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Context Tropers / Mooncinder

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1Hello, {{Tropers/Mooncinder}} here. I'm a somewhat scatter-brained troper from England who likes superhero films, stealthy video games and cats. As far as TroperTypes go, I would be considered a Trope Editor because I'm a 'grammar nazi' and spelling mistakes upset me.
3!!Tropes that could be used to describe Mooncinder:
4* AdultChild
5* AttentionDeficitOohShiny
6* BewareTheNiceOnes
7* [[BigBrotherInstinct Big Sister Instinct]]
8* BlindWithoutEm
9* CloudCuckooLander
10* CuddleBug
11* DeadpanSnarker: Not always but I have my moments.
12* {{Fangirl}}: The non-scary kind.
13* GamerChick
14* HazelEyes
15* TheKlutz
16* OlderThanTheyLook
17* ProudToBeAGeek
18* TheQuietOne: At least until I get talking about a subject I really like.
19* StrangeGirl
