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Context VideoGame / Warhammer40000EternalCrusade

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3''Warhammer 40,000: Eternal Crusade'' was a massively multiplayer online third-person shooter set in the ''TabletopGame/{{Warhammer 40000}}'' universe developed by Creator/BehaviourInteractive, released in 2017. Players took on the role of Orks, Space Marines, Chaos Space Marines, or Eldar in a section of the galaxy not previously explored in detail by Games Workshop and fought over planets using a third-person combat system based on that of ''VideoGame/Warhammer40000SpaceMarine''.
5''Eternal Crusade'' was [[DefunctOnlineVideoGames shut down]] [[ on September 10, 2021]].
9!!This game provides examples of the following:
11* ActionGirl: Jain Zar, the leader of the Eldar faction. The Eldar are also unique in that they are the only faction that gets to chose their gender.
12* AllOrNothingReloads: Played straight not just with the reloads, but with the {{Finishing Move}}s too. A player getting Finished can be rescued if their assailant is taken down, and it doesn't matter how much of the animation played out or how many rounds were pumped into their body; if the animation didn't play out in full, the player getting Finished is still alive.
13* AwesomeButImpractical: The [[FinishingMove executions]], seemingly intentionally so. The executor can't move and doesn't really get much benefit from it (100 bonus XP), and the penalty for the victim is negligible beyond a hurt pride.
14* BoringButPractical: If you want to make a move on the enemy's control point, you'll need a Tactical Marine/Traitor Marine/Dire Avenger/Ork Boy with you; every other class has awesome abilities like healing or power weapons, but they can't carry Capture Keys, and the baseline troops have a useful selection of guns in their own right. You'll also probably want a Rhino/Wave Serpent/Trukk; these transports may not have actual tank guns to smash apart your enemy, but they can be used as forward deployment zones to help keep up your team's momentum, and they can still [[CarFu run over]] any foe unlucky enough to be caught crossing the street at a bad time.
15* BugWar: [[HordeOfAlienLocusts Tyranids]] are slated to show up if players would rather fight player-versus-NPC instead.
16* CarFu: Running over your enemy is almost always a OneHitKill.
17* ContinuityNod: During the intro monologues of the website, the Space Marine is heard saying "We go where we wilt. We slay who we wilt. Let the Emperor judge the righteousness of our deeds". This is an actual quote from the 5th Edition of Codex: Space Marines.
18* CombatMedic: All the factions have a class that can function as a medic. Loyalist Space Marines get Apothecaries and Orks get Painboyz, both of which get a stock of items to heal and buff their team. Eldar get Warlocks and Chaos Space Marines get Aspiring Sorcerers, both of which cast their abilities from a limited but automatically recharging bar.
19* ControllableHelplessness: When you lose you last HitPoint you are "downed" ''VideoGame/GearsOfWar'' style. Friendly players can help them up, enemy players can coup de grace instead, and the wounded player can choose to bleed out faster and get right back to the respawn cycle.
20* CosmeticallyDifferentSides: {{Averted}}: Each side has its own unique strengths and weaknesses. For example:
21** The Space Marine and Ork Healers (Apothecaries/Pain Boyz) use a special piece of equipment to heal their allies (Narthecium/Dok's Juice), while the Eldar and Chaos Healers (Warlock/Sorcerer) use their psychic powers to heal their allies.
22** The Eldar are much more agile than most of the other factions, but are unable to take as much damage.
23*** Furthermore, unlike the other factions, they have ''two'' separate classes for heavy weapons: Dark Reapers, which use anit-infantry heavy weapons, and fire dragons, which use anti-armor armaments. For reference, all of the other factions in-game only have one class that can equip heavy weapons, but can choose which one they want as needed.
24* DisintegratorRay: The Lascannon is capable of completely disintegrating a player into atoms.
25* {{Freemium}}: Without paying anything you have access to the entire game with three major caveats: Firstly you only earn 1/3 of the experience you would have done at the end of a match (although the other 2/3 is "banked" and you receive every last bit from every match you have played once you do pay). Secondly you cant access any of the factions jump infantry (Assault Marines, Raptors, Storm Boyz and Swooping Hawks). Thirdly you cant pick what match you specifically want to play in, you are only able to queue for a random match.
