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Context Tropers / Guardyanangel

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3This troper is a female currently residing in the Philippines. She is an avid fan of {{Lord of the Rings}}, {{Teen Titans}}, {{Justice League Unlimited}}, {{Chronicles of Narnia}}, {{Legion of Superheroes}} and a great many more things beside. She can also be found on [[]]. She is a combination of [[LumperVsSplitter lumper and splitter]], with bias towards lumper-ism. Also a proud member of {{PLATTER}} and {{CUPS}}. Dish- and drink- ware forever!
5Any rumors that this troper is part of a certain [[SecretOrganizationCravingIntelligentEnigmaticTropersYonder secret organization]] are [[BlatantLies completely false,]] and fellow tropers should not believe that [[SuspiciouslySpecificDenial this troper is deeply devoted to the cause of said organization.]] [[PinocchioNose Her nose isn't getting longer, either.]]
7!!This troper shows or has shown examples of the following tropes:
9* {{Apologises A Lot}}
10* {{Berserk Button}}
11* {{Born In The Wrong Century}}
12* {{Cluster F Bomb}}: Most often when this troper realizes just how much work she has to catch up on. Yes, indeed {{TV Tropes Will Ruin Your Life}}
13* {{Fangirl}}: And how.
14* {{Gratuitous Foreign Language}}: Mainly [[GratuitousSpanish Spanish]], but also [[LordoftheRings Sindarin]] and little bits of other random languages.
15* {{Hidden Depths}}
16* IHaveManyNames
17* {{Not A Morning Person}}
18* {{Precision F Strike}}
19* {{Tsundere}}: Type B.
20* {{Wide-Eyed Idealist}}
21* {{Write Who You Know}}: In her original fiction. In her fanfics she likes to play around.
22* YaoiFangirl: But only for certain pairings.
24!!This troper's LIFE shows or has shown examples of the following trope:
25* {{Amazingly Embarrassing Parents}}
26* {{All Deaths Final}}
27* {{Always Someone Better}}
28* {{Annoying Younger Sibling}}
29* {{Because I Said So}}
30* {{Birth Death Juxtaposition}}
31* {{Death Is A Sad Thing}}
32* {{Never Got To Say Goodbye}}
33* {{TV Tropes Will Ruin Your Life}}
34* WikiWalk
36!!Pages created by this troper:
37* {{Born Of Hope}}
38* {{Identical}}
39* [[{{Laconic/NuSpeling}} Laconic page]] for NuSpeling
40* [[Quotes/IJustWantToBeSpecial Quote Page]] for IJustWantToBeSpecial
41* [[Roleplay/HouseOfCardsRP House of Cards page]]
43!!Vandalism may begin below
44* Oh, may it? May it really? Thanks for "de-facing" my page. Oh, and as a footnote, I'm a Texan who was ''born'' in the Philippines. How's that for coincidence? ~Tropers/{{BlackWolfe}}
