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Context WMG / GrandUnifyingGuessesTorchwood

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1[[WMG: Torchwood 4 is missing because they are...]]
2* In [[Franchise/{{Digimon}} the digital world]].
3* Dead in [[VideoGame/{{The World Ends With You}} the Underground]].
4** Alternately, they are [[Film/{{Labyrinth}} down in the Underground.]] They'll find someone true. Down in the Underground, a land serene, a crystal moon. Yeah. Hah.
5* Stuck traveling with a [[Series/{{Sliders}} timing device]].
6* Pulled back in time to help the [[{{Series/BabylonFive}} Minbari]]. Duh.
7* Lost in a [[Anime/NeonGenesisEvangelion Sea of Dirac]].
8* Trapped inside [[Franchise/{{Halo}} a Shield World's dyson sphere]].
9* Just a code named for a [[Series/{{Supernatural}} subculture of Americans who hunt dangerous paranormal creatures]].
10* Lost in [[Literature/{{Neverwhere}} London Below]].
11* Lost walking the [[Creator/PeterFHamilton Silfen Paths]].
12* On [[Series/{{Lost}} the Island]].
13* A failed branch of the [[VideoGame/ChzoMythos Special Talent Project]]
14* Were inside of [[Series/BuffyTheVampireSlayer Sunnydale High]] in '99.
15* [[Literature/HarryPotter Hogwarts]].
16* Contained by the Website/SCPFoundation after getting entangled in a particularly convoluted TemporalParadox.
17* In Northern Ireland. And nobody cares about them.
18** ''Were'' in Northern Ireland. They ended up pulled through something like a rift and will eventually reappear. And Jack will be there, waiting for them.
19* In [[Literature/{{TheChroniclesOfNarnia}} Narnia]].
20* Trapped on the [[Film/{{Tron}} Game Grid]].
21* In the middle of the desert in [[Series/{{Warehouse13}} South Dakota]].
22* [[Film/TheWizardOfOz Somewhere, over the Rainbow]].
23* Crossed through the gap in the Wall, wandering the [[Literature/{{Stardust}} Realm of Faerie]].
24* Swallowed by a [[Series/DoctorWho Crack in Time]].
25* In Usefulnotes/{{Canada}}, no one's just ever bothered to check.
26* Hidden in [[Series/OnceUponATime a small town in Maine]].
27** Or in [[Series/{{Haven}} another small town in Maine.]]
28* In [[Series/{{Grimm}} Portland, Oregon]], staffed by a homicide detective and a reformed werewolf.
29* Located in a secret facility in Fairfield, Connecticut under the alias "[[{{ComicBook/BPRD}} Bureau for Paranormal Research and Defense]]."
30* Playing [[{{Webcomic/Homestuck}} a game of Sburb]]
31* In America under the name [[Series/{{Fringe}} Fringe Division]].
