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Context Tropers / Toothbrush64

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1Hi, TV Tropes! I'm Toothbrush 64 and it's a pleasure to be a part of your community. I enjoy watching and drawing cartoons, playing video games, and (more recently) browsing [[TVTropesWillRuinYourLife TV Tropes]]. I haven't really contributed much to the site yet, but I hope I can help enhance this wiki one day. Hey, we all need a goal, don't we?
3Here's a list of some stuff I'm a big fan of. I love WesternAnimation, especially from TheNineties and [[TurnOfTheMillennium the 00's]]. Who knows, maybe I'll even introduce you to something that you'll like.
5* {{Animaniacs}}
6** Also TinyToonAdventures
7*** And DuckDodgers for that matter
8*** How could I forget the original LooneyTunes?
9* [[DextersLaboratory Dexter's Laboratory]]
10** ThePowerpuffGirls and SamuraiJack as well
11* CourageTheCowardlyDog
12* TheGrimAdventuresOfBillyAndMandy
13* [[RockosModernLife Rocko's Modern Life]]
14* TheAngryBeavers
15* RenAndStimpy
16* FamilyGuy
17* AquaTeenHungerForce
18* VentureBrothers
19* HarveyBirdmanAttorneyAtLaw
20* RobotChicken
21* MoralOrel [-See a pattern?-]
22* ThatGuyWithTheGlasses
23** To be specific, I'm most fond of Doug Walker, {{Linkara}}, [[TheCinemaSnob Brad Jones]], and Phelous
24* [[YuGiOhTheAbridgedSeries Yu-Gi-Oh the Abridged Series]]
26Long live TV Tropes!
