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Context Tropers / KillerRabbit

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1Killer Rabbit is a 21 year old British University Student. He enjoys nattering about Literature and anime, and probably spends more time on this wiki than is good for him. He is a very [[WikiWalk unfocused]] and scattershot editor, and has never launched any pages. Hangs about on the forums quite a bit.\
3When he chose the handle, he was genuinely unaware it was already a [[KillerRabbit trope]].
5!! Things Killer Rabbit is liable to pimp
6* AlanMoore
7* BlackBooks
8* {{Discworld}}
9* EfATaleOfMemories
10* The French Lieutenants Woman
11* HaibaneRenmei
12* {{Hellsing}}
13* HigurashiNoNakuKoroNi
14* IronMaiden
15* Kazuo Ishiguro
16* KinoNoTabi
17* KurtVonnegut
18* NeilGaiman
19* TheMightyBoosh
20* MontyPython
21* Phillip Larkin
22* SerialExperimentsLain
23* {{Spaced}}
24* {{Toradora}}
25* TSEliot
26* {{Tsukihime}}
28!!Tropes others have applied to Killer Rabbit
29* NonIndicativeName - {{Tropers/Noaqiyeum}}
31!! Permitted vandalism section
