsTheSameNowItSucks]]: You fail originality forever.
50** [[spoiler:TheyCopiedItNowItSucks]]: Some great incentive to try out your own ideas.
51* [[spoiler:{{Jerkass}}]]: This character might struggle in social contexts.
52** [[spoiler:JerkWithAHeartOfJerk]]: People misunderstood that there was a different side to them, but it turns out they were always showing their true color!
53* [[spoiler:JumpingTheShark]]: When a series attempts something daring to keep it fresh and with the times.
54* [[spoiler:LastMinuteHookup]]: The author resolves the romantic loose ends of a story rather than leave things up in the air.
55* [[spoiler:LogicalFallacies]]: All the tools you need to win any internet argument.
56* [[spoiler:MarySue / MartyStu]]: The sweetest and[[strike:/or]] most Badass character to grace fiction. Completely unstoppable, everyone falls head over heels for him or her, and overall the go-to guy or girl for any -- and we mean ''any'' -- problem you have.
57** [[spoiler:AntiSue]]: A deeply flawed character always manages to get what they want in-spite of their flaws and people still love them a lot despite having flaws most people would judge them for.
58** [[spoiler:VillainSue]]: An extremely powerful villain who serves as quite the challenge for the heroes.
59* [[spoiler:MisterSeahorse]]: A popular romantic FanFiction premise, in which two StarCrossedLovers defy societal norms and push themselves [[SerialEscalation to ever greater heights]] to fully consummate their love and form a true family.
60* [[spoiler:MoralEventHorizon]]: A character-[[BeyondRedemption defining]] moment.
61* [[spoiler:{{Narm}}]]: Finding comedy in the most serious moments.
62* [[spoiler:NauseaFuel]]: Repeated viewings of this could help you lose weight.
63* [[spoiler:NightmareFuel]]: Unique imagery that you'll probably remember even in your deepest sleep.
64* [[spoiler:NintendoHard]]: A video game that's challenging and keeps you coming back for more.
65* [[spoiler:NoGuyWantsToBeChased]]: A good reason as to why women never ask out men.
66* [[spoiler:OnlyTheCreatorDoesItRight]]: Fans give great respect to the original creators of a work.
67* [[spoiler:ParanoiaFuel]]: A reminder to be more alert.
68* [[spoiler:PerverseSexualLust]]: Admiration of a fictional character.
69** [[spoiler:RuleThirtyFour]]: The ultimate way of showing passion for a [[PerverseSexualLust beloved fictional character]].
70*** Alternately, a much-persecuted alternative lifestyle.
71*** [[spoiler:RuleThirtyFourCreatorReactions]]: The creator for your loved work shows their feelings on your creation. You should feel proud!
72* [[spoiler:PoliceAreUseless]]: Learning the hard way that you will sometimes have to do things yourself.
73* [[spoiler:PressXToDie]]: A fancy way to exit the game.
74* [[spoiler:PressXToNotDie]]: A video game mechanic that will keep you on your toes.
75* [[spoiler:PsychoLesbian]]: An eccentric but fun loving girlfriend who will never leave you for someone else.
76* [[spoiler:RageQuit]]: A dramatic acceptance of one's defeat.
77* [[spoiler:RubberBandAI]]: Computer adjusts itself to suit your skill level.
78* [[spoiler:TheScrappy]]: A character with tons of development potential.
79** [[spoiler:AlasPoorScrappy]]: A moment where everyone regrets hating on a character.
80** [[spoiler:DamselScrappy]]: A DamselInDistress that doesn't need to be saved.
81** [[spoiler:EthnicScrappy]]: A character that teaches people why racial stereotypes are bad.
82** [[spoiler:ReplacementScrappy]]: A character that proves not everyone can be replaced.
83** [[spoiler:RescusedFromTheScrappyHeap]]: What happens when a character finally gets the development they needed.
84** [[spoiler:ScrappyMechanic]]: A video game mechanic with tons of development potential.
85** [[spoiler:ScrappyWeapon]]: A video game weapon with tons of development potential.
86** [[spoiler:TakeThatScrappy]]: A moment where a character gets what they deserve.
87** [[spoiler:TemporaryScrappy]]: A character that could have done potential damage, but was dealt with before anything bad could happen.
88* [[spoiler:ShootTheShaggyDog]]: An undeniably tragic ending.
89* [[spoiler:SmugSnake]]: A confident villain.
90* [[spoiler:DarthWiki/SoBadItsHorrible]]: A work with room for improvement.
91* [[spoiler:SoOkayItsAverage]]: A work that has managed to provide some enjoyment and not be an absolute catastrophe.
92* [[spoiler:StrawmanHasAPoint]]: The losing side of a debate isn't completely wrong.
93* [[spoiler:StupidSexyFlanders]]: PerverseSexualLust with a unique twist.
94* [[spoiler:TakeThat]]: Individuals provide their negative opinions on others through subtle [[PotHole links]] and phrases.
95** Or: People don't waste time on writing lenghty {{Author Filibuster}}s.
96* [[spoiler:TearJerker]]: Makes you feel more connected to the story/characters. Stops stories from falling into SweetnessAversion.
97* [[spoiler:UncertainAudience]]: An attempt at MultipleDemographicAppeal.
98* [[spoiler:UnintentionalUncannyValley]]: When animation reaches photorealism.
99* [[spoiler: UnfortunateImplications]]: A work has more to say about controversial subjects than the author could have imagined.
100* [[spoiler:UnpleasableFanbase]]: Your fans are always hungry for more!
101* [[spoiler:WellIntentionedExtremist]]: Someone who sees a problem and is determined to solve it [[UtopiaJustifiesTheMeans as best they can]], come hell or high water.
102* [[spoiler:WhatTheHellHero]]: The nobly-intended, audacious acts of the hero are denounced by his cowardly, incapable and self-righteous "friends".
103* [[spoiler:WordOfDante]]: Trustworthy pieces of canon information from a reliable source.
104* [[spoiler:WouldntHitAGirl]]: A tradition that reduces domestic violence.
