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1[[Tropers/{{Griffin}} Griffin]] is a 18-year old female who enjoys reading and writing. She loves TVTropes due to its assorted humor, and its lack of blandness. (Wikipedia, I'm looking at you.) She also has a tendency to switch her POV occasionally when typing.
3She is very insulted by the OwlBeDamned page. Owls are not creepy! They are adorable! If they scare you, you are being ignorant as to how important they are to our ecology! Griffin also loves collecting owl-related figures, and currently has a drawerful of them. Someday, she'll get a whole house that she can ''fill'' with owl-related memorablia.
5Griffin also tends to not get creeped out by NightmareFuel. Most of it [[YourMileageMayVary makes her laugh]], for some reason. However, anything that ''does'' creep her out will probably be very traumatizing to her for a long, long time.
7She is on [[]] and [[ DeviantART]].
9JustForFun: My Personal Tropes
11[[folder: Evelon]]
12* AllOfTheOtherReindeer: Nikey just wants to make friends...too bad everyone fears him for being a Kirund.
13* AmazinglyEmbarrassingParents: Tweety sometimes thinks Sophur and Dinner are these
14* AnIcePerson: Grapeshot, and his "daughter" Danger as well.
15* [[BigBrotherInstinct Big Sister Instinct]]: Tayne towards Nikey.
16* CameBackWrong: [[spoiler:Lorisa]] was reincarnated as a Marrow Corbine, and lost all her memories of her beloved. She actually tried to kill him before he managed to [[CooldownHug remind her of him]].
17* {{Cloudcuckoolander}}: Shawn, a little bit, and Ajor is a creepy form of this.
18* CriticalPsychoanalysisFailure: Toxshae and his "family" can induce this, and [[spoiler:Rateg]] committed suicide in his past life due to this.
19* DoorstopBaby: Tweety.
20* DysfunctionalFamily: Toxshae and co. are this and {{Nakama}} at the same time.
21* GentleGiant: Shawn is mentally a little child, so he is naturally kindhearted. Alfred is also similar.
22* GlowingEyesOfDoom: Fury Gray has glowing silver eyes.
23* HappilyAdopted: Shawn, Danger, and Tweety
24* HappilyMarried: Sophur and Dinner, Skull and Grapeshot, 220 and 284, Coco and Tono
25* IWantMyBelovedToBeHappy: [[spoiler:Crimson]], unlike some people who [[LoveMakesYouEvil have been corrupted by love,]] wants [[spoiler:Gray]] to be happy with someone who she will love back.
26* LoveMakesYouEvil: [[spoiler:Crimson, Crimson, Crimson. Dear merciful gods, Crimson.]]
27* MamaBear: Tayne is ''extremely'' protective of her "little brother."
28* NamesToRunAwayFromReallyFast: Subverted so, so hard. Danger is really nice, if a little prone to accidentally freezing things, and you'd never expect [[spoiler:Evangeline]] to be the name of a [[spoiler:sexy, tempting demoness.]]
29* ObliviousAdoption: Shawn is totally a Lucain! He just has wings and is larger-than-usual!
30* PapaWolf: Do ''not'' threaten Shawn or make him cry. Toxshae ''will'' call down all his powers onto you.
31* PromotionToParent: Tayne calls herself Nikey's older sister, but she acts more like his mother.
32* RedEyesTakeWarning: Subverted with Nikey. [[spoiler:Gain]] is a borderline case of this-he has done some evil acts, but associating with [[spoiler:Loss]] has made him more gentle.
33* ReincarnationRomance: [[spoiler:Lorisa and Arion]]
34* {{Retcon}}: Gray was originally much younger. This has been edited.
35* SickeninglySweethearts: Sophur and Dinner, complete with cutesy nicknames and ear-nibbling
36* [[SuperpoweredEvilSide Superpowered Amoral Side]]: Gray's Fury form, which is much more blase about killing enemies.
