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Context Trivia / OutOfTheInkwell

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1* ActingForTwo: Larry Storch as Koko and most of the male characters in the 60s TV cartoons.
2* CreatorBacklash: According to ''The Fleischer Story'', Max despised the made-for-TV Koko cartoons and was horrified when he first saw them.
3* FollowTheLeader: Walt Disney's ''WesternAnimation/AliceComedies'' are essentially an inverted version of these cartoons.
4* KeepCirculatingTheTapes: The TV Koko cartoons are pretty much impossible to find. Though the same can't be said for the original silent shorts, where most of them survive in some form (either in 16mm or 35mm).
5* MissingEpisode: Several of the TV cartoons seem to be lost. Averted mostly with the original silent shorts, with only a few missing.
