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Context Trivia / TheUntouchables

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1!!1959–63 TV series:
2* CastTheRunnerUp: Creator/JackLord was considered for Elliot Ness. He did make a guest appearance in "The Jake Lingle Killing".
3* WhatCouldHaveBeen: Creator/VanJohnson, Creator/FredMacMurray, and Creator/CliffRobertson were also considered for Elliot Ness.
5!!1987 film:
6* ReferencedBy: Creator/RobertDeNiro ''publicly'' beating an underling to death with a baseball bat, in front of a shocked audience, have it's share of references.
7** ''Film/CopOnAMission'' have a mob meeting between some triads, the leader, played by Eric Tsang, beating an underling to death with a beer bottle, while chuckling all the way imitating [=DeNiro's=] demenour.
8** ''Film/SuperCop'' on the other hand uses a "durian", [[note]] A Malaysian fruit with a hard, spiky shell [[/note]]