37* SymbioticPossession: [[spoiler: Loss and Gain]]
38* UndeadChild: Nikey
39* TheWoobie: Nikey, again.
42[[folder: Archtypical/Tryne PTU]]
43* AchievementsInIgnorance: Getting lost leads to Vera [[spoiler: helping to dismantle a Team Rocket genetic experimentation plot.]]
44* {{Asexual}}: Nira is asexual panromantic, while Letitia is demisexual heteroromantic.
45* TheBeastmaster: All trainers are this, of course, but Nira gains the ability to naturally command multiple Pokemon as well.
46* BiTheWay: Vera is bisexual, although she does seem to lean towards girls.
47* TheCaretaker: Aria was meant to be this for Nira, by being able to sense her fainting spells and intercept them, and the two of them still have the closest bond.
48* CastFromHP: Letitia's Guts Ability means that inflicting any status effect on her simply makes her attacks more powerful, but she still takes damage from them.
49* ChronicHeroSyndrome: Both Nira and Letitia are this to some extent. Nira is much more impulsive than Letitia though.
50* TheClan: The Palmers are a rather large family, and although some of their children marry out of it, most of the time it's their spouses who marry in, no matter what the gender of said spouse is.
51* CombatMedic: One of Nira's Messiah abilities is the ability to heal, and from a distance as well. Of course, she still runs into battle whenever it's allowed.
52* CriticalStatusBuff: Nira's Courage Ability means that she gets a bonus to both damage and defense when critically injured.
53* {{Determinator}}: Nothing except being overwhelmingly outnumbered/outpowered can force Nira to retreat.
54* DishingOutDirt: Nira, of the "rocks" variety. [[spoiler: She eventually becomes an actual Rock-type as well.]]
55* DistractedByTheSexy: Vera, when backup arrives during the Team Rocket base invasion. She quickly shakes it off, though.
56* TheDrifter: Mys, before joining Nira's team.
57* FamilyBusiness: Palmer Breeders, which Letitia's family has run for quite a while. While she does want to get recognition for her own fighting skills, she still plans on returning to work there eventually. She's not the oldest, though, so she has some leeway.
58* HealingFactor: Hope knows Aqua Ring, although he's only used it in an official match, and only because his opponent was out of reach. He much prefers just [[MakingASplash gushing his opponents to a pulp.]]
59* HidingTheHandicap: [[spoiler: Vern]] is the only human member of the party who knows about Nira's genetic illness.
60* ItsAllMyFault: Nira blames herself for [[spoiler: Anza's supposed]] death.
61* JourneyToTheCenterOfTheMind: Nira and Vern do this with each other in order to unlock the ability to command multiple Pokemon at once.
62* LetMeAtHim: Both Nira and Hope tend to do this. Mys is usually the one to hold them back.
63* MamaBear: Nira is fiercely protective of all her Pokemon, especially Jewel.
64* MissionFromGod: Nira eventually ends up being officially sent to destroy the bug god by Terrakion. It also goes along with her becoming a Messiah.
65* NoSenseOfDirection: Vera can get to places she's seen before, but let her wander and she'll definitely get lost.
66* PintsizedPowerhouse: Hope can and will take on anyone and anything that challenges him.
67* TheQuietOne: Rori, as mentioned below. Mys and Jewel also fall into this, although Jewel's is more from shyness.
68* TheRival: Hope considers Crim this.
69* SecretArt: Nira can use the Sacred Sword move, channeled through her walking stick.
70* [[SelfMadeMan Self-Made Woman]]: After the bug war ends, [[spoiler: Vera starts up her own theater/contest hall. It slowly becomes more and more successful over time.]]
71* SilentSnarker: Rori is more TheQuietOne, but she tends to snark at Hope's overenthusiasm in a rather withdrawn one, with as few words as possible.
