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Context Webcomic / DamselsDontWearGlasses

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2 [[caption-width-right:350:some undeads and redheads]]
4''[[ Damsels Don’t Wear Glasses]]'' is an action/urban fantasy series about a [[ActionGirl tough]], [[DeadpanSnarker dry-humored]] woman named Lave Faraday, who also happens to live in a city populated by mythical creatures and magic. After taking down a horde of zombies (slightly unusual for a Monday), Lave is tasked with looking after a 12-year-old boy named Jake for reasons no one will tell her.
7!!General Tropes:
8* BadassAndChildDuo: Lave and Jake.
9* MundaneFantastic: Magic is something you have to pay to use and necromancy is more a scandal in the news than a big supernatural event.
10* NeverTrustATitle: Lave ''does'' wear glasses.
11* UrbanFantasy: There are haunted clothes driving taxis and snake people working admin jobs.
14[[folder:Chapter One]]
15* ActionGirl: Lave deals with zombies by running them through with her sword, throwing them off a wall, and simply bashing them together.
16* BlindWithoutEm: Our heroine is near-sighted. Not that it will stop her from fighting with a bunch of blurry figures.
17* BlackMagic: In chapter one, Kest attempts to use black magic (necromancy, specifically), which backfires on him considerably.
18* CurseCutShort:
19-->'''Kest:''' This is basically all your fault, you crazy bit—
20* DeadpanSnarker: Lave certainly has no trouble mocking her subjects even as she’s apprehending them.
21* DemonicPossession: [[spoiler: Kest ends up falling victim to this at the end of chapter 1.]]
22* DramaticHighPerching: Lave often perches atop trees, walls, posts, or a telephone pole.
23* DroppedGlasses: As early as the first chapter. It's hard to fight with glasses without them getting knocked off of your face once in a while.
24* EstablishingCharacterMoment: Lave makes her debut saving a goat from being sacrificed, and casually greeting the guy she’s stopping, while [[PetTheDog petting the goat]].
25* EverythingsDeaderWithZombies: Just one of the paranormal beings present here.
26* ExtremeOmniGoat: The sacrificial goat escapes by eating its leash.
27* FieryRedHead: Lave: red-haired, combative daredevil.
28* HermeticMagic: Kest's spell requires a magic circle, candles, an orb, a spellbook, a skull, a knife, a goat, and enough time that his audience gets bored.
29* InHarmsWay: Lave enjoys danger. Kest does not.
30-->'''Lave:''' Pretty exciting night we're having, huh?\
31'''Kest:''' Exciting? EXCITING?
32* InstantRunes: Appearing on the bodies of the undead.
33* ItTastesLikeFeet:
34-->'''Kest:''' This tastes like carbonated nail polish.
35* [[PetTheDog Pet The Goat]]: Lave is abrasive to humans, but not to the goat.
36* PowerCrystal: Kest's magical orb apparently stores some sort of magical energy.
37* PowerGlows: Necromancy glows green.
38* RemovingTheHeadOrDestroyingTheBrain: Unfortunately for Kest, in chapter 1 [[spoiler: this is subverted, and the undead spirit possessing what was previously thought to be your run-of-the-mill zombie keeps on going [[ without a physical head]]. Even Lave is shocked by this.]]
39* RiseFromYourGrave: Zombies erupt from the cemetery in the classic manner.
40* ScrewThisImOuttaHere: The rest of the cultists book it when things go wrong.
41* SicklyGreenGlow: Indicating black magic is at work here.
42* ZombieInfectee: [[spoiler: Kest]] develops a suspicious green filigree after being bitten.
45[[folder:Chapter Two]]
46* ArsonMurderAndLifesaving: Despite saving a life in chapter one, Lave is put on probation in the second chapter.
47* BoringbutPractical: Laves apartment.
48* FishOutOfWater: It's pretty clear Jake is not used to the none humans walking around.
49* IntellectualAnimal: Lave's roommate is a giant blue bat intelligent enough to read books.
50* SocialServicesDoesNotExist: They apparently do. Which is why Lave is confused about Jake being given to her.
51* ObstructiveBureaucrat: Gena is this for Lave, though Gena would [[BeleagueredBureaucrat probably not agree.]]
52* ManBitesMan: Jake bites Lave after she grabs him and her finger gets a little too close to his mouth.
53* PromotiontoParent: And Lave's not happy about it.
54* SinisterSubway: The 'shortcut* Lave takes Jake down later.
57[[folder:Chapter Three]]
58* SecretShop: Where most of the chapter takes place.
59* FloatingMask: The Clerk.
62[[folder:Chapter Four]]
63* BazaaroftheBizarre: The market area Lave takes Jake to is full of non-human creatures.
66[[folder:Chapter Five]]
