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Context Tropers / LittleMissSophie

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2[[caption-width-right:149: Oh Hai Thar.]]
4Hello, and Welcome! This trooper has spent the better part of... forever [not very long], stalking this lovely site, and after seeing that she could ''make'' an account, she jumped at the chance! Hobbies include writing/reading Fanfiction, reading in general, playing games on newgrounds, or basically anything 'nerdy'.
5!!This troper provides examples of:
6* ApologisesALot
7* AsianAndNerdy: OH YES.
8* BewareTheNiceOnes: This trooper's motto for life. "All Nice Girls are Secret Bitches, and all Bitches are Scared Little Girls. <3"
9* BigEater
10* RavenHairIvorySkin: Has black hair, but has stupidly pale skin.
11* [[ShinyMidnightBlack Black Hair]]
12* BlindWithoutEm: -3.5 vision, anyone?
13* BookWorm
14* BrownEyes
15* CatholicSchoolGirlsRule: This trooper ''is'' a catholic school girl. Although her uniform hilariously subverts the trope.
16* ChinesePeople
17* GenkiGirl: Zig Zagged, if that makes sense.
18* GoshDarnItToHeck: Due to being a ''good'' catholic schoolgirl, this trooper refrains to swear, ''a lot''. Hilariously averted once out of school, or really angry.
19* IAmNotPretty: Like every other teenage girl, this trooper believes so.
20* IWantMyBelovedToBeHappy
21* JadeColoredGlasses
22* LimitedWardrobe: Due to attending a catholic school
23* LittleMissSnarker
24* LoveHurts: '''Strongly''' believes so.
25* MostFanficWritersAreGirls: Yes. this trooper writes fanfiction. But she's the type to do AscendedExtra fics, which is basically making her own series, but with plot elements from the borrowed franchise. Sorry ladies, no smutt here!
26* MotorMouth: When angry.
27* NerdGlasses: Oh yes.
28* NoIndoorVoice: As told by nearly ''everyone'' they know.
29* NotAMorningPerson: Urgh.
30* NotSoStoic: Most people assume that this trooper is the regular quiet asian girl. Yeah, they're ''completely'' wrong.
31* ObliviousToLove: ''Painfully'' so.
32* ShesGotLegs: Despite her protests that she ''doesn't'', most of her friends say that she does.
33* UndyingLoyalty: To anyone who's seriously helped her/are close friends with.
34* WideEyedIdealist: Can be this, yes. Funny, considering how Jaded this troper's 'glasses' are.
35** Apparently looks like one without her glasses. She doesn't see it.
36* WiseBeyondTheirYears: often helps people ''ten years older than them'' with love advice. Is the person to ''give'' love advice in their group of friends.
37* WritersBlock: A frequent victim of this.
38* WritingByTheSeatOfYourPants: Does this often. Several plot points and characters were created by this.
39* WritersCannotDoMath: Can't even do ''basic'' mental math!
40* [[WhyDidItHaveToBeSnakes Why Did It Have To Be Ghosts?]]: Completely terrified at the ''mention'' of them.
42!!This troper enjoys stalking the pages of:
43* AdventureTime
44* AvatarTheLastAirBender
45* BlackBird
46* BlackButler
47* [[CHuggaaconroy Chuggaaconroy]]
48* CodeGeass
49* CorpseBride
50* DeathNote
51* DesuDesBrigade
52* [[DigiMon Digimon]]
53** DigimonAdventure
54** DigimonAdventure02
55** DigimonTamers
56** DigimonFrontier
57** DigimonSavers
58** DigimonXrosWars
59* FinalFantasyVI
60* [[Anime.FullMetalAlchemist Full Metal Alchemist]]
61* [[Manga.FullMetalAlchemist Full Metal Alchemist: Brotherhood]]
62* HarryPotter
63* TheHeroesOfOlympus
64* HungerGames
65* KaichouWaMaidSama
66* TheKaneChronicles
67* TheLegendOfKorra
68* TheLegendOfZelda
69** TheLegendOfZeldaOcarinaOfTime
70** TheLegendOfZeldaPhantomHourglass
71** TheLegendOfZeldaSpiritTracks
72** TheLegendOfZeldaTwilightPrincess
73** [[TheLegendOfZeldaTheWindWaker The Legend of Zelda: The Wind Waker]]
74* MyLittlePonyFriendshipIsMagic
75* NarutoTheAbridgedSeries
76* TheNightmareBeforeChristmas
77* [[OkamI Okami]]
78* [[OkamiDen Okamiden]]
79* OuranHighSchoolHostClub
80* PercyJacksonAndTheOlympians
81* PokemonSpecial
82* PotterPuppetPals
83* PrincessTutu
84* SoulEater
85* SpiritedAway
86* SuperPaperMario
87* TheWorldEndsWithYou
88* [[VOcaloid Vocaloid]]