72* SpannerInTheWorks: Vera accidentally stumbles onto [[spoiler: a secret garden full of Team Rocket's Pokemon-altering red trees. However, the scientist lady in charge manages to convince her that they're harmless.]] When she's going home later that night, [[spoiler: she is attacked by a giant Raticate and rescued by a policeman who mentions unlawful genetic experimentation on Pokemon.]] She puts two and two together, [[spoiler: and ends up helping with an attack on TR headquarters through that location.]]
73* TinyGuyHugeGirl: Hope and Jewel, after she evolves into a Garbodor.
74* ThemeNaming: All of Letitia's Pokemon are named after saints.
75* TrueCompanions: Nira and her Pokemon. Her human companions eventually become this as well.
76* VictoryThroughIntimidation: Nira manages to frighten something trying to control her mind enough that it gives up attempting a mental intrusion on her.
77* YouGottaHaveBlueHair: Letitia's is light blue.
80[[folder: Battle Castle]]
81* BigCreepyCrawlies: Mina has the horns and claws of a Pinsir. Her teeth are also a bit on the buggish side.
82** Hans, her Gourgeist, is also partly Bug-type himself.
83* BuriedAlive: [[spoiler: Masa]]'s fate after losing in the Battle Castle Halloween Tournament. [[spoiler: She's actually fine.]]
84* DaddysGirl: Masa.
85* DamageSpongeBoss: Bunker, to some extent. He has [[HealingFactor Aqua Ring]] to help with that too.
86* DeadGuyJunior: Vitr Jr. is named after Vitr, who sacrificed himself for the greater good, but seems to have let the heroism of his namesake go to his head a bit.
87* DishingOutDirt: Sandskimmer is a Ground-type Suicune.
88* DivineParentage: Masa.
89* DuelToTheDeath: What the Battle Castle's Halloween Tournament turns out to be. [[spoiler: It's actually false.]]
90* ExtraOreDinary: Bunker is a partially Steel-type Wailmer.
91* FragileSpeedster: Vitr Jr. He's much better at doling out status effects than trying to actually hurt anything.
92* GiantSpider: Tarantula is a half-spider Meloetta.
93* HalfHumanHybrid: Masa and Mina.
94* HasTwoMommies: Mina. Masa has two moms [[{{Polyamory}} and one dad.]]
95* HealingFactor: Masa and Bunker, her Wailmer, both know Aqua Ring. Vitr Jr. knows Morning Sun.
96* HeroicLineage: All of Nira's descendants, in all the universes they've come from.
97* HorseOfADifferentColor: All of Cassius' Pokemon can or do serve as his mounts.
98* InterClassRomance: Masa's parents are all from different social classes ''and'' cultures. They make it work anyways.
99* InterspeciesRomance: Between Masa and Mina's parents.
100* KnowWhenToFoldEm: [[spoiler: Tarantula surrenders in the King's Ruins simulation after it becomes clear she can't beat the last titan.]]
101* LifeDrain: Tarantula knows the move Drain Punch.
102* MagicHair: Much like her mother's, Masa's hovers and flows, resembling ocean waves.
103* MakingASplash: Masa's main powers.
104* OutrunTheFireball: Vitr Jr. dodges an Explosion in the King's Ruins simulation.
105* PlayingWithFire: Masa's secondary power, although not as obvious.
106** Amaterasu is also a Fire-type Solrock.
107* {{Polyamory}}: Masa is the child of a polyamorous relationship.
108* PowerGlows: Masa has the Glow capability.
109* ThePowerOfTheSun: Amaterasu has absorbed some of it, becoming a [[PlayingWithFire Fire-type]] in the process.
110* RoyalsWhoActuallyDoSomething: Masa is determined to become one of these.
111* ShockAndAwe: Cassius' powers.
112* SpoiledSweet: Despite being royalty on her mother's side, Masa never really shows haughtiness for it.
113* WingedHumanoid: Masa has wings, although they're not large enough for her to actually fly.
114* YouGottaHaveBlueHair: Masa's is dark blue.
