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Context Tropers / IthilionTheBrave

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1Hi! My name's *** *** , but you can just call me Ithi! Or Ithilion. Or Brave. I've been wandering TVtropes aimlessly for a long time now. I've finally become [[PlanescapeTorment * known* ]] on the forums and site and have started posting. You can also find me on Steam (although these days I usually forget to sign on).
3As for other details regarding myself, I'm a 24 year old English Major living somewhere in the Southern United States. Still don't have my degree due to some weirdness with my college's requirements (why, exactly, does an English degree require several foreign language courses?). Currently working as an overnight cashier at a big retail store. It drives me insane and the only reason I'm still there is because I like the people I work with. If you were to ever encounter me, I'd be the guy who either looks really tired and grumpy or way too happy.
5I'm also prone to insomnia, which is actually the reason why I'm editing this page in the first place.
7Beyond these details, I'm not notable for much other than being of sometimes questionable sanity and, reportedly, rather [[WarHammer40k orky]] at times.
9[[folder:Tropes I enjoy]]
10* {{Blood Knight}}
11* {{Cloudcuckoolander}}
12* {{Evil Laugh}}
13* {{Cosmic Horror}}
14* {{Eldritch Abomination}}
15* {{Everythings Cuter With Kittens}}
16* {{Meganekko}}... What?
17* {{Emotionless Girl}}, although I'm honestly not entirely sure why.
18* Other things I have likely forgotten and will add at a later date.
21[[folder:Tropes that may apply to me]]
22* {{Shrinking Violet}}. Used to, at least. These days I can be quite friendly with random strangers, although I'm still terrible at making eye contact with anyone but friends and family.
23* {{The Quiet One}}.
24* {{Evil Laugh}}. I have spent much time practicing it. Both of the villainous and unhinged varieties.
25** Speaking as someone who has heard his {{Evil Laugh}}, he definitely needs this trope listed. ~TheInferno
26* {{Nightmare Fetishist}}. Borderline. Mostly my fascination with Lovecraftian entities, more psychological focused horror, and the like.
27* {{Cuteness Proximity}}, but only with cats.
28* {{Large Ham}}
29* {{Ridiculous Procrastinator}}, which really causes problems with the [[LetsPlay Let's Play]] thing. I can't for the life of me build up a good backlog unless I have a very good reason for doing so, such as getting wisdom teeth pulled. In fact, it's gotten so bad I've basically quit said Let's Play thing.
32[[folder:Favorite Anime and Manga]]
33* {{JoJos Bizarre Adventure}}
34* {{Durarara}}
35* {{Spice and Wolf}}
36* {{Baccano}}
37* {{Darker Than Black}}
38* {{Cowboy Bebop}}
39* {{Bakuman}}
40* {{Mushishi}}
41* There's liable to be more that I've forgotten and will add later.
44[[folder:Favorite Voice Actors]]
45* [[LiamOBrien Liam O'Brien]] This man's voice produces strange sensations. I think I'm in love with it.
46* {{Crispin Freeman}}
47* {{Johnny Yong Bosch}} fun guy to hang out with, as I found out the one time I went to a convention. He ended up hanging out with the group I was with until 5 in the morning.
48* {{Mary Elizabeth McGlynn}}
49* {{Michelle Ruff}}
50* {{Vic Mignogna}}
51* {{Troy Baker}}
52* {{Simon Templeman}} This man's voice also produces strange sensations.
55[[folder:Video Games I Enjoy (in no particular order)]]
56* {{Dragon Age}}
57* [[PlanescapeTorment Planescape: Torment]]
58* [[BaldursGate Baldur's Gate trilogy]]
59* {{Shadow Hearts}}
60* {{Fatal Frame}} series
61* [[DemonsSouls Demon's Souls]]
62* DarkSouls
63* {{Vagrant Story}}
64* {{Alien Swarm}}
65* {{Monkey Island}} series
66* {{Valkyria Chronicles}}
67* {{Thief}} series
68* {{System Shock 2}}
69* {{Iji}}
70* {{Dead Space}}
71* {{Devil May Cry}} series
72* [[KingsField King's Field]]
73* {{BlazBlue}} even though I suck at fighting games.
74* {{Shin Megami Tensei}} in general. {{Persona 3}}, {{Persona 4}}, {{Strange Journey}}, and Nocturne in particular.
75* {{Mass Effect}} series
76* {{Golden Sun}} series
77* {{The Legend of Zelda}} series
78* {{Legacy of Kain}} series
79* Likely more to come as I remember them
82!!Feel free to vandalize somewhere around here.
83* How have I not vandalized you yet? =P -{{Tropers/TheInferno}}