26* FinishingMove: Players can choose to do this to wounded enemy players. Although they will leave themselves up to attacks from other enemy players.
27* FragileSpeedster: The Eldar move much faster then any of the other factions, and their dodge is an acrobatic flip rather then a combat roll that doesn't have any kind of recovery time at the end of it. However Eldar units have much lower health and Armour compared to the other factions to compensate.
28* HeroUnit: Each faction will have multiple Elite and Hero units that can be played on the battlefield. Elite units are split into two kinds: Those bought with the games premium currency which have unique weapons and abilities that cant be changed whatsoever, and those which are basically upgraded versions of the games base units you earn by playing in matches. You can only bring one in total with you to any given battle (and if its not the one you need you cant switch it mid-fight) and they can only be deployed a limited number of times per battle. Once they are killed you are stuck with the base classes for the rest of the match.
29* HordeOfAlienLocusts: The Tyranids will appear as an [=NPC=] faction hostile to everyone. They will attack in greater numbers on a faction with the most territory.
30* InTheHood: Several characters wear these: Veteran Dark Angels, the Fallen Captain and the Outcast Ranger.
31* MeleeATrois: The four races will all be fighting each other, and alliance choices will be very limited. Tyranids will also show up to harass the four playable factions.
32* MightyGlacier: Space Marine Storm Shields. Immune to small arms and resistant to special weapons from the front so long as your shield is up, plus it's great at blocking melee attacks, but you can't sprint while employing it for defense and it replaces all your ranged weapons (save grenades, should you choose to carry them).
33** Its possible to build a Chaos Space Marine with gifts from Nurgle. Just the their tabletop counterparts they are very, ''very'' tough to kill, but they also cant sprint as fast as a non-Nurgleite Marine, nor can they use the dodge ability as often.
34* MoreDakka: As usual with ''Warhammer 40,000''.
35* MythologyGag: [[ This video's opening]] is clearly based on the opening cinematic from ''VideoGame/Warhammer40000SpaceMarine''.
36** In the [[ Starmap of the Arkohna system]], the planet, Simaghr, is likely an anagram of Sigmar (minus the h) from ''TabletopGame/WarhammerFantasyBattle'' (this is either intentional or a coincidence).
37* PendulumWar: The world map in the early access build tended to swing back and forth between Space Marines and Chaos, the only two factions present at the time. [[WhatDoYouMeanItsNotSymbolic Interestingly]], the forces of Chaos would typically win ground [[DarkIsEvil during the night of each day]] (United States time) [[CueTheSun only to lose it the next morning]].
38* PinnedDown: If a Heavy Boltor (friend or foe!) so much as glances in your direction it hits you with a "suppressed" debuff, making it virtually impossible to shoot at anything.
39* PoisonedWeapons: The Apothecary's narthecium can inject a slow acting poison to enemy players. More hits speeds the poison damage up.
40* SkillScoresAndPerks: The Advancements system works this way: As you play the game, you earn Advancement Points that can be used to purchase new perks and equipment. If you spend enough points on a certain class-branch, once you reach Rank 5, you can purchase the Elite Version of that class e.g. getting all of the relevant perks for decreasing the cost of using weapons for the Grey Hunter (tactical marine of the Space Wolves Chapter) unlocks the Wolf Guard Grey Hunter.
41* SpiritualSuccessor: To ''Dark Millennium Online'' (which has yet to be confirmed if it's simply in DevelopmentHell or scrapped for good). Gameplay wise, it's an expanded, multi-faction version of ''VideoGame/Warhammer40000SpaceMarine''.
42* TheLeader: Each faction has a faction leader for the games narrative
43** '''Abaddon the Despoiler''' for Chaos
44** '''Jain Zar''' for Eldar
45** '''Skarblitz''' for Orks
46** '''Belial''' for the Space Marines
47* TheSmurfettePrinciple: Jain Zar is the only female faction leader as of launch. According to the developers, they chose Jain Zar due to her being the Phoenix Lord who most often leads the Eldar to war.
