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Context Tropers / SpectrumFizz

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1This Troper has been on TVTropes for well over a year now, having joined the site in the middle of the night while halfway through a WikiWalk (16/04/10 is the exact date). They are commonly referred to by their handle, but common nicknames include [[DeviantArt Rain, Mist]], [[{{Tumblr}} Spectrum, Fizzy and Fuzzy]]. They will write more about themself in the [[ThirdPersonPerson Third Person]] just as soon as they can bookmark all the tropes that apply to them, as well as the tropes and series that they are most fond of, and then compile them into a [[NeatFreak legible]], [[SuperOCD nicely laid-out]] list. [[{{Understatement}} This may take a little while]], but [[RidiculousProcrastinator I'll get it done eventually...]]
3!!Tropes Which Apply to Me
5* DeviantArt: Probably my second most frequently visited website, where I go by the same name.
6* FlatWhat: Often used online, occasionally in real life, when someone tells me something that just DoesNotCompute.
7* GrammarNazi: If there is anyone correcting the smallest grammatical/formatting mistake in an article, or rearranging a sentence entirely to make it more reader-friendly, ''it will be me''. I'm also a little bit on the crazy side when it comes to punctuation.
8* RidiculousProcrastinator: Homework. Good god homework. And don't get me started on the workload for [=GCSEs=]...
9* SweetTooth: I like my tea with milk and two or three sugars. Also, desert after ''breakfast'', on occasion.
10* TranquilFury: I am very good at tolerating others but that doesn't mean I'm not annoyed by them.
11* TroperDemographics: 18/Agender/GrammarNazi, {{Homestuck}} Fan, {{Vocaloid}} Geek, WorldOfWarcraft Player
12* {{Tumblr}}: Favourite website at this moment in time. Don't think I could go two days without it.
13* VitriolicBestBuds: My friend [[OneSteveLimit Laura]] and I have a Type 2 dynamic going on at school. We annoy each other, we hurl insults at each other, we hit each other around the head, we send each other links to disturbing things and generally treat each other like doormats, but we really do care about each other. Sure, we tease each other like hell, but we've had our [[AwLookTheyReallyDoLoveEachOther mom]][[HeartwarmingMoments ents]].
14* WikiWalk: One particular example of this is where I started late on a Thursday evening, casually looking through the trope page for {{UST}} (having just linked someone to that page). Fast forward ''seventeen and a half hours'' spread over two and a half days and I finish up opening my last link, to the PrecisionFStrike page - this is at 8AM on Saturday morning, after only two hours of sleep the night before.
16!!Trope Pages I've Created
18* GrandFantasia: I have being playing this game for months now and I still only have a level twenty-something mage. I fail really badly at this kind of thing, but I love playing it anyway because the soundtrack is gorgeous, as are the graphics, and the gameplay is absolutely addictive. I was kind of sad that there wasn't a trope page for it yet, so I decided to set one up using some information I had pulled up from the website.
20!!Trope Pages I've Contributed To
22At this point, the list is so long I don't think I'll bother adding any more to it.
24* AllBlue.BrokenRecord
25* BossSubtitles
26* BritishAccents
27* CuteShotaroBoy
28* DarthWiki.TVTropesRuinedYourLife
29* DeviantDead
30* EarWorm
31* EstrogenBrigadeBait
32* GoodWithNumbers
33* GetAStupidAnswer
34* GratuitousEnglish
35* HaikuWiki
36* {{Homestuck}}
37* IdiosyncraticShipNaming
38* InherentlyFunnyWords
39* IReadThatAs
40* {{Madagascar}}
41* MassivelyMultiplayerOnlineRolePlayingGame
42* MemeticMutation
43* {{Merlin}}
44* NamesToRunAwayFromReallyFast
45* NorthEastEngland
46* OnlyKnownByTheirNickname
47* PandoraHearts
48* PortmanteauCoupleName
49* SayMyName
50* ScreamsLikeALittleGirl
51* {{Sherlock}}
52* TheContributors
53* TroperTales.AllJustADream
54** TroperTales.MouthfulOfPi
55* TheWorldEndsWithYou
56** Haiku.TheWorldEndsWithYou
57* {{Vocaloid}}
