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1Creator/{{NBC}} SitCom which aired from 2011 to 2013. Whitney Cummings [[TheDanza plays a character named Whitney Cummings]] (Whitney also created and helps executive produce the series, thus giving her [[Series/TwoBrokeGirls two shows that launched in 2011-12]]). Her boyfriend Alex ([[Series/{{Undateable}} Chris D'Elia]]) is her StraightMan. Their other friends are TheCutie Lily (Creator/ZoeListerJones), her sensitive/suave boyfriend Neal (''Series/ThirtyRock''[='s=] Creator/MaulikPancholy), slutty HardDrinkingPartyGirl Roxanne (Creator/RheaSeehorn), and CasanovaWannabe Mark (Dan O'Brien). Most of the characters have specific jobs, but this is the sort of show where [[OneHourWorkWeek it doesn't matter what they are]].
3!! This show provides examples of:
5* BetaCouple: Lily and Neal.
6* BreakingTheFourthWall: "''Whitney'' is taped in front of a live StudioAudience -- you heard me."
7* BrokenBird: Whitney's backstory, essentially.
8* CaughtWithYourPantsDown: Alex is caught in the act by Whitney, who later rants about it to their friends. This causes [[IncrediblyLamePun a certain amount of friction]] between the couple.
9* ChristmasEpisode
10* ClosetKey: Neal realizes he's bisexual after he breaks up with Lily and meets a cute guy at work.
11* DeadpanSnarker: Whitney is the queen of this, and Alex comes in at a close second.
12* DoesThisRemindYouOfAnything: This show has often been described as being the female version of ''Series/{{Seinfeld}}''.
13* DrowningMySorrows: Roxanne's FreudianExcuse[=/=]BackStory is that her husband cheated on her and they are now divorced.
14* EngineeredPublicConfession: Whitney wants to prove Alex uses a condescending tone when he argues with her, so she gets Mark to set up a security camera in their apartment and tries to provoke Alex into using his condescending tone.
15* {{Fingore}}: Alex tosses Whitney into bed, and she accidentally bounces off and hits the ground hard. They think she's okay...until they and the audience sees her ring finger ''bent sideways''.
16* FriendsRentControl: {{Lampshaded}} in the aforementioned episode with the camera in Whitney's apartment. As her friends watch on a monitor:
17-->'''Lily''': I'm loving this show already. So real.\
18'''Neal''': I'm not buying it. There's no way those two people could afford that apartment.
19* HardDrinkingPartyGirl[=/=]ReallyGetsAround: Put these tropes together to get Roxanne's entire personality.
20* IdleRich: Alex, sort of. He's very idle but that doesn't mean he isn't working. Also, he's got money but he's not as wealthy as Whitney initially thought.
21* ImagineTheAudienceNaked: When Alex is going to be guest speaker at a university, Whitney tells him to do this. Then, realising the audience will be filled with attractive coeds, she adds "Except the women". She tells him to imagine them looking disappointed.
22* LocalHangout: Low Bar
23* MarsAndVenusGenderContrast
24* NiceGuy: Alex.
25* OneHourWorkWeek: For a beat cop, Mark seems to have a lot of free time. Ends up buying their bar hangout at the end of the first season which helps avert this. Alex both averts this/plays this straight - he's a vague web entrepreneur so he's, in his words, 'always working' (thinking).
26* ShortRunner: Only two seasons.
27* SitComic
28* SlapSlapKiss: Mark tries to invoke this with Roxanne, because that's the kind of thing that happens in movies. It doesn't work.
29* WomenAreWiser: Inverted. Alex is, for the most part, Whitney's StraightMan.
30* ZanyScheme: Whitney often comes up with these. Alex is GenreSavvy enough to come up with {{Counter Zany}}s when they're targeted at him.
