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Context WMG / TheAdventuresOfDuaneAndBrando

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1[[WMG: Brand0 is secretly Nicholas Cage]]
2Dissatisfied with his acting career, Nicholas Cage wanted to be awesome again. So, he dyed his hair black and starting making music/song about Videogames, working alongside Duane Zuwala. On the set of Film/DriveAngry though, while re-establishing himself as an awesome actor, he accidently resembled Brand0 far too much.
4[[WMG: Brand0's Pokemon rap counts as HilariousInHindsight.]]
5Duane called a Website/YouTube user (I'm not naming names) "a troll". You know what Brandon did? Troll everyone who asked him for a Pokemon rap even though Duane and Brando already covered Pokemon.
7[[WMG: Someone will make a video game of Music/TheAdventuresOfDuaneAndBrando.]]
8Each of the levels will be based on a song that they covered, and the final boss will be [[Music/BrentalFloss Brental]][[VideoGame/FinalFantasyVII roth]].
10[[WMG: The AlternateCharacterInterpretation of each of the characters in the songs they covered represent the SevenHeavenlyVirtues.]]
11* VideoGame/FinalFantasyI - Charity
12* VideoGame/BadDudes - Chastity (They save the president without expecting much in return)
13* VideoGame/ZeldaIITheAdventureOfLink - Diligence ("I'll keep on fighting until everything's all right")
14* Millipede - Humility ("I may be cocky, shit, yeah, I'll admit it")
15* [[VideoGame/EarthBound1994 Ness]] - Kindness
16* VideoGame/CastlevaniaIISimonsQuest - Patience ("This isn't fair, Simon, I haven't moved a bit")
17* [[Franchise/SonicTheHedgehog Miles "Tails" Prower]] - Temperence (He doesn't hurt Sonic no matter how much abuse he gets)
